BIO 137

Final Exam Study Guide I

Chapters 1-3

1. Anatomy

A)is the study of function.

B)is a branch of physiology.

C)is the study of structure.

D)is the study of living organisms.

E)is the study of homeostasis.

2. Visual inspection of the appearance of the liver and gallbladder during surgery is associated with which of the following?



C)gross anatomy



3. Consider the following structural levels: chemical, organ, tissue, cell, and organ system. Which level encompasses the other four?


B)organ system




4. A tissue is

A)a structure contained within a cell.

B)a lower level of organization than a cell.

C)a group of organs that performs specific functions.

D)a group of cells with similar structure and function.

E)a structure that contains a group of organs.

5. Organize the following structural levels of the human body from simplest to most complex. 1. cell 2. tissue 3. organelle 4. organ 5. organ system

A)1, 2, 3, 4, 5

B)2, 3, 1, 4, 5

C)3, 1, 2, 5, 4

D)4, 2, 3, 1, 5

E)3, 1, 2, 4, 5

6. An organism's ability to use energy in order to swim is an example of






7. Homeostasis is defined as

A)the production of energy by cells.

B)the combination of growth, self-repair, and energy release.

C)an amplification of deviation from the normal range.

D)the maintenance of a relatively constant environment within the body.

E)conditions in the body that do not involve fluctuation.

8. In a negative feedback mechanism, the response of the effector

A)reverses the original stimulus.

B)enhances the original stimulus.

C)has no effect on the original stimulus.

D)is usually damaging to the body.

E)creates a cycle that leads away from homeostasis.

9. In the anatomical position, the

A)arms are crossed over the chest.

B)palms of the hands are on the posterior surface

C)body is erect with the head turned to the right.

D)thumbs point to the midline of the body.

E)palms of the hands are on the anterior surface.

10. Which of the following sets of directional terms are most appropriately referred to as opposites?

A)distal and proximal

B)medial and inferior

C)superior and ventral

D)anterior and deep

E)lateral and superior

11. The term "dorsal" means

A)further from the point of attachment to the body.

B)to lie with the anterior surface down.

C)toward the back of the body.

D)away from the midline.

E)toward the front of the body.

12. The anatomical term that means "away from the midline of the body" is






13. A vertical plane that separates the body into right and left portions is called a _____ plane.






14. Amputation of a foot at the ankle would involve a cut in the _____ plane.






15. A bullet enters the left lung and collapses it. Which cavity has been entered?






16. The anatomical arm refers to the part of the upper limb from

A)the shoulder to the wrist.

B)the elbow to the wrist.

C)the shoulder to the elbow.

D)the elbow to the fingers.

E)the shoulder to the fingers.

17. The wall of the abdominopelvic cavity is lined by a serous membrane called the

A)visceral pleural membrane.

B)parietal peritoneum.

C)visceral mediastinal membrane.

D)visceral peritoneum


18. The smallest particles of an element that still exhibits the chemical characteristics of that element is

A)an electron.

B)an atom.

C)a chemical bond.

D)an orbital.

E)a proton.

19. Subatomic particles located around the nucleus of an atom are






20. A neutral atom contains

A)more protons than electrons.

B)more electrons than protons.

C)the same number of electrons and protons.

D)only neutrons.

E)none of the above.

21. Electrons

A)comprise the majority of the mass of an atom.

B)are located in the nucleus of an atom.

C)have a positive charge of one.

D)are the subatomic particles most involved in bonding behavior of atoms.

E)do not participate in the bonding of atoms.

22. The mass number of an atom is the

A)number of protons in the atom.

B)number of neutrons in the atom.

C)number of protons and electrons in the atom.

D)number of electrons and neutrons in the atom.

E)number of neutrons and protons in the atom.

23. Isotopes of the same element have

A)the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons.

B)different numbers of protons and electrons.

C)the same mass number.

