July 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0685r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2005-July-18
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Joe Kwak / InterDigital Communications / 482 Degas
Bolingbrook, IL 60440 / 630-739-4327 /
This document contains normative text changes to TGk to correct inconsistencies and make other suggested changes to RPI clauses noted in the comments. These comment responses are captured in doc 05/0686r0.
This contribution addresses 14 of 14 LB73 comments in the RPI category: #28, 86, 760, 1120, 1296, 1332, 1489, 1490, 1491, 1492, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1535.
Submission page 3 Joe Kwak, InterDigital
July 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0685r0
Modify clauses of TGk draftD2.0 as indicated below in red and blue highlights:
3. Definitions
Insert the following new definitions in alphabetical order, renumbering as necessary:
3.55 received power indicator (RPI): An indication of the total channel power (noise and interference) as measured in the current channel at the currently-in-use receiving antenna connector while the STA is neither transmitting or receiving a frame. Medium Sensing Time Histogram Request
The Measurement Request field corresponding to a Medium Sensing Time Histogram Request is shown in Figure k7.
Channel Number / Regulatory Class / Randomization Interval / Measurement Duration / Medium Sensing Measurement Subtype / RPI Received Power Threshold / Bin Offset / Bin Duration / Number of BinsOctets: / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Figure k7—Measurement Request field format for a Medium Sensing Time Histogram Request
Channel Number indicates the channel number for which the measurement request applies. Channel Number is defined within a Regulatory Class as shown in Table k1.
Regulatory Class indicates the frequency band for which the measurement request applies. Valid values of Regulatory Class are shown in Table k1.
Randomization Interval specifies the upper bound of the random delay to be used prior to making the measurement in units of TU. See 11.7.3.
The Measurement Duration shall be set to the preferred duration of the requested measurement, expressed in TUs. If the Duration Mandatory bit is set to 1 in the Measurement Request Mode field this shall be interpreted as a mandatory measurement duration. If the Duration Mandatory bit is set to 0 this shall be interpreted as a target measurement duration. See 11.7.4.
The Medium Sensing Measurement subtype indicates the subtype of the Medium Sensing Time Histogram measurement. The available subtypes of Medium Sensing Measurement are defined in Table k4.
Table k4—Medium Sensing Measurement Subtype definition
0 / RPI Received Power Time Histogram
1 / CCA Idle Time Histogram
2 / CCA Busy Time Histogram
3 / NAV Busy Time Histogram
4-255 / Reserved
The RPI Received Power Threshold identifies a received power level threshold according to Table k5. The Received PowerRPI Threshold is used to determine when a Medium Sensing Interval begins and ends, while collecting information for the RPI Received Power Time Histogram. RPI Threshold applies only when Medium Sensing Measurement Subtype is equal to 0 and shall be set to 255 for all other Medium Sensing Measurement Subtypes.
The Bin Offset indicates the position of the first bin, expressed in microseconds. The use of bins for Medium Sensing Time Histogram Reports is described in
The Bin Duration indicates the time interval during which Medium Sensing Events are counted to be in this bin, expressed in slot times. Medium Sensing Events are defined in Table k10.
The Number of Bins indicates the total number of time intervals that are covered by the time histogram.
Table k5— Received PowerRPI Threshold Definitions for an Received PowerRPI Time Histogram
0 / -92
1 / -87
2 / -82
3 / -77
4 / -72
5 / -67
6 / -62
7 / -57
8-254 / Reserved
255 / Received PowerRPI Threshold does not apply when Medium Sensing Measurement Subtype is not equal to 0.
If a measurement request is received where bin offset+((number of bins-1)* bin duration) is greater then the requested measurement duration, the measurement request shall be deemed invalid and shall be ignored. Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report
The format of the Measurement Report field of a Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report is shown in Figure k18.
