Chatsworth Charter High School

English Syllabus

Mrs. Alcorn

I am pleased to have your son/daughter in my class this year. We will be working on Functional Reading and Writing skills in all classes listed below as well as concentrating on the standards for each class.

PRACTICAL ENGLISH (9th grade):This course emphasizes the development of survival reading and writing skills as they are applied to daily living. The course focuses on the interpretation of a variety of printed materials commonly found in the home and the community.

APPLIED ENGLISH (10th grade): This course promotes the continued development and practical application of basic reading and written communication skills. Focus is on the use of reading and writing as they relate to functioning independently and effectively on a day-to-day basis in the community which the student lives.

COMMUNITY ENGLISH (11th grade): This course emphasized awareness and recognition of basic functional and safety words in the student’s environment. Focus is on the individual’s need to recognize and respond to printed words and logos in order to safely and more independently function in his or her home and community environments.

CAREER EXPLORATION (12th grade): The emphasis of this course is to explore a variety of careers and professions. Students will become aware of jobs available at school and in the community and the requirements for obtaining those jobs.

The following Standards will be covered in all courses;

English/Language Arts

Sight Word Reading

Standard 3 – Understands that printed materials provide information

Standard 5 – Reading simple one-syllable and high frequency words

Standard 6 – Match oral words to printed words

Standard 7 – Recognize common abbreviations

Reading Comprehension

Standard 8 – Follow one-step written instructions

Standard 9 – Follow two-step written instructions

Standard 10 – Ask and answer questions about essential elements of a text

SUPPLIES – I supply all the necessary tools that your student will need throughout the school year. However, there might be times that I will ask for voluntary donations of items such as stamps. I also use iPads in the classroom and am willing to download educational apps for the students, donations of iTunes gift cards of any denomination would be greatly appreciated.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. My email is and my cell phone is (818) 808-8413