Unit 8 Vocabulary
Essential Questions:
- How was the post-Civil War immigration different from the immigration that occurred in the 1830s and 1840s?
- Discuss the distinctiveness of American politics and the two major political parties during the Gilded Age.
- Explain the reasons for the growth of cities, the urbanization, of the 1880s and 1890s?
- Evaluate the consequences of this urban revolution upon politics, the economy, and society?
- What were the Constitutional changes during this time period and what was their impact?
- Compare the Horatio Alger "rags-to-riches" attitude with the Social Darwinism of William Graham Sumner.
- Analyze the connection between the Populism of the 1890s and the Progressivism of the first two decades of the 20th Century.
- Evaluate the effect of "big" business in both the economy and in foreign affairs in America in the period between 1875 and 1925.
- Explain how the railroads change American society, politics, and economy in the post–Civil War era?
Specific Terms
1. Gilded Age, 2. Pacific, Asia, and Latin America resources/markets; 3.“conspicuous consumption”, 4. labor movements, 5. “New South”, 6. sharecropping/tenant farming, 7. migrations Asia, SE Europe, the South; 8. transcontinental railroad, 9. Tariff 10. Currency 11. laissez-faire; 12. Plessy v. Ferguson, 13.Social Gospel
Ulysses S. Grant
Jay Cooke
Chester A. Arthur
Horatio Seymour
Roscoe Conkling
Winfield S. Hancock
Jim Fisk
James G. Blaine
Charles J. Guiteau
Jay Gould
Rutherford B. Hayes
Grover Cleveland
Thomas Nast
Samuel Tiden
Benjamin Harrison
Horace Greeley
James A. Garfield
Liberal Republicans
cheap money
hard\sound money
spoils system
"Ohio Idea"
Resumption Act
the "bloody shirt"
"Crime of '73"
Tweed Ring
Bland-Allison Act
Compromise of 1877
Whiskey Ring
Greenback Labor party
Pendleton Act
Credit Mobilier
Leland Stanford
Alexander Graham Bell
J. Pierpont Morgan
Collis P. Huntington
Thomas Edison
Terence V. Powderly
James J. Hill
Andrew Carnegie
John P. Altgeld
Cornelius Vanderbilt
John D. Rockefeller
Samuel Gompers
land grant
vertical integration
capital goods
stock watering
horizontal integration
interlocking directorate
yellow dog contact
Union Pacific Railroad
United States Steel
National Labor Union
Central Pacific Railroad
gospel of wealth
Haymarket riot
William Graham Sumner
Bessemer process
American Federation of Labor
Wabash case
Jane Addams
Booker T. Washington
Horatio Alger
Florence Kelley
W.E.B. duBois
Mark Twain
Mary Baker Eddy
William JamesCharlotte
Perkins Gilman
Charles Darwin
Henry George
Carrie Chapman Catt
yellow journalism
settlement house
Comstock Law
New Immigration
Women's Christian
Chautauqua movement
Temperance Union
Hull House
Morrill Act
Eighteenth Amendment