Channel Number / Regulatory Class / Actual Measurement Start Time / Measurement Duration / Medium Sensing Measurement Subtype / RPI Received Power Threshold / Bin Offset / Bin Duration / Number of BinsOctets: / 1 / 1 / 8 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Total Number of Medium Sensing Intervals / Bin 0 Density / Bin 1 Density / … / Bin N-1 Density / CCA Mode (optional* / ED THreshold (optional)
Octets: / 4 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Figure k18—Measurement Report field format for a Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report
Channel Number indicates the channel number for which the measurement report applies. Channel Number is defined within a Regulatory Class as shown in Table k1.
Regulatory Class indicates the frequency band for which the measurement report applies. Valid values of Regulatory Class are shown in Table k1.
Actual Measurement Start Time shall be set to the value of the measuring STA's TSF timer at the time the measurement started.
The Measurement Duration shall be set equal to the duration over which the Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report was measured, expressed in TUs.
The Medium Sensing Measurement Subtype indicates the subtype of Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report, as defined in Table k4.
The RPI Received Power threshold identifies an RCPI measured power threshold as defined in Table k5. The Received PowerRPI Threshold is used to determine when a Medium Sensing Interval begins and ends, while collecting information for the Received PowerRPI Time Histogram. A Medium Sensing Interval begins when the received power crosses above the Received Power Threshold and ends when the received power falls below the Received Power Threshold.
The Bin Offset, expressed in microseconds, specifies the minimum medium sensing interval; any medium sensing interval smaller than the Bin Offset is ignored and not to be included in the measurement report.
The Bin Duration indicates the time interval during which Medium Sensing Events are counted to be in this bin, expressed in slot times. Medium Sensing Events are defined in Table k10.
The Number of Bins specifies the total number of bins in the medium sensing time histogram.
The Total Number of Medium Sensing Intervals indicates how many medium sensing intervals have been counted during the measurement. The Medium Sensing Intervals are defined in Table k10.
Here symbols are defined as:
i0 = bin offset
Di = bin duration
i = bin index
N = number of bins
Table k10—Definition of Medium Sensing Interval
0 / Received PowerRPI Time Histogram / Time interval during whichmeasured from the instant that RPI is or RCPI rises above the specified Received PowerRPI Threshold to the first subsequent instant that RPI or RCPI falls below the specified Received Power Threshold
1 / CCA Idle Time Histogram / Time interval measured from the instant CCA changes from non-idle to idle to the first subsequent instant that CCA changes back to non-idleCCA Idle Time interval
2 / CCA Busy Time Histogram / Time interval measured from the instant CCA changes from idle to non-idle to the first subsequent instant that CCA changes back to idleCCA Busy Time interval
3 / NAV Busy Time Histogram / Initial NAV time value when set
4-255 / reserved / reserved
To compute Bin i density, Bi, 0 ≤ i < N, the STA initializes all Bin values to zero. During the measurement duration the STA monitors the measurement channel for the medium sensing intervals of the requested subtype. The length (duration) of the detected interval determines which bin count is to be incremented. If the detected interval has a duration time t with:
i0+(i*D i) £ t < i0+((i+1)* D i) for i < N-1
i0+(i*D i) £ t for i = N-1
then the interval count in Bin i is increased by one, except when the bin contains a count of 255. During the Medium Sensing Measurement, a histogram is generated that represents the probability distribution of Medium Sensing Time Intervals.
CCA Mode indicates the CCA mode in use during the Medium Sensing Time Histogram measurement. The CCA Mode field is only present when the Medium Sensin Measurement Subtype is equal to 1 or 2. The CCA Mode shall be set to 0 if there is no CCA Mode for the PHY type in use during the Medium Sensing Time Histogram measurement.
ED Threshold indicates the Energy Detect Threshold in use during the Medium Sensing Time Histogram measurement. The ED Threshold field is only present when the Medium Sensin Measurement Subtype is equal to 1 or 2. The ED Threshold shall be set to 0 if there is no ED Threshold for the PHY type in use during the Medium Sensing Time Histogram measurement. Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report
If a station accepts a Medium Sensing Time Histogram Request it shall respond with a Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report containing the histogram(s) according to the requested Medium Sensing Measurement Subtype(s). For the purpose of assessing the confidence of the reported data, the total number of counted Medium Sensing Events shall also be provided.
