Change your family through prayer

Praying Women

[VOLUME 1/2010]

Focusing on women

Table of Contents

Introduction 1


1. Praying for women who are abused 2

2. Everyday in the eye of the storm with God 3

3. Dealing with a miscarriage 5

4. Teach your child to pray 8

5. How to pray for someone who has lost a parent 10

6. Praying when you are diagnosed with an incurable illness 13

7. What women must pray for men 15



The purpose of this booklet is to provide some guidelines in leading groups of women or individuals in prayer for our country, their families and women related issues.

It is a compilation of articles that were published the past 5 years in the Jericho Walls Prayer Guide. Its aim is to serve as a guideline and to set the Christian on a road of praying Scripture for and over different issues such as their interpersonal relationships, families, our country, its people and everything to do with South Africa. When we learn the language of the Bible, we can pray with much more confidence, since we know that the words we use are from Scripture and God promises that His words will never return void.

We trust that this booklet will inspire you to teach others to also pray from the Word of God.

Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

P.O. Box 3683, Tygervalley, 7536

Tel.: 021-919 7988

Website: www.jwipn.com



1. Praying for women who are abused

Millions of women across the world suffer abuse, rejection and in some countries they are not even treated like human beings. In 2006 a number of Christian women, at a MANI consultation (Movement for African National Initiatives), felt that God was calling them to stand up and unite in prayer for all women around the world. They felt that they could no longer simply look on as millions of women were subjected to this horrific abuse, suppression and humiliation, without doing something about it. Thus the Hadassah Watch came into being and since then, women are joining in focused prayer on a regular basis. Hadassah is the Hebrew name of Queen Esther of the Bible. As women, like Hadassah, we are called to arise and take up our position as intercessors.

As women we know how to pray for other women

We know that our prayers will make a difference. Remember the prayers of Hannah (1Sam.1-2) and how the son that God gave her in answer to her prayers provided a nation with a leader and a prophet? The prophetess Anna, who served God in the temple for more than 60 years with prayer and fasting, was privileged to see the coming of the Messiah (Luke 2:36).

Prayer focus

We pray for the issues that influence the lives of women all over the world. We have selected three specific issues, but everyone should feel free to pray as they experience the Holy Spirit leading them. From time to time, we will focus on other issues as well.

How does it work?

We call on Christian women as either individuals (praying by yourself) or in groups (Bible study / prayer group etc.):

1. To spend 15 minutes in prayer every Tuesday morning before 13:00.

2. To spend 5 minutes on each of the three issues every time you pray.

a) Marriage/families

§  Pray for issues in your own marriage, or that of a friend or family member.

§  Pray for issues concerning your children, or those of a friend or family member.

§  Pray for felt needs for yourself, your husband, children, or those of a friend or family member.

b) Salvation of family members and the unsaved

§  Pray for their eyes to be opened to see their need of Christ.

§  Pray for them to become hungry for God and to go to church.

§  Pray for them to grow spiritually and testify of God's goodness in their lives.

c) Governments/authorities – issues of the day.

§  Pray God's heart regarding the news headlines of the day.

§  Pray for the President and government officials. That those who do not know Him will be saved and hear God's voice.

§  Pray for the Police and security services to be successful in their work.

§  Pray those criminals will be caught and stopped in their criminal activities and that they will turn their lives over to God.

3. To encourage and mobilise as many women as possible to join in these prayers.

4. To subscribe at to receive regular updates on issues of the day and how to pray about these.

2. Everyday in the eye of the storm with God

May my cry come before you, o Lord; give me understanding according to your word (Ps.119:169).

Years ago, one of our student friends got married before all of us. After some time we had a small reunion and shared snippets about our lives. We of course wanted to know everything about married life and she told us many things. The one thing I remember best of all was this: God showed me that when my husband comes home, I should be for him a harbour in the storm, rather than a storm in the harbour!

As women we are often under a lot of pressure and much is expected of us. We are the first ones to rise and often the last ones to retire. Today God is asking you and me the same question: Is your life creating a storm or are you like a haven? You do not need to be married to desire or cultivate this quality in your life. The following thoughts will hopefully inspire you to realise the importance of ‘time-out with God’ in the life of a woman. Time-out with God causes us to breathe again, to think straight and most importantly, to hear God’s voice clearly on the very issues that often drive us to become a storm, even sometimes a destructive tornado! The only safe way to weather the storm, is to find the eye of the storm and in our case, this means time-out with God, entering into His presence.

Change the way you view time:

1. Quiet time: It is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Start by setting 30 minutes aside at least once every two days. Have a notebook at hand and just begin to write down the things on your mind. After writing them all down, start praying about them. The more often you can take this time out, the more peace will come to your heart and mind as you pour out your heart to God. I find writing my prayers down helps me contemplate God’s opinion and I receive clear guidance on the issues I bring before Him. Something else might work better for you, but at least try it for 2-3 months.