D)the same atomic number but differ in their mass numbers.

E)no mass number.

24. A neutral atom will become a cation if it

A)gains electrons.

B)gains protons.

C)loses electrons.

D)loses protons.

E)gains neutrons.

25. In ionic bonding,

A)only non-polar molecules are involved.

B)a "sea of electrons" forms.

C)electrons are transferred from one atom to another.

D)two hydrogen atoms share one pair of electrons.

E)the charge of the ion does not play a role in the bond.

26. Covalent bonds form when

A)atomic nuclei fuse.

B)molecules become ionized.

C)neutrons are transferred from one atom to another.

D)protons are lost from atoms.

E)electrons are shared between two atoms.

27. Molecules that form when electrons are shared unequally between atoms are called

A)salt molecules.

B)polar molecules.

C)nonpolar molecules.

D)lopsided molecules.

E)none of the above

28. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a molecule of water are held together by

A)ionic bonds.

B)peptide bonds.

C)savings bonds.

D)polar covalent bonds.

E)nonpolar bonds.

29. The molecular formula H2O means

A)one hydrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms.

B)one hydrogen atom and 1 oxygen atom.

C)2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

D)2 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms.

E)none of the above.

30. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

A)synthesis reaction - two reactants combine to form a larger product

B)decomposition reaction - large reactant broken into smaller products

C)oxidation - gain of electrons

D)dehydration reaction - water is a product of the reaction

E)hydrolysis - water is used in decomposition reaction

31.Which of the following factors will influence the rate of chemical reactions?


B)concentration of reactants

C)presence of catalysts

D)presence of enzymes

E)all of these will influence the rate of chemical reactions


A)has mass.

B)is the capacity to do work.

C)has weight.

D)takes up space.

E)cannot be stored.

33.The presence of water in our bodies allows us to

A)cool the body with sweat.

B)maintain a fairly constant body temperature.

C)provide an environment for chemical reactions.

D)keep tissues moist and reduce friction.

E)all of the above

34.Substances dissolved in the liquid portion of a solution are called






35.Which of the following is a proton donor?

A)an acid

B)a base

C)a salt


E)a neutral substance

36.The pH value

A)increases with acidity.

B)is measured on a scale from 0 to 10.

C)is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions.

D)reflects the sodium content of body fluids.

E)decreases with alkalinity.

37.A buffer will

A)enhance changes in the pH of the solutions.

B)resist drastic changes in the pH of the solutions.

C)have no effect on the pH of the solutions.

D)make a solution more acidic.

E)make a solution more basic.

38.Normal pH range for blood is 7.35 to 7.45. If blood pH falls below 7.35

A)an imbalance called alkalosis results.

B)nothing happens as this is an acceptable deviation.

C)an imbalance called acidosis results.

D)the blood becomes saltier.

E)the number of red blood cells decreases.

39.Large carbohydrates contain units called

A)phosphate groups.


C)amino acids.



40.Which of the following is a carbohydrate?




D)animal fat



A)are subunits of carbohydrates.

B)serve as buffers.

C)are an important component of cell membranes.

D)tend to be water soluble.

E)are polarized.


A)contain subunits called amino acids.

B)are water-soluble.

C)are a type of steroid.

D)are fat-soluble vitamins.

E)are found in cell membranes.


A)can insulate and help prevent heat loss.

B)yield little energy per unit of weight.

C)function as enzymes.

D)are all water soluble.

E)comprise the genetic material of cells.

44.Which of the following is mismatched?



C)cholesterol--nucleic acid



45.The building blocks of proteins are



C)amino acids.




A)are the body's source of immediate energy.

B)are the building blocks of nucleotides.

C)provide much of the structure of body cells and tissues.

D)contain the genetic information of the cell.

E)insulate and cushion the body.

47.An enzyme

A)has a two-dimensional shape.

B)is permanently changed in a chemical reaction.

C)increases the activation energy needed in a chemical reaction.

