NBThe policy will be reviewed during 2012/13 in the light of new developments including Glam Edge.
This policy has been implemented since 2003 and has been revised in 2008 through the Heads of Learning & Teaching Forum and Quality Enhancement Committee. The formation of this policy has been informed by the precepts presented by the QAA Code of Practice for CEIG. (Appendix 1 highlights Partnership Responsibilities whilst Appendix 2 provides Framework for CEIG as guidance in relation to the development of career planning skills).
2.Strategic Context - Employability
- Within the context of social and economic regeneration, to produce employable graduates is one of the four fundamental purposes of The University of Glamorgan. CEIG is one integral component in a variety of strategies aimed at enhancing the employability of students and graduates/diplomates of the University.
- The strategic planning process of the University recognises a conceptual framework for employability which is underpinned by the belief that ‘employability’ is a dynamic concept which goes beyond the ability to secure work, and focuses on three main dimensions:
- Assets – Skills, Knowledge, Experience and Attitudes.
- Career ‘Self–Management’ Skills – which includes Deployment and Presentation.
- Progression & Review – reflects the context of the individual within the labour market.
- The development of the concept of a ‘Glamorgan Graduate’ will contribute to the delivery of provision which will enhance employability.
- The Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy will endorse CEIG at the University of Glamorgan. Initiatives such as Personal Development Planning (see Academic Handbook, Volume 1, Section A12 – Personal Development Planning and Progress Files) and Skills Development within the curriculum are also integral to the delivery of Employability. The Policy related to Placement Learning (see Academic Handbook, Volume 1, Section A15 University Policy on Placement Learning) is a third strand which underpins the development of Employability at the University.
Through a holistic range of processes, experiences and facilities, CEIG aims to:
- enable students to recognise, develop and acquire the assets to compete in the labour market when they leave the University
- prepare individuals for, and make effective decisions about, their future roles based on an understanding of themselves in relation to present and future opportunities.
- equip graduates to self-manage their careers as a life-long process of development and learning.
CEIG provision will be:
- Impartial – options and opportunities are promoted without favour to one over another.
- Client-focused – based clearly on student needs but also recognising and responding to the diverse requirements of academic staff and opportunity providers.
- Confidential – client records and information are maintained in accordance with Data Protection Act requirements and are subject to the Freedom of Information Act.
- Collaborative – diverse provision for learning, planned and delivered jointly by academic faculties in partnership with the Careers Service.
- Equal and Accessible – programmes will be delivered within the Institution’s Equality and Diversity Policy and include specific support for those who are disabled and disadvantaged.
- Quality assured – subject to appropriate internal and external QAA mechanisms. Careers Service provision to demonstrate compliance with recognised Quality Standards.
CEIG at the University of Glamorgan is underpinned by distinct areas of provision which are interrelated:
- Core Services – provided by the Careers Service, especially in relation to information, advice and guidance, which meet nationally recognised standards. These services will be articulated through a comprehensive Statement of Servicewhich will address the delivery (including online) of a careers programme; services to employers; work experience initiatives and services to graduates. The Careers Service will also support other developments within the curriculum including Personal Development Planning (PDP); Placement Learning and specified modules.
- Enhanced provision, which is non-assessed (by contributing to the student experience in relation to the development of self-management skills). Such provision includes a free standing career programme and events which are delivered by the Careers Service; academic faculties; employers and other stakeholders. This also includes activities in relation to placement learning and work experience including externally accredited programmes.
- Curriculum based provision which is delivered by faculties in a variety of ways and reflects the learning experience of the individual and requirements of the discipline. Where appropriate this is integrated within the academic programme and is articulated within programme documentation including learning outcomes and key skills. In addition there are opportunities for students to follow modules which integrate career planning and professional development. The delivery of PDP will also enhance the integration of such provision.
6.Delivery and Responsibilities
CEIG is delivered in partnership with key providers of services. This includes the Careers Service and academic faculties working in collaboration to plan, develop and deliver CEIG as appropriate. (Appendix 1 (see Academic Handbook, Volume 2) highlights Partnership Responsibilities with specific objectives which facilitate compliance with the QAA code of Practice for CEIG).
7.Benchmarking CEIG within the curriculum
In order to track the amalgam of process, facilities and opportunities, the University, through the Careers Servicehas produced a framework of potential learning outcomes for CEIG which have been informed by sector wide standards as defined by AGCAS. This framework will contribute to the future development and implementation of the policy. (Appendix 2 provides details of this CEIG Framework for guidance.)
It is expected that students will have the opportunity to achieve the following broadly defined outcomes:
- self awareness of personal knowledge (ability and understanding), skills and qualities in relation to progression opportunities
- knowledge about the graduate job market, about how organisations work, and about their options and opportunities for progression;
- competence to perform in the recruitment and selection process.
EJE May 2008
Appendix 1 – Partnership Responsibilities
- Careers Service resources are available to faculties, students and graduates, employers and other recruiters –
Services to faculties include:
-allocating a careers adviser as a liaison officer for each faculty;
-developing and promoting the range of services and facilities available to students through paper and web based information;
-collecting and dissemination of First Destination Statistics in accordance with the arrangements set out by the Higher Education Statistics Agency;
-consultation on the inclusion of careers education in the curriculum, including where agreed, the provision of careers talks to students;
-supporting the provision of employer-related activities including working with alumni as appropriate;
-developing a series of staff development activities in partnership with HR and CELT.
