Press r e l e a s e

Annual General Meeting of Bertrandt AG

Group continued growth in fiscal 2012/2013

Dividend payment of EUR 2.20 per share

(Ehningen, 19 February 2014) “Creating value. Ensuring growth.” This is the guiding principle of the fiscal 2012/2013 annual report, and it was with these words that CEO Dietmar Bichler opened this year’s annual general meeting of Bertrandt AG in Sindelfingen. Bertrandt’s CEO looked back on a successful financial year 2012/2013 in which the Group again was able to boost important key performance indicators under mixed economic conditions. The Company also continued its steady dividend policy: the dividend per share is increased by 10 percent to EUR 2.20. The shareholders adopted the resolutions proposed by the Management and Supervisory Boards regarding all of the agenda items. The Supervisory Board was reelected. The Management Board also gave an overview regarding the first quarter of fiscal 2013/2014 in which Bertrandt continued its upwards path.

Bertrandt seizes opportunities

“We are looking back on a successful year where we developed complex engineering solutions for our customers in the automotive and aviation industries as well as in the plant and mechanical
engineering sectors, the energy and medical technology industries and the electronics industry”, CEO Dietmar Bichler told the shareholders present at the annual general meeting. In fiscal 2012/2013 engineering specialist Bertrandt again improved important financial ratios despite a challenging market environment. Group revenues grew by 10.3 percent, rising to EUR782.4 million as of 30September 2013 (previous year EUR709.3 million). Operating profit (EBIT) was EUR 81.2 million (previous year EUR75.1 million), while post-tax earnings came to EUR57.2 million (previous year EUR51.7 million). This works out to earnings per share of EUR5.68 (up from EUR5.14 in the previous year). With
10,829 employees worldwide Bertrandt reported its highest ever number of employees at the reporting date. All told, about 900 new jobs were created within the Company.

“Our growth was based on an increased amount of development work due to the widening model diversity as well as the megatrends of environmentally friendly mobility solutions, safety, comfort and connectivity,” Bichler explained. Capital expenditure, recorded at EUR34.7 million, was still at a high level in fiscal 2012/2013 (previous year EUR39.5 million). The focus was on market drivers that provide the Bertrandt Group with long-term growth prospects. For instance, Bertrandt invested in a new centre of electronics expertise in Wolfsburg, opened a new facility in Regensburg specialising in software and electronics development, and invested in a new test lab for sensor-based pedestrian protection systems in Ingolstadt.

10 percent dividend increase

On the strength of the positive development of the Bertrandt Group in fiscal 2012/2013, the Management and Supervisory Boards today proposed a dividend of EUR2.20 per share to the annual general meeting. “This is an increase of 10 percent over the previous year’s figure of EUR2.00,” Bichler said, referring to the steady dividend policy pursued by the Company. “In this way we would like to thank our shareholders for their investment in our Company and the confidence shown in us.”

Positive trend continued into the first quarter of fiscal 2013/2014

The upturn in the world economy was consolidated in the last quarter of 2013, and against this backdrop, automotive OEMs saw passenger vehicle sales increase worldwide. Due to these underlying conditions the Bertrandt Group performed well in the first three months of fiscal 2013/2014. In the period under review, revenues increased by 7.5 percent to EUR198.0 million (previous year EUR184.3 million). Operating profit climbed to EUR19.0 million (previous year EUR17.6 million*), while post-tax earnings rose to EUR13.0 million (EUR12.2 million*). The number of employees rose to 10,938 as at 31December 2013. CEO Dietmar Bichler: “We were able to recruit 855 new employees for Bertrandt compared with the previous year.” The workforce increased by 109 compared with the end of fiscal 2012/2013.

Resolutions adopted by the annual general meeting

With an attendance of shareholders holding 7,192,286 shares (70.907 % of the share capital) the annual general meeting adopted resolutions on all of the agenda items in line with the proposals submitted by the Management and Supervisory Boards.

Consolidated financial statements for fiscal 2012/2013

at a glance

Consolidated IFRS-based financials
of the Bertrandt Group / 2012/2013 / 2011/2012
Revenues (EUR mn) / 782.405 / 709.323
Operating profit (EUR mn) / 81.161 / 75.094
Post-tax earnings
(EUR mn) / 57.198 / 51.718
Free cash flow (EUR mn) / 45.284 / 1.379
Equity ratio (in percent) / 58.8 % / 56.6 %
Earnings per share (EUR) / 5.68 / 5.14
Dividend (EUR) / 2.20 / 2.00
Employees worldwide / 10,829 / 9,952

First quarter of fiscal 2013/2014 at a glance

Consolidated IFRS-based financials of the Bertrandt Group / 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2013 / 01/10/2012 - 31/12/2012
Revenues (EUR mn) / 197.999 / 184.259
Operating profit (EUR mn) / 19.013 / 17.592*
Post-tax earnings
(EUR mn) / 12.964 / 12.160*
Free cash flow (EUR mn) / 37.054 / 34.405
Capital expenditure (EUR mn) / 7.481 / 5.449
Equity ratio (in percent) / 61.2 / 58.5*
Employees worldwide / 10,938 / 10,083

Additional information is available from:

Bertrandt AG Bertrandt AG

Dr. Markus Götzl Anja Schauser

Investor Relations Manager Public Relations

Birkensee 1 Birkensee 1

71139 Ehningen, 71139 Ehningen, Germany Germany

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