EYFS Teacher: Miss Lynton, Miss Weale and Miss Madeley Class: Nursery

Literacy development
Introduce the word of the week
Phase 1 Phonics- active listening focus
Name recognition
Story structure and characters from three a day with familiar reads each week.
-  Mark making
Making marks with meaning
Initial sound of name focus
-  Name writing / Understanding the World: People and Communities
Exploring family and friendships
Exploring similarities and differences
Exploring customs and routines / Mathematical development
Counting in sequence
Counting out objects
Counting objects (1:1 correspondence)
Number recognition
-  Number order
Shape, Space and Measure
-  Shape – naming and using them
-  Colours and sorting by criteria
Other (RRSA, Safety etc)
-  Articles 12 and 24 will be the focus for the year
-  Safety – playground safety, using equipment safely, following rules
Term: Autumn 1
Topic: All about me/families
The Big Question: Who Am I?
Understanding the World: ICT
-  Using a computer program – using a mouse/touch screen to complete
Physical Development - (links with article 24)
Moving and Handling
-  Pencil control – grip
-  Mark making – anticlockwise movements, retracing vertical lines
Health and Self-Care
-  Basic hygiene and dressing
-  Toileting
-  Playground safety
-  Healthy foods / Expressive Arts and Design
-  Songs and rhymes
-  Dance (PD) – movement
-  Painting and drawing
-  Tools and techniques / SMSC
-  Understanding the world
-  PSE – behaviour, attitudes, rules
-  Focus on different needs and wants in the setting
-  Collective worship and bible stories
-  Celebrations, World Peace Day, Eid and Harvest
Communication and Language
-  Listening
-  Following simple instructions
-  Communicating needs
-  Circle time
-  Class rules, expectations and routines
-  Settling in / BV
-  Class rules and routines, expectations
-  We know we are all special
-  Focus to be tolerant of others / Enrichment ideas
-  Visit to the park
-  10 things to do before the end of reception – begin in Au1, runs right through
Literacy development
-  Phase 1 focus Aspect One and Two– Environmental Sounds and Instrumental sounds
-  Focus Active Listening
-  Using and applying these in taught sessions and through use of the provision.
-  Story structure and characters
-  Nonfiction books and computer
-  Repeating a familiar phrase
-  Making marks with meaning
-  Using and applying pencil control and grip when targeted
-  Mark making,
-  Writing initial sounds of name
-  Recognisable letters from name / Understanding the World: The World
-  Exploring features of their familiar world
-  Developing an understanding of the community that serves us
-  Developing an understanding of change over time
-  Exploring ideas of old/new – buildings / Mathematical development
Number – continue with this
-  Counting in sequence
-  Counting out objects
-  Counting objects (1:1 correspondence)
-  Number recognition
-  Number order
-  1 more/less than 5 for HA
Shape, Space and Measure
-  Positional language
-  Repeat 2D and 3D shape names
-  Recognition of shapes in the environment
-  Finding shapes in the community, in familiar places and buildings such as road signs etc.
Other (RRSA, Safety etc)
-  Articles 12 and 24 will be the focus for the year
-  Safety – road safety and stranger danger
Term: Autumn 2
Topic: Where we live
The Big Question: Where do I live?
Understanding the World: ICT
-  Continue using computer programs
-  Exploring technology used in homes
-  Using a variety of ICT hardware
-  Using the internet to find information
-  Independent use of apps on ipad linked to topic
Physical Development - (links with article 24)
Moving and Handling
-  Pencil control – grip, letter formation
-  Mark making – anticlockwise movements, retracing vertical lines – apply to writing
Health and Self-Care
-  Basic personal hygiene and dressing
-  Playground safety, PE safety
-  Healthy lifestyle / Expressive Arts and Design
-  Continue with Dance – movement
-  Continue with painting and drawing
-  3D art – link to family box day
-  Music – rhythm and pattern, singing linked to carols/ Christmas songs
-  Design – food and nutrition – linked to Christmas and healthy lunch boxes / SMSC
-  Understanding the world
-  The communities in Longsight
-  PSE – behaviour, attitudes, rules
-  Collective worship, Peace Mala and bible stories
-  Celebrations – Christmas, Bonfire night, Diwali
Communication and Language
-  Understanding simple instructions
-  Speaking in simple sentences that make sense. / Enrichment ideas
-  Family Activities day
-  Family workshops on healthy lunches
-  Local area walk
-  Visit to the church
-  Firefighter/police visits
-  Selecting and using activities and resources – start differentiation in areas
-  Circle times
-  Participation in Charity Event / BV
-  Understanding right and wrong – we understand and respect the roles of people who help us
Literacy development
-  Consolidate Phase One – focus on Aspects 4, 5,6 and 7
-  Phase 2 phonics introduction for HA children only
-  Using vocab and forms of speech linked to books
-  Making recognizable marks from name
-  Phase 2 phonics – using phonemes, focusing on initial sounds.