D)is a protein catalyst.

E)cannot be denatured.


A)are part of DNA molecules but not RNA molecules.

B)hold the nucleus together.

C)are the repeating units of nucleic acids.

D)are proteins that function as enzymes.

E)have nothing to do with the genetic information in the nucleus.

49.Which of the following is a component of a nucleotide?

A)adenine--a nitrogen base

B)glucose--a monosaccharide

C)cholesterol--a steroid

D)calcium ions



A)must travel to ribosomes to function.

B)contains the sugar deoxyribose.

C)is a single-stranded molecule.

D)is one of several amino acids.

E)does not resemble a twisted ladder.

51.Which of the following nitrogen bases is found in RNA but not DNA?






52.Which of the following statements best describes RNA?

A)RNA is found outside a cell.

B)RNA contains the base thymine.

C)RNA is a single-stranded molecule.

D)RNA molecules associate with histones to form chromatin.

E)RNA is a double helix.


A)is a nucleotide found in DNA.

B)stores genetic information.

C)is a sugar found in transfer RNA.

D)serves as the energy currency of the cell.

E)can store, but cannot release energy in the cell.

54.The structural and functional unit of all living organisms is the





E)plasma membrane.

55.The plasma membrane

A)separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.

B)is a rigid protein membrane.

C)is not permeable.

D)has a single layer of phospholipids.

E)regulates movement of materials into and out of the cell.

56.The fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane suggests that

A)cholesterol forms the outermost layer of the membrane.

B)proteins form a "liquid" sea in the membrane.

C)phospholipids form a single lipid layer in the center of the membrane.

D)the membrane is neither rigid nor static in structure.

E)proteins are not a part of the membrane.

57.Which of the following activities is a function of the plasma membrane?

A)digestion of unneeded cell organelles

B)recognition of bacterial cells by the immune system

C)transport of products from the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum

D)cell metabolism


58.Plasma membrane phospholipids

A)have polar (charged) tails.

B)are arranged in a single layer.

C)have tails that face the exterior of the membrane.

D)are 95% cholesterol.

E)have a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tails.

59.Cell membrane phospholipids

A)have nonpolar fatty acid tails.

B)form a bilayer.

C)have polar phosphate heads.

D)create a selectively permeable barrier.

E)all of the above

60.Membrane-bound receptors

A)are small, lipid soluble molecules.

B)have their receptor sites on the outer surface of the plasma membrane.

C)can interact with DNA in the nucleus.

D)do not exhibit specificity.

E)have no effect on the cell.

61.The plasma membrane is selectively permeable. This means

A)only gases and water can pass through it.

B)substances need permission to pass through it.

C)only certain substances can pass through it.

D)substances need carrier molecules to pass through it.

E)ATP is always needed to move molecules across the plasma membrane.

62.Which of the following statements concerning membrane transport across the plasma membrane is true?

A)Polar molecules are transported more easily than nonpolar molecules.

B)Lipid-soluble substances pass through the membrane by dissolving in the lipid bilayer.

C)Water cannot move through the membrane.

D)Generally, cations pass through the membrane more easily than anions.

E)All molecules are moved across by active transport.

63.In the process of diffusion, net movement of substances is always from a region

A)outside the cell to a region inside the cell.

B)inside the cell to a region outside the cell.

C)of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration.

D)of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

E)none of the above

64. Which of the following will increase the rate of diffusion?

A)an increase in the viscosity of the solvent

B)an increase in the temperature

C)an increase in the molecular weight of the diffusing particles

D)an increase in the distance the molecules have to travel

E)all of the above

65.The movement of oxygen from the alveoli of the lungs into the bloodstream is an example of



C)active transport.

D)bulk transport.

E)facilitated diffusion.

66.Osmosis is the diffusion of _____ across a selectively permeable membrane.