NOTE—The Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report provides information describing many characteristics of the current radio activities present in the measured channel. The Medium Sensing Time Histogram Report provides the statistical distribution of the medium busy and idle duration. Knowing, for example, the characteristics of an interference source may be crucial to support quality of service.
First, the Medium Sensing Time Histogram can be used to collect information about neighbor 802.11 STAs without the requirement of successfully decoding frames from the STAs. This is helpful in the case of partially overlapping BSSs. For example, the CCA idle histogram may provide information on whether contention free access is used on the channel by neighbor BSSs, and how often it is used. Further, traffic load priorities may also be estimated.
Moreover, the Medium Sensing Time Histogram can be used to collect information about non-802.11 systems present in the measured channel. The Received PowerRPI Time Histogram, for example, may be used to detect the presence of microwave ovens, which exhibit a distinctive busy and idle cycle. Additionally, many non-802.11 radio activities such as a periodic radio channel access by cordless phones can be detected, and the presence of other radio devices that may interfere the operation on the measured channel, can be reported. The information, for example, may be used by 802.11 systems to choose the optimal frame length when operating in the measured channel.
Annex D
-- ********************************************************************
-- * dot11RRMRequest TABLE
-- ********************************************************************
dot11RRMRequestNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..65535)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Identifies a hint for the next value of dot11RRMRqstIndex to be used in a
row creation attempt for dot11RRMRequestTable. If no new rows can be created
for some reason, such as memory, processing requirements, etc, the SME shall
set this attribute to 0. It shall update this attribute to a proper value
other than 0 as soon as it is capable of receiving new measurement requests.
The nextIndex is not necessarily sequential nor monotonically increasing."
::= { dot11RRMRequest 1 }
dot11RRMRequestTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This group contains the current list of requests for RRM
reports to be issued and have been issued until removed. A network manager
adds a RRM request by creating a row with createAndWait row status and then
filling in the request parameters/attributes.
The request becomes active to be issued when the row status
is set to Active. The columnar objects or attributes other than the
rowstatus shall not be written if the rowStatus is Active. The request rows
can be deleted, if commanded by a network manager via changing the value of
dot11RRMRqstRowStatus to Destroy. This may leave orphaned rows if a manager
crashes and forgets which rows are being used by it. One recommended way to
manage orphaned or finished rows is to delete rows if their
dot11RRMRqstRowStatus remains other than Active for longer than a
period (recommend at least 5 minutes, RFC 2579). Or another recommended
way is to delete older rows as needed based on their dot11RRMRqstTimeStamp
values. This can be done by the agent as well as the manager. "
::= { dot11RRMRequest 2 }
dot11RRMRequestEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Dot11RRMRequestEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in the dot11RRMRequestTable Indexed by dot11RRMRqstIndex."
INDEX { dot11RRMRqstIndex }
::= { dot11RRMRequestTable 1 }
Dot11RRMRequestEntry ::=
dot11RRMRqstIndex Unsigned32,
dot11RRMRqstRowStatus RowStatus,
dot11RRMRqstIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
dot11RRMRqstType INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstTargetAdd MacAddress,
dot11RRMRqstTimeStamp TimeTicks,
dot11RRMRqstChanNumber INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstRegulatoryClass INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstRndInterval Unsigned32,
dot11RRMRqstDuration Unsigned32,
dot11RRMRqstParallel TruthValue,
dot11RRMRqstEnable TruthValue,
dot11RRMRqstRequest TruthValue,
dot11RRMRqstReport TruthValue,
dot11RRMRqstDurationMandatory TruthValue,
dot11RRMBeaconRqstMode INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstBssid MacAddress,
dot11RRMRqstMeasPeriodUnit INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstMeasurementPeriod INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstMeasIntervalUnit INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstMeasurementInterval INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstReportingCondition INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstThresholdOffset INTEGER,
dot11RRMRqstHysteresis INTEGER,
dot11MedSenseType INTEGER,
dot11MedSenseRCPIReceivedPowerThreshold INTEGER,
dot11MedSenseBinOffset INTEGER,
dot11MedSenseBinDuration INTEGER,