TBC Men's Study 2016-2017 / Exodus: God Rescues His People

Lesson 6


Exodus 11:1-12:28: Night of Death and Deliverance --

Sorry for the inconvenience of not posting the IVP questions. Intervarsity Press asked that I not reposttheir study so that it will drive traffic to their site. Use the link above to access the core questions for this study.

2016-2017 Tulsa Bible Church Men’s Bible Study – tulsabible.org

For further consideration:

ID: Inductive Questions (Asking the text questions like who, what, where, when, why, & how?”)

CR: Cross References (Comparing Scripture to Scripture, understanding the vague by the clear.)

WS: Word Study (Understanding definition, theological meaning, and usages in other passages.)

1. CR The Passover is the third of five “By faith” statements in Hebrews 11. What did faith have to do with the Passover?

2. CR The Passover lamb is also a type of Christ described in 1 Corinthians 5:7-8. It is also alluded to in John 19:36). How does the Passover lamb point to Christ? How could you use this passage to explain the Gospel?

3. Have you ever been part of a Passover Seder? If yes, what did you think about it? What similarities between the Passover Seder and the Lord’s Supper can help make the Lord’s Supper more meaningful? (Hebrew4Christians.com has an outline of the Passover Seder with links to articles about each item.)

Chosen People Ministries has an article on how the modern Passover Seder highlights the Gospel.

Tough Questions Answered: A Christian Apologetics Blog

Were the Ten Plagues Natural Occurrences or Miracles? Posted byBill Pratt

Many scholars have noted that many, if not all, of the ten plagues in Exodus 7-12can be explained by natural causes. According to Robert Bergen in theApologetics Study Bible,

Some have suggested that bacteria turned the waters red, and the poisoned waters killed the fish and forced the frogs to seek cool, moist places away from the Nile. When the frogs died their corpses were a breeding ground for two types of small insects. These, in turn, spread communicable diseases among both animals and humans, resulting in death to the livestock and boils upon the people. A well-timed locust plague followed by a spring hailstorm devastated Egypt’s crops. Shortly thereafter a desert sandstorm or dust cloud darkened most of Egypt. Finally a devastating plague, perhaps one caused by the insects, killed both humans and beasts among the non-Israelites.

If some or all of the plagues can be explained by natural causes, does it follow that these were not miracles? No. God may use natural or supernatural causes to perform a miracle. In cases where God uses natural causes, thetiming,intensity, andredemptive purposebehind these events are indicative of God’s intervention.

The greatest skeptic in Egypt, Pharaoh, eventually became convinced that God was behind the plagues, and that they were not just natural occurrences. The people of Egypt came to the same conclusion.

Why? Moses and Aaron, prophets of God, werepredictingthe plagues inadvance(timing) and describing theirintensityandreach. They were also explaining that the plagues were meant to force Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, and this is exactly what happened. There was simply no doubt that the ten plagues were directed by God.