2. Fasting: From food if that is how the Holy Spirit directs you. BUT - more than anything though – stop running around! Change your habits, if necessary. Take a deliberate decision to walk and not run, to finish your tea before doing the next thing, in essence, SLOW DOWN! I know we can do three things at once, but try doing one at a time for at least one day a week! Even when we just slow down in our physical actions, more peace comes into our hearts. Doing a little bit of planning of our daily activities will also not hurt.

3. Bless someone: It does not need to be an elaborate action. When you pass by your husband, kids, a friend, or a colleague at work, just quickly place your hand on their head or shoulder and say, Bless you. Thus you bring them to a standstill for a moment, they think about God, wondering why you did something like that. Except for that, it is a good habit and it makes you an obedient servant of the Lord Jesus! (Num.6:24-27). Ask God to show you how you can do acts of kindness without it taking up a lot of time or effort. You can also bless people silently when you pass their offices or pass a school, or you could bless people like your children and friends in prayer, even if they are not close by.

4. Time-out: It is not always possible, but see if you can take a day off or set half a day aside at least once in six months just to pray and worship God. Try to arrange this with your husband, family or friends. Go to a place where no one will disturb you and switch off your cell phone. Take your Bible, a notebook and some worship music or your musical instrument. Begin your time with God by writing down the things on your mind or things that bother you. Then go into a time of extended worship, for as long as your heart desires. Now begin to praise the Lord for His goodness and take care to write down what He shows you from your time of worship. Spend the rest of your time in simple extended reading from your Bible and praying for things that come to mind.

5. Keep it up: Take care of yourself by taking time-out with God regularly.

6. Give it up: Which are the things that wear you down most? Take time today and write them down. Search your Bible for God’s promises regarding fear, doubt, strife etc. Now write down these promises next to each of your concerns. Begin to speak the truth of God’s Word over your life. Declare, according to the promises of God, the life of God, the truth of God and the love of God over your challenges and problems. Lay them down at His feet and when you find yourself carrying them again, lay them down again until you are completely freed from these burdens. As new burdens come up, add them to this list. Whatever you do, do not let them remain ‘un-prayed’ about!

God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, I dedicate my time, my body, my mind, will and emotions to you. Please help me to slow down, to bless others, to take time out with You and to give up and let go of those things wearing me down. Teach me Your ways which are higher than mine. I desire a deeper relationship with You Lord Jesus, please show me the way. Help me plan my time and give me wisdom on how to spend my energy in a way that will glorify You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

3. Dealing with a miscarriage

The moment a woman finds out that she is pregnant, a very special bond forms in her heart towards the unborn child. Having a miscarriage in the midst of all this excitement, or when a baby is stillborn, is quite devastating, and many times cause women to become severely depressed. People may seem unsympathetic and tactlessly comment that they did not know the child or are young enough to have another one. The following are some guidelines to help you pray for yourself or someone who has lost a child through miscarriage.

1. Acknowledgement – Once someone has gone through a miscarriage or given birth to a stillborn baby, one of the most difficult things is to acknowledge what happened, and not to feel embarrassed or to blame oneself. Pray that God will reveal His love and His thoughts to those who experienced this event and grant them grace to accept that He understands their pain and wants to comfort them (2Cor.1:3).

SIMPLE PRAYER: Lord, help me know and believe the love that You have for me. You are love. Help me abide in love and in You in this difficult time (1John4:16).

2. Anger/disappointment – Feelings of anger towards their husband, friends, family or even God might occur after miscarriage. This happens because one has lost something no one can replace. Pray for them not to blame themselves for what happened. Ask that God will touch their emotions with healing and relieve their anger, disappointment and sorrow.

SIMPLE PRAYER: O Lord, help me not to turn away from You. Revive me and I will call upon Your Name. Restore me, o Lord God of hosts; make Your face shine on me, and I shall be saved! (Ps.80:18-19).

3. Rationalisation – They will try to compensate for the loss by trying to fill the void with something else. Pray that God will show them true wisdom in their situation and help them to re-establish healthy habits and not to fall prey to excessive eating or neglecting their bodies. Ask that they will turn to God for everything and not run away from Him.

SIMPLE PRAYER: God of peace, sanctify me completely so that my whole spirit, soul, and body may be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I trust in You as the faithful One who calls me by my name, please do this for me (1Thess.5:23-24).

4. Depression – They will enter a time of intense sadness and cry a lot, wanting to be alone and may shut out the outside world completely. Pray that they will make time not only to be alone, but also to spend time with God, even just to be saturated with His presence. Ask that this will be a time for them to experience God like never before. Also pray for them to confide in a good friend, so that they will not become completely isolated. Ask that they will never consider taking their own lives.

SIMPLE PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ and my God and Father, who has loved me and given me everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort my heart and establish me in every good word and work (2Thess.2:16-17). Give me a friend that will love me at all times (Prov.17:17).

5. Embrace – When they have worked through their loss, a deep inner peace comes. They may still sometimes experience bad days when they hear something that causes sadness or when they see a child or another pregnant woman. Pray for them during the bad days, to find their comfort in the Lord and not to fall back into complete despair or depression.

SIMPLE PRAYER: Lord, who have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the Strength of my heart and my Portion forever (Ps.73:25-26).