67.If 0.9% saline solution is isotonic to a cell, then a 0.5% saline solution

A)is hypertonic to the cell.

B)will cause crenation of the cell.

C)is hypotonic to the cell.

D)will shrink the cell.

E)will not affect the cell.

68.The movement of a solution across a plasma membrane because of a pressure gradient is called



C)facilitated diffusion.

D)active transport.


69.A particular membrane transport process exhibits saturation, uses carrier molecules, but does not require ATP. The process is probably

A)active transport.

B)facilitated diffusion.




70.Active transport

A)follows osmotic pressure gradients.

B)can move substances along their concentration gradient.

C)does not requires metabolic energy (ATP).

D)involves vesicle formation.

E)requires ATP.


A)is a form of exocytosis.

B)involves ingestion of liquids rather than particles.

C)does not require ATP.

D)forms vesicles only when large amounts of material are being transported.

E)does not require the formation of vesicles.

72. Endocytosis

A)is movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane.

B)is a process that requires a carrier molecule but does not use cellular energy.

C)is the bulk uptake of material through the plasma membrane by vesicle formation.

D)moves material out of the cell.

E)ends cell functions.

73.Cytoplasm is found

A)in the nucleus.

B)outside the nucleus but inside the plasma membrane.

C)in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum.

D)on the cristae of the mitochondria.

E)between the phospholipids in the plasma membrane.

74.The cytoskeleton consists of

A)lipochromes, microfilaments, and microtubules.

B)actin filaments, mitochondria, and intermediate filaments.

C)microfilaments, mitochondria, and lipochromes.

D)microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments.

E)ribosomes, the nucleus, and the Golgi apparatus.

75.Of the organelles listed, which one does not contain microtubules?





E)basal bodies

76.Which of the following organelles function in the destruction of nonfunctional organelles?

A)endoplasmic reticulum


C)basal bodies



77.Ribosomes are organelles responsible for

A)protein synthesis.

B)manufacturing lipids.

C)cell movement and cell shape.

D)packaging "cell products" for export.

E)energy production.

78.The organelle that protects cells from the damaging effects of medications and toxins is the



C)secretory vesicle.

D)smooth endoplasmic reticulum.


79.The function of the Golgi apparatus is

A)packaging and distribution of proteins and lipids.

B)production of microtubules.

C)excretion of excess salt.

D)DNA replication.

E)energy production.

80.Endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes attached to it is called

A)smooth ER.

B)dendritic ER.

C)nodular ER.

D)bumpy ER.

E)rough ER.

81.The intracellular digestive system of a cell is the




D)rough endoplasmic reticulum.

E)smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

82.Which of the following terms does not relate to the mitochondria?



C)outer and inner membranes


E)vitamin A storage

83.Which of the following cell organelles is correctly matched with its function?

A)nucleolus - contains the genetic material of the cell

B)microtubules - cell support

C)mitochondria - protein synthesis

D)smooth ER - ATP production

E)ribosome - energy production

84.A cell uses centrioles in the process of

A)cell division.

B)energy generation.

C)protein synthesis.

D)RNA replication.

E)nuclear centering.

85.Cilia and flagella are distinguished from each other on the basis of

A)width and numbers.

B)length and numbers.

C)depth and numbers.

D)length and width.

E)none of the above

86.The "control center" of the cell is the




D)plasma membrane.

E)endoplasmic reticulum.

87.Which of the following structures is found in the nucleus?





E)flattened membrane sacs


A)requires three types of RNA.

B)synthesizes RNA from DNA.

C)occurs at the ribosomes.

D)copies information from mRNA to tRNA.

E)synthesizes DNA from RNA.

89.Arrange the following events of meiosis in correct sequence.

1. pairs of homologous chromosomes separate

2. tetrad formation occurs

3. second meiotic division

4. tetrads align at the equatorial plate

5. interkinesis

90. The environment outside the plasma membrane is most appropriately referred to as





E)none of the above.