Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 16th April 2014 at 7.45 pm in St Peter’s Room, St Peter’s Church Rawdon
Present Cllr Barber
Cllr Collins
Cllr Davies
Cllr Gomersall
Cllr Hunt
Cllr Shemilt
Cllr Warrior
2013/FC/130 Public Participation
FC/2013/131 Apologies for Absence
It was resolved to receive apologies and accept the reasons for absence from Cllrs Ingham & Lacey
FC/2013/132 Declarations of Interests
Cllr Davies declared an interest as a member of the managing committee in the Cricket Club Grant Application and left the meeting for the duration of that item.
FC/2013/133 Minutes of the last Meeting
It was resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of what transpired at that meeting.
FC/201/134 Information arising from the Minutes of the previous meeting that is not specified elsewhere on the agenda
The ASB Team have been in contact with the library and are acting on the concerns raised about vandalism. Members suggested some potential practical measures to alleviate the issues.
FC/2013/135 Report on internal controls from Cllr Shemilt
It was resolved to note Cllr Shemilt’s report that the accounting records were in order.
FC/2013/136 Annual Accounts and Annual Governance Statement
It was resolved to accept the Annual Accounts and to confirm and sign the Annual Governance Statement.
FC/2013/137 Schedule of Payments
It was resolved to approve the Schedule of Payments and make additional payments for the flags (£228), neighbourhood plan expenses(£26.17) and poppy seeds (£26.73).
FC/2013/138 Risk Assessment
It was resolved to adopt the risk assessment.
FC/2013/139 Insurance Renewal and Offer of a Discounted 3 Year Deal
The insurance renewal was reviewed and it was resolved to accept the offered 3 year arrangement with Came & Co.
FC/2013/140 Membership of YLCA
It was resolved to renew the YLCA membership.
FC/2013/141 Letter of Support for Rawdon Cricket Club’s application to Green Leeds
The Chairman explained that the PC had been approached to support the application too Green Leeds for funding for additional cricket nets. The Clerk had written on behalf of the PC to support this. It was resolved to confirm approval of the Clerk’s action.
FC/2013/142 Grant application from Rawdon Cricket Club
Cllr Davies left the meeting for the duration of this item. Members reviewed the application and it was resolved to award a grant of £500 to the nets project.
FC/2013/143 Arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting of Electors and the Annual Meeting of Council
The Clerk explained the purpose of both meetings and outlined the arrangements for both. The Chairman indicated that he did not wish to stand for re-election as Chairman. Members were asked to contact the Clerk if they wished to know more about the roles of chairman and vice-chairman. It was resolved to note the arrangements.
FC/2013/144 Projects in commemoration of WWI
The proposed list of projects was reviewed and it was resolved to further investigate and initiate the following projects :-
Memorial Stone at Rawdon Littlemoor – cost circa £3000. Cllr Gomersall has designed a couple of options. Site services enquiry has been submitted.
Memorial Book – cost circa £500. Cllr Davies is researching 7 names.
Poppy seeds for children – give each primary school pupil in Rawdon a packet of poppy seeds to scatter in the parish. Cllr Gomersall to research costs. Links back to In Bloom.
Concert of music of the time – event probably at Trinity likely to appeal to older residents. Cost as yet unknown but a professional band will be needed. Cllr Lacey to lead?
Film – using footage from the archives. Costs circa £3000.
Showing of the Battle of the Somme film with a talk in August 2016. Will need a big screen (hire cost (circa £4000). Cllr Davies to lead
Schools Competition – bi-annual children asked to research family history and produce an entry which could include poetry, photo montages etc. Age appropriate book prize. Cost £500 Cllr Davies to lead
Poetry and Talks Cllr Ingham & Davies. Costs unknown.
Edwardian Tea Party in 2018 – costs to be established.
FC/2013/145 St Peters School car parking issues
Cllr Collins provided an update. It was resolved that the Clerk would write to the Headteacher seeking a meeting for the Parish Council and the PTA Committee to discuss joint working to fundraise to support solutions to the issues.
FC/2013/146 Jubilee Hall footpath lighting project
No further information had been received from Leeds City Council concerning the licence. The item was deferred to the next meeting.
FC/2013/147 Footpaths at Rawdon Billing
Cllr Gomersall explained the history of the issue and agreed to copy the file for the Clerk so that the process of registering the trig point as a community asset could be initiated.
FC/2013/148 Rawdon Good Citizen Award
As Cllr Ingham was unexpectedly absent this item was deferred to the next meeting.
FC/2013/149 Newsletter
Cllr Hunt reported that he was still awaiting some copy for the newsletter. This item was deferred to the next meeting.
FC/2013/150 Response to LCC Governance Services concerning the content of the next Parish Forum
Members considered the request. It was resolved that neighbourhood planning would be a useful topic.
FC/2013/151 Reports of matters that members and the Clerk would like to draw to the attention of Council. Such matters to be noted or placed an appropriate agenda
Cllr Davies advised members that he had met with the Clerk to review her work since the appraisal in October. He proposed that no Council meeting should take place in July as the Clerk wanted to book annual leave in July.
FC/2013/152 Items for the next agenda
Signed……………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………………………………………………..
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