Professional Education Committee
Voting Members: Bethany Broadwell, Toby Brody, Sarah Carrier, Jim Haynie, Jeff Reaser, Crystal Scillitani, Beth Wilson, Carl Young
Ex officio Members: Glenn Carrozza, Michael Clinkscales, Michael Maher, Malina Monaco, Gerald Ponder
February10, 2009
Minutes – Dec. 2, 2008minutes were approved.
New Business
State Board Education and Accreditation Updates
Graduate Pay Licensure Policy has been approved. Beginning July 1, 2009 individuals with graduate degrees will be paid according to the degree regardless of licensure and area relevancy.
Moore County Innovative and Experimental - Moore County has been granted the authority to license their own lateral entry teachers (Guilford County had been previously approved). The model they proposed is very similar to NC State’s NC TEACH program. Theywill be delivering the courses, partnered with Sandhills Community College. Iredell county may be next, a program such as this is unlikely for WCPSS.
NCSU Re-Visioning Presentation to SBE - Michael had 30 minutes to present before the 21st Century Professionals Committee (SBE subcommittee).Members of the committee were pleased with the revisioning efforts of NC State and the leadership role they have taken in Teacher Education.
AFI Report to the SEC - Our report was accepted at the January meeting of the State Board, NC State has been fullyreaccredited without conditions.
NCATE Part Cwent out in February, addressing areas for improvement;the report includes all corrective measures we have undertaken.
Field Experiences
Student Teacher Essay - Wake County has decided they no longer wish to include the essay section. A motionwas made to remove the essay portion of the Triangle Alliance application and was approved. Programs can choose to use this essay part of the application.
Alternative Schools – Michal asked if any of the programs did not want to place students in alternative schools - Longview, River Oaks, Mary Phillips, etc.? Some concerns were expressed but there were no complete rejections (it would depend on the student teacher and the circumstances) these schools will be kept as a possibility.
School Visits – Michael has been visiting some of our field placement schools to discuss logistics and other field experience placement issues with the principals and AP’s. All requests for field placements should be funneled through OPE.
Student Teacher Handbook
Student teacher handbooks will only be available online next year. Program coordinators have been asked to make recommendations for changes to the handbook to OPE.
200/300 level Field Application
The OPE suggested creating an online field experience placement request. The application will include; demographic info, transportation, prior schools visited or attended. This will eventually be linked to SAGE. Placements should be requested during the advising sessions (Mid-October, Mid-March).
The OPE is planning on developing a 200-300 level field experience handbook. This will be part of the office’s multi-pronged approach to reaching students.
Cooperating Teacher Information Session
The OPE is hosting the second annual Cooperating Teacher Information Session. Any teacher may attend however in order to be selected to work with the college they must be cleared by their school administrator and have met program requirements.
TEPIE Changes
TEPIE will be redesigned this coming fall. It will be used for Cooperating Teacher Stipends, undergraduate professional development, and principal meetings.
Adjournment 2:35