-  Using and applying these skills in guided writing for HA
-  Beginning to simple CVC words for HA children - Focus / Expressive Arts and Design: BI
-  Printing patterns and textiles
-  Dance and movement linked to fantasy and adventure
-  Imaginative role play based on children’s interest
-  / Mathematical development
-  Continue with basic number work
-  Recognition to 10
-  Amounts to Numerals 3, 5, 8, 10
-  Secure counting to 10 forwards and backwards

Shape, Space and Measure
-  Revisit shape 2 D
-  Revisit shape 3D
-  2 Part Patterns introductions
-  Revisit positional language
-  Sorting by criteria- consolidate naming colours
Other (RRSA, Safety etc)
-  Articles 12 and 24 will be the focus for the year
-  Safety – personal safety with equipment
Term: Spring 1
Topic: Fantasy and Adventure
The Big Question: Do you believe in Fairies?
Understanding the World: ICT
-  Continue using computer programs
-  Using ICT software
-  Remote controls
-  Cameras
-  ipads
Physical Development - (links with article 24)
Dance and Gym
Moving and Handling
-  Continue with letter formation
-  Using a variety of tools, equipment and techniques
-  Dough Disco and Squiggle whilst you wiggle
Health and Self-Care
-  Continue to explore Healthy lifestyle
-  Transporting and using equipment safely
-  Toileting – focus on children still in nappies / Expressive Arts and Design: EUMM
-  Music – using a variety of instruments
-  Listening to a variety of music from different cultures / SMSC
-  PSE – behaviour, attitudes, rules
-  Collective worship and bible stories
-  Celebrations – Chinese New Year
-  Peace Mala Work- linked to Chinese New Year
Communication and Language
-  Developing language for imaginative role play
-  Responding to the ideas of others in role
-  Responding to stories
-  Recalling and inventing own stories
-  Circle times
-  Leaving time for thinking when asking questions- both ourselves and for others
-  Responding to others appropriately / BV Focus We respect other people’s opinions and values
-  Linking the faiths- similarities of Chinese New Year and New Year Celebrations we have had. / Enrichment ideas
-  Theatre visit
Literacy development
-  Phase 2 to be introduced to all
-  Using and applying these skills in guided reading, phonics sessions and literacy
-  Story structure and language
-  Prediction of text
-  Reading CVC and tricky words I to no go and the
Writing – continue with this
-  Phase 2 phonics high focus
-  Phase 3 phonics for HA if needed
-  Using and applying these skills
labels and captions
Continue name writing focus / Understanding the world: The World
-  Exploring similarities, differences, patterns, change
-  Exploring environments and how they vary / Mathematical development
-  Continue with number
-  Introduce addition and counting on
-  Introduce subtraction by counting back
-  Number recognition and order to ten using Easter as a theme
Shape, Space and Measure
-  Problem solving
-  Capacity
-  Consolidate 2D shape
-  Consolidate 3D Shape
-  Introduce ovoid 3D name for an egg.
Other (RRSA, Safety etc)
-  Articles 12 and 24 will be the focus for the year
-  Safety – personal safety – transporting and using equipment
Term: Spring 2
Topic: Julia Donaldson
The Big Question: Who is Julia Donalson?
Understanding the World: ICT
-  Continue using computer programs
-  Using ICT software
-  Cameras
-  Using the internet to retrieve information
-  ipads
Physical Development - (links with article 24)
Dance and Gym
Moving and Handling
-  Letter formation letters -other than name
-  Applying counter clockwise movements and retracing vertical lines in letter formation more confidently in a range of ways
Health and Self-Care
-  Rules and safety
-  Importance of a healthy lifestyle
-  Toileting / Expressive Arts and Design:
-  Begin to make their own music – humming own tunes, rhythms on instruments
-  Combining media for planned effects
-  Communicating ideas / SMSC
-  Collective worship and bible stories
-  Past and present events in their families
-  Celebrations – Easter, Mother’s Day
-  Literacy – morals in stories
-  Families days – Easter Crafts
Communication and Language
-  Asking and answering questions
-  Using language to clarify thinking
-  Give attention to others and respond appropriately
-  Developing own narratives in role and when predicting ending of texts.
-  Circle times
-  Asking questions
-  Playing co-operatively and negotiating
-  Confidence to experience new things
-  Sensitivity towards others
-  Manage behavior appropriately
BV We treat everybody equally; we try to help other people. Focus - Peace Mala and linking of the festivals covered this half term. / Enrichment ideas
Woodland / forest visit
Literacy development
-  High Focus Phase 2 Phonics
-  Aspects 5,6,7 Low Aver.