Services to Students and Graduates include:
-providing paper and web –based information on careers, employment and further study;
-develop self-assessment packages including web based provision;
-offering individual impartial advice and guidance from careers advisers and other staff within a framework of confidentiality;
-promoting employment and placement opportunities; self-employment and business start-up information and support;
-supporting and training in relation to the job hunting process;
-providing specialised support for students disadvantaged in the labour market;
-workshops, events and programmes including activities supported by employers which are extra-curricular;
The entitlement to support for University of Glamorgan graduates/diplomates continues for as long as the service is appropriate, although it is acknowledged that some clients may require the services of other local agencies. Entitlement to support for graduates and diplomates of other HEIs is currently dependent upon non-core funding, but the minimal level of support will be in keeping with the Mutual Aid agreement of AGCAS services.
Services to Employers:
-Advertising job vacancies, work experience and other opportunities;
-Liaison between employers and academic staff;
-Arranging presentations; recruitment sessions and other events.
The Careers Service will work in a flexible way with employers to enhance opportunities applicable to our students/graduates.
- Academic Faculties, supported by the Careers Service, will :
-develop the theme of employability as part of the strategic planning process;
-work in partnership with a nominated Careers Adviser who will attend and contribute to Learning , Teaching & Student Experience Committees within each faculty;
-explicitly identify and clearly promote how CEIG is delivered in partnership with the Careers Service , including supporting free standing career programmes and events;
-negotiate with the Careers Service on an annual basistheir involvement in delivery of course–related CEIG activities ;
-make CEIG outcomes available to students through supporting information such as award handbooks;
-ensure that all staff involved with CEIG provision, including academic staff have the skills and knowledge appropriate to the role they are undertaking;
-underpin the provision and development of the curriculum by making reference to appropriate Labour Market Information including for example the Graduate Destination Survey ( DLHE HESA Return ) ;
-highlight to students appropriate employability skills which are defined within the QAA Subject Benchmarks;
-promote, deliver and develop opportunities related to work experience (broadly defined);
-provide students with the opportunity to take part in career planning and related activities which are embedded within the curriculum;
- Students are expected to:
-make appropriate use of the resources and facilities provided by the University;
-take responsibility for managing their own career development;
-reflect and review their progression;
- The University will:
-endorse CEIG through the development of employability as a strand within the Learning , Teaching & Assessment Strategy including delivery within faculties;
-ensure that CEIG provision is embedded into the appropriate University quality assurance procedures as well as meet standards that are set externally;
-ensure that current and comprehensive information on CEIG provision is available to students in a range of centrally produced documentation and through web based information.
Appendix 2 – CEIG Framework
This framework is for guidance and relates to the potential learning outcomes in relation to careers planning. It has been informed by research conducted by AGCAS at a national level within the sector. This framework should underpin the holistic delivery of CEIG and facilitate the sharing of good practice. The Careers Service, faculties and other partners should use aspects of the framework as appropriate to inform the development of a wide range of services and learning experiences which help enhance career planning skills.
Potential Outcomes 1Self Awareness of Personal Knowledge, Skills and Attributes
Students should be able to :
a) Identify and assess values, skills, interests and personal attributes through academic study, work experience and other extra curricular activities.
b) Research career ideas, explore future opportunities, and be aware of supportive resources to assist them in reaching their career aim.
c) Make informed and effective career discussions based on self-awareness of personal attributes and motivations. With the ability to identify and evaluate individual job preferences and compare these to the requirements needed for specific occupations.
d) Identify career-related priorities and constraints, and evaluate how these may impact upon career options and progression.
Potential Outcomes 2
Knowledge of the Graduate Job market and post Graduate Opportunities
Students should be aware of :
a) Be aware of the range of graduate progression routes and options available including ; employment, training, further study and self- employment/enterprise.
b) Be aware of current graduate labour market trends, and relate this labour market information to the careers planning process.
c) Be occupationally aware and know how to access information on : - careers ,occupational sectors, employers/organisations, and job functions using resources and support available.
d) Be aware of employment- based opportunities and know where to look to find recruitment and vacancy information on graduate employment, training, work experience and voluntary work.
e) Identify and evaluate employability skills required, to secure and perform effectively within the workplace or required for a specific career.
Potential Outcomes 3
Competence to Perform in the Recruitment and Selection Process
Students should be able to :
a) Be aware of a range of job hunting strategies – including creative job search techniques, and know where to look to find suitable vacancy information.
b) Know how to ‘market’ relevant skills, personal qualities, experiences and academic competencies in the recruitment and selection process and be able to provide evidence of those attributes in a CV , application form.
c) Understand employers’ recruitment and selection methods and be knowledgeable of assessment-based tests, and interview techniques.
d) Be aware of enterprise and self – employment opportunities and know where to look to identify and access business start up and support resources.