Newton International Schools

Year 1 Long Term Planning

September 2013 – June 2014

English / Mathematics / Science / History / Geography / Art & DT / History of Qatar
Autumn / Writing and reading Baseline Assessment
Lists, Labels & Captions
Simple Rhymes & Poems
Instructional Texts / Counting, partitioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Ourselves –our senses; living and non-living; humans and animals
Sound and hearing / How are our toys different from those in the past / Around our school. / Activities related to our theme
Superheroes and toys topic.
Creating items for our displays and crafts for our Superhero Day.
Spring / Poems on a Theme
Reading & Writing Traditional Tales
Reading & Writing stories with a Familiar Setting / Counting, partitioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Growing Plants
Light and Dark / What were homes like long ago / Travel and Transport / Activities related to our theme
Creating items for our displays and crafts.
Summer / Stories in a Fantasy World
Stories from a range of cultures/stories with a predictable and patterned language / Counting, partitioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Pushes and Pulls
Sorting and using materials / Where in the World is Barnaby Bear?
This topic should include both aspects of History and Geography, especially Travel and Transport. / Activities related to our theme
Pirates/under the Sea and Barnaby Bear topic.
Creating items for our displays and crafts for our Pirate Day.

Newton International Schools

Year 2 Long Term Planning

September 2013 – June 2014

English / Mathematics / Science / History / Geography / Art & DT / History of Qatar
Autumn / Writing and reading Baseline Assessments
Different stories by the same author
Poetry / Counting, partitioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Health and Growth
Plants and animals in the local environment / What were seaside holidays like in the past? / Going to the seaside / Puppets
Mother Nature
Spring / Traditional Stories
Information texts
Extended Stories/significant authors / Counting, partitioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Grouping and changing Materials
Using Electricity / The Great Fire of London / A contrasting locality / Can buildings speak
Summer / Report Writing
Stories with a Familiar Setting
Poetry / Counting, partitioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Forces and Movement
Variation / Florence Nightingale / An island home and Katie Morag / Winding up
Moving Vehicles

Newton International Schools

Year 3 Long Term Planning

September 2013 – June 2014

English / Mathematics / Science / ICT / History / Geography / Art / History of Qatar
Autumn / Stories with familiar settings
Authors and Letters
Instructions / Counting, portioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Teeth and Eating
Helping Plants grow well / Combining text and graphics / The Egyptians / Rivers / Investigating pattern
Spring / Adventures & Mysteries
Recounts / Counting, portioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Characteristics of Materials
Rocks and Soils / Email
Introduction to databases / The Romans / Passport to the World - ITALY / Portraying relationships
Summer / Myths & Legends
Plays& dialogue
Information Text
Language Plays / Counting, portioning and calculating.
Securing number facts, understanding shape.
Handling data and measures.
Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. / Magnets and Springs
Light and Shadow / Exploring Simulations
Manipulating Sound / The Vikings / Weather around the world / Can we change place?

Newton International Schools

Year 4 Long Term Planning

September 2013 – June 2014

THEME / English / Mathematics / Science / Topic / Art & DT / History of Qatar
Term 1a / Our Wonderful World / Stories from other cultures
Poetry / Numbers to 10 000
Addition & Subtraction to 1000
3D Shape
Numbers to 1000
Multiplication & Division
Data Handling / Habitats / Historical timelines
Past civilisations
Geographical place skills
Middle East in history / Art from around the world
Term 1b / The Seven Wonders of the World / Persuasive texts / Friction / Origins and history
Chronological knowledge and understanding / 3-D models
Digital media (photo)
Term 2a / The Olympic Games / Recounts
Stories that raise issues / Numbers to 10 000
Addition & Subtraction to 1000
2D Shape
Number Properties
Multiplication & Division
Data Handling / Keeping Warm / Understanding Ancient Olympics and its influence on Modern Olympic Games / Olympic artefacts
Digital media (video)
Term 2b / Jurassic Park / Information texts
Imaginary stories / Moving and Growing / Prehistoric timelines in context
Environmental change and extinctions
Dinosaur life cycles
Fossils and archaeology / Dioramas
Term 3a / Incredible Inventions! / Imaginary worlds
Information texts / Numbers to 10 000
Addition & Subtraction to 1 000
Position, Movement & Angles
Multiplication & Division
Addition & Subtraction to 10 000
Data Handling / Circuits & Conductors / Historical enquiry of inventors and their inventions / Design and make an invention
Term 3b / The Terrible Tudors / Historical settings
Plays / Solids and Liquids / Tudor monarchs
Tudor life / Textiles/collage

Newton International Schools

Year 5 Long Term Planning

September 2013 – June 2014

English / Mathematics / Science / ICT / History / Geography / Art & DT / History of Qatar
Autumn / Novels & stories by significant children’s authors
(book week)
Poetry / Counting, partitioning & calculating
Securing Number facts and understanding Shape
Handling data & measures
Calculating, measuring & understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships & calculating / Keeping Healthy
Life cycles / Graphical Modeling
Analysing data & asking questions / What was it like for children living in Victorian Britain /
Local traffic- an environment issue
Spring / Dramatic conventions
Film Narrative / Counting, partitioning & calculating
Securing Number facts and understanding Shape
Handling data & measures
Calculating, measuring & understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships & calculating / Gases around us
Earth, Sun and Moon
/ Evaluation information checking accuracy & questioning plausibility
Introduction to spreadsheets / How has life in Britain changed since 1948? / Improving the environment
Summer / Traditional stories, fables, myths, legends
A story from another culture.
Poetry / Counting, partitioning & calculating
Securing Number facts and understanding Shape
Handling data & measures
Calculating, measuring & understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships & calculating /
Changing sounds
Changing States / Controlling devices
Monitoring environmental changes and conditions / Who were the ancient Greeks? / The mountain environment

Newton International Schools

Year 6 Long Term Planning

English / Mathematics / Science / ICT / History / Geography / History of Qatar / Art & DT
Autumn / Fiction genres –
  • classic novels
  • Short stories
Extended Narrative
Authors & texts
Short stories with flashbacks / Counting, partitioning & calculating
Securing Number facts and understanding Shape
Handling data & measures
Calculating, measuring & understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships & calculating / More about dissolving
Reversible & Irreversible Change
Forces in Action / Multimedia Presentation / Aztecs / Investigating coasts and rivers / Shelters and bridges
Aztec art
Spring / Biography &
Journalistic Writing
Persuasion (transition) / Counting, partitioning & calculating
Securing Number facts and understanding Shape
Handling data & measures
Calculating, measuring & understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships & calculating / Changing Circuits
Interdependence & Adaptation
Micro Organisms
How we see things / Spread sheet modelling
Control and monitoring – what happens when / What we can learn about recent history from studying the life of a famous person-
Martin Luther King, Mohammed Ali, Rosa Parks. / Connecting ourselves to the world / Portraits
Summer / Poetry Units
Unit 1: The Power of Imagery (2 weeks)
Non-Fiction Revision units
Instructions (1 week)
Argument (1 week)
Explanation Texts (1 week)
Recount (1 week)
Persuasion (1 week)
Journalism (1 week)
Autobiographies and Biographies (1 week)
Reading and writing narrative including playscripts (1 week) / Counting, partitioning & calculating
Securing Number facts and understanding Shape
Handling data & measures
Calculating, measuring & understanding shape
Securing number facts, relationships & calculating / Interdependence & Adaptation
Micro Organisms
How we see things
Revision / Using the internet to search large databases and interpret information / SATS REVISION

September 2013 – June 2014

An international community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success