-  Using and applying these skills in guided reading, phonics sessions and literacy sessions
-  Story structure
-  Phase 3 phonics-HA
-  Reading CVC and tricky words- HA
Writing – continue with this
-  Phase 2 phonics
-  Letter Formation for name writing
-  Using and applying these skills
Name, labels and attempting captions / Understanding the world: The World
-  Growing seeds and plants – similarities, differences, pattern and change
-  Care and concern for the environment
-  Exploring why things happen
-  Exploring past and present personal events / Mathematical development
-  Continue with problem solving
-  Revisit teaching based on need of children
Shape, Space and Measure
-  Problem solving
-  Revisit basic patterns and shape and other teaching based on need
-  Capacity
Other (RRSA, Safety etc)
-  Articles 12 and 24 will be the focus for the year
-  Safety – personal safety – transporting and using equipment
Term: Summer 1
Topic: Growth and Change
The Big Question: What is change?
Understanding the World: ICT
-  Continue using computer programs – IWB, PC, laptop, Ipad
-  Using ICT software, ipad apps
-  Cameras
-  Using the internet to retrieve information
Physical Development - (links with article 24)
Dance, gymnastics and games
Moving and Handling
-  Correct letter formation, cursive where possible
-  Applying counter clockwise movements and retracing vertical lines in letter formation more confidently in a range of ways
Health and Self-Care
-  Managing own safety
-  Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle / Expressive Arts and Design:
-  Textiles and printing
-  Evaluating process and products
-  Continue with Dance and movement
-  Imaginative role play
-  Music – songs, exploring instruments from a variety of genres and cultures / SMSC
-  Collective worship and bible stories
-  PSE
-  Celebrations – Father’s Day
-  Holi Festival
-  Links to Peace Mala
-  Family Craft day linked to Holi Festival
-  Past and present events in their families
Communication and Language
-  Asking/answering how and why questions
-  Using language to clarify thinking
-  Give attention to others and respond appropriately
-  Developing
-  Circle times
-  Playing co-operatively and negotiating
-  Confidence to experience new things
-  Sensitivity towards others
-  Manage behavior appropriately / BV
-  We understand the consequences of our actions
-  Peace Mala Values – Buddhist Traditions and Value in Manchester / Enrichment ideas
-  Blackpool Zoo visit
-  Animal intuition school visit
Literacy development
-  Phase 2 phonics and tricky words
-  Using and applying these skills
-  Phase 3 phonics for HA
-  Showing understanding and talking about of what they read
-  Discussion if story characters and settings
Writing – continue with this
-  Phase 2/3 phonics where needed
simple sentences for HA, labels and captions
-  Writing CVC words
-  Writing sentences that can be read by themselves and others HA / Understanding the world: The World
-  Similarities and differences in relation to places
-  How environments vary from each other / Mathematical development
-  Problem solving focus
-  Secure matching amounts to numerals
-  Secure recognition to 20 HA
-  Secure counting forwards and backwards
-  Revisit Addition and Subtraction
-  Revisit teaching based on need
Shape, Space and Measure
-  Problem solving
-  Shape 2D and 3D
-  Pattern
-  Revisit teaching based on need
Other (RRSA, Safety etc)
-  Articles 12 and 24 will be the focus for the year
-  Safety – taking risks
Term: Summer 2
Topic: Transport and Journeys
The Big Question: Where shall we go?
Understanding the World: ICT
-  Continue using a variety of hardware and software
-  Selecting and using technology for purposes
-  Use of the ipads in the classroom for Transition
-  Transition videos to support understanding
-  Trips online- google earth- Where in the World?
Physical Development - (links with article 24)
Dance, gymnastics and games
Moving and Handling
-  Correct letter formation, cursive where possible, retracing and counterclockwise
Health and Self-Care
-  Taking risks and managing own safety
-  Toileting and changing ourselves in the Nursery ready for Reception / Expressive Arts and Design:
-  3D Art/sculptures
-  Evaluating processes and products
-  Music – making up rhythms, songs, exploring instruments and music from different cultures and genres / SMSC
-  Collective worship and bible stories
-  PSE-
-  Peace Mala
-  Celebrations – Eid linked to other festivals
-  Past and present events in their families
Communication and Language
-  Expressing feelings caused by changes
-  Expressing concerns about going to Reception or starting a new school
-  Expressing ideas and speaking clearly
-  Connecting ideas with peers
-  Circle times – Changes / Start Transition Bags
-  Transition with Reception starting week 1
-  Independence/challenge
-  Making choices / BV
-  We respect the culture and beliefs of others
-  Peace Mala Value- Treating others as we wished to be treated ourselves. / Enrichment ideas
-  Go on a journey – walk, bus etc
-  Trip to Manchester Airport Viewing Park

St Agnes CE Primary Curriculum map