Today (11/5)
Platform Host / Wayne
Entry Doors / Cochran
Worship Doors / Groen
Nursery / Jackie/Myra
Worship / New
Hospitality / Dorothy
Next Week (11/12)
Platform Host / Russ
Entry Doors / W Junker
Worship Doors / Woelfel
Nursery / Heather G
Worship / Junker
Hospitality / Laurel


Sunday (11/5):Prayer & Sunday School at 9am. Worship Service at 9:30am with Communion.

Tuesday (11/7):lastWomen’s Bible study at 9:15am in the Adult Ed room.

Thursday (11/9):Men’s Thursday morning study at 6am.

Next Sunday (11/12):Prayer & Sunday School at 9am. Worship Service at 9:30am



Please remember to pray for each other during the week. If you would like to update or add a prayer request please send the request to Diane at or call her at 507.249.2635


-Connie Lindeman - Roland/Margaret Jahnke

- Kera Latterell- Jeanne Leith- Clay Arends

- Doris Lammers - Rose Moore - India Schmidt

-Gayle S & her niece - Don & Michele Peterman

-AReek’s friend Bill Schwandt

- Hagg Family (loss of Doug) - JFriese’s grandma

- KAlexanderloss of brother, Denny

- Jeff Brown & family - Angie Krause

- MLammers’ (mom/loss of dad)- Safe Harvest

- Hillestad’s daughter Aleeah

- Michele P-loss of sister Claude

- Dan C’s cousin Lynette -Julie’s brother

- Giles nephew/loss wife has 3 small kids

-Ron Rathbun (prostate cancer)

- Sawvell (Ron’s health; cousin with cancer; nephew & family in cult; Noreen Allenspach)

- JLueck’s niece’s husband/daughter (car crash)

- Menno Buller (health/loss of wife)

- Junker’s young grandniece (leukemia)


Miller: house to sell in Marshall

BRobertson’s sister’s husband, John (salvation)

Funding/completion of new facility


HectorEvangelical Free Church

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Choices Pregnancy Center

The Evangelical Free Church

Of Redwood Falls

…for the Gospel to Reach and Restore us ALL.

NOVEMBER 5, 2017

Welcome to The Evangelical Free Church of Redwood Falls! Your presence is an encouragement to us and we pray that you leave strengthened for the week!

We are praying…

“that you, congregation, might overflow with the knowledge of His will,

In all wisdom and understanding, by the Spirit, that you might walk worthy of the LORD in all that pleases Him,

In every good work bearing fruit & furthering the knowledge of God,

In all power, empowered according to His glorious strength for endurance and steadfastness

With joy, giving thanks to the Father, the One granting us a part in the share of those set apart in the light.”

Colossians 1:9-12

1370 E Bridge Street / PO Box 97,

Redwood Falls, MN 56283

507-627-3222 Web:


Celebration Service:

Amen (Because He Lives)

This I Believe

There is Joy in the Lord

Whom Shall I Fear

Family News/Prayer

Worship & Praise


Today’s Message by Brian Swedburg

The Problem and Promise in the Story of Abraham

Standing on the Promises (hymn #687)

You Are Good

There are worship bags for the little ones available at the entrance; there are also colored pencils with either paper or bulletins available for the older children

Nursery available for infants to 5 years old.


to Betsy Goblirsch (5th), Russ Rohlik (7th) and

Paul Alexander (9th).

PARKING LOT we have been consistent on letting everyone know where to park. This is so that we are good neighbors to Pizza Ranch. If you need a map please see the ushers.

NovemberCALENDARS are on the Information Table.

BUILDING:We are still taking money for this building that the Lord has provided, but now it will go to a mortgage. Please make sure that money donated to the building is MARKED “Building”. If the money is not marked, that money will go into the general fund.

Bible Blast will be Wednesday, November8th(then 11/22, 12/6, 12/20).We have something for everyone - babies, little kids, big kids, and adults! Come join us!A meal will be served at 5:45pm.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The last Redeemed study by Angela Thomas-Pharr is Tuesday, November 7thfrom 9:15-10:45am in the Adult Ed Room

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: We would like to do things a little different this year. On the table by the fellowship hall, is a list of items to buy (you can sign up for more than one, if you desire). Bring the items to church, then on November 15th we will have a PACKING PARTY. We are hoping to do 40 boxes this year. If you don’t want to shop we will accept money toward this as well. Make checks out to church with member line marked OCC or Xmas Child so it will go to the correct “place”.

OUR OPEN HOUSE will be Sunday, November 19th. Schedule: 930-1045am Celebration Service; 1115-1215pm Honors and soup lunch; 1230-330p Open house – time for everyone to see and ask questions. Invitation are on the Information Table along with a schedule of events with more details.

Volunteers are needed to deliver HOME DELIVERED MEALS the entire month of November startