Outwoods Visitors Survey 2010

Personal Information: (please tick the appropriate category)

Male Female

Which of the following age categories do you fit into?


16 – 25

6 – 35

36 – 50

51 – 65

Over 65

How would you describe your ethnic origin?

White Black or Black British Mixed Asian or British Asian

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Yes No

Patterns of Use:

How often do you visit the Outwoods?

More than once a week

Less than once a week but more than once a month

Less than once a month but more than twice a year

First Visit

When are you most likely to visit the Outwoods?

Weekdays Weekends or Bank holidays’


How long does an average visit to the Outwoods last?

0 –1 hour 1 – 2 hours 2 - 3 hours over 3 hours

How far do you travel to visit the Outwoods?

0 - 3 miles 3 - 5 miles 5 - 10 miles more than 10 miles

How do you get to the Outwoods?

Car Cycle Walk Other, please state ………………………

Motivation for Visit:

What is the main reason for your visit to the Outwoods?

Dog walking Exercise Seeing wildlife Relaxing

Other, please state …………………………………….

Visitor Facilities:

How would you describe the quality of the interpretation material?

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor Never looked at it

How would you describe the quality of the paths?

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor

How would you describe the quality of the toilets?

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor

How would you describe the quality of the car park?

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor

How would you describe the quality of the entrances?

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor

How would you describe the general appearance of the Outwoods?

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor


How safe do you feel when visiting the Outwoods?

Very safe Quite safe unsafe

What do you most like about the Outwoods?

What do you dislike most about the Outwoods?

What changes would you like to see made at the Outwoods?

Would you like to help us to look after the Outwoods by becoming an Outwoods Volunteer?

If so please leave your contact details (Name, email address, phone number)