Autumn Break Homework for class XI


1.)Find the domain and range of the following functions :



2.)(i) If Ө+Φ=α and tanӨ=k tanΦ, prove that : sinα=.

(ii)If α+β=γ and , then prove that sin(α-β)= .

3.)Prove that:

4.)(i) If , show that .

(ii)If tan A = m.tan B, prove that .

5.) Prove that:




6.)Solve the following equations :


(ii)tanx+sec x =

7.)In any triangle ABC , prove that :

8.) Prove , by mathematical induction , that 5n+1+4.6n when divided by 20 leaves remainder 9 for all n .

9.)Prove , by mathematical induction , that 8.7n+4n+2 is divisible by 24 but not 48 for all n .

10.)Find the square roots of the following complex number :


11.) Find the modulus of : .

12.) A solution of 8% boric acid is to be diluted by adding a 2% boric acid solution to it. The resulting mixture is to be more than 4% but less than 6% boric acid . If we have 640 litres of 8% solution , how many litres of 2% solution will have to be added?

13.)Solve the following system of linear inequalities graphically :

(i)x-2y<=2, -3x+2y<=3, 2x+3y<12, 2x+3y>=6.

(ii)x+y>=1, 3x+4y<12, x-2y<=2, x>=0, y>=0.

14.)Find the number of :

(i) combinations (ii) permutations

Of four letters taken from the word EXAMINATION.

15.) Find the value of k so that the term independent of x in the expansion of is 405.

16.) If the fourth term in the expansion of is , then find the value of a and n.


1 / Everyday three numricals from text book exercise.(thermodynamics,equilibrium and states of matter)
2 / All solved examples of ncert.
3 / Comman ion effect and its applications in salt analysis.
4 / Limting reagent and the numericals based on it.
5 / bond order,stability and magnetic properties of O2,N2+,O2-,Be2,F2,Ne2+
6 / Expalination of the shapes of the given species on the basis of VSEPRT XeF4,PCl5,IF7,NH3,XeF2,H2O,SF6.
7 / Acid Base concept all three concepts with their examples and limitations.


  1. Why two holes are made to empty an oil tin?
  2. Why mercury is used in barometer?
  3. A tank with square base of area 1m2 is divided by a vertical partition in the middle. The bottom of the partition has small hinged door of area 20 cm2. The tank is filled with water in one compartment and an acid of relative density 1.7 in the other, both to a height of 4.0 m. Compute the force necessary to keep the door closed. ( Ans. = 54.88N)
  4. Why two boats moving in a parallel direction close to each other get attracted?
  5. A big sized balloon of mass M is held stationary in air with the help of a small block of mass M/2 tied to it by a light string such that both float in midair. Describe the motion of the balloon and the block when the string is cut. Support your answer with the calculation.
  6. A balloon filled with Helium does not rise in air indefinitely but halts after certain height. Explain why?
  7. Describe various factors which affect the surface tension of the liquid.
  8. State Hooke’s law of elasticity. Draw graph between stress and strain for a wire and explain its various stages.
  9. A liquid drop of diameter D breaks into 27 tiny drops. Find the resulting change in surface energy. Take surface tension of the liquid as ‘S’.
  10. In Millikan’s oil drop experiment, what is the terminal velocity of a drop of radius 2x10-5m and density 1.2x103 kg/m3. Take viscosity of air at the temperature of experiment to be 1.8x10-15 Nsm-2. How much is the viscous force on the drop at that speed? Neglect the buoyancy on the drop due to viscosity. (Ans. = 3.9413x10-10 N)

Computer Science

Q1. WAP that accept two numbers n and m and print nm.

Q2. WAP that accept a number and display whether number is prime number or not.

Q3. WAP that display first 10 odd numbers.( with the help of loop).

Q4. WAP that display the following series.


Q5 WAP that print every integer between 1 and n divisible by m. also report whether the number that is divisible by m is even or odd.



1. With the help of the diagram explain coriolis force, heat zone,pressure belt and winds?

2. On the bases of maximum & minimum temperature from 15/10/12 to 25/10/12 draw a bar diagram.Also find out the range of temperature during this period?

3. Explain the structure or layers of the atmosphere. Also draw the diagram ?

4. Visit the costal area discuss about the climatic conditions and erosional / depositional features found there ?

5. What is the significance of monsoons in agricultural system ?

6. Make the following on the outline map of india:

(i) s.w.monsoon (iii) annual rainfall

(ii) n.e. monsoon (iv) climatic regions

7. What are contours ? How will you represent the relief features with the help of contours ?


Make PPT or file on any one topic

  1. Rural development
  2. Human capital formation
  3. Poverty


  1. Write about animal husbandry and holiculture
  2. What do you mean by organic forming
  3. Write benefits of organic forming
  4. Write about golden revolution.

Political Science

  1. Write down about Indian parliament, Paste the picture and full information about it’s both the houses. Composition of Lok Sabha and RajyaSabha.
  2. Write down about the names of states where there is Bi-cameral legislature. Show these states in Indian Political Map.
  3. All this work should be done in a project file.


1)Make question bank & key points of nomadic empire & three orders.

2)Make map file from all chapters.

3)Revise chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4.


  1. Describe the scope of Business process ousourcing with a pie diagramme.
  2. What are the software and hardware risk in e-business transactions.
  3. What is C2C commerce and explain with example referring from websites. And name the websites.
  4. Explain any one personal experience on online transactions.
  5. Go to any company website and find out five e-business transactions. And give the name of the website.
  6. Write two examples for each principle of insurance.
  7. Discuss VSAT services reffering the website.
  8. Describe DTH services provided by different companies naming its service.
  9. Describe the terms and conditions of health insurance.


  1. Do two practical questions on journalizing and post them into ledger accounts including one from unit test II question paper
  2. Solve the unit test question paper (II)
  3. Do two practical question one in purchases book another in sales book and post the transaction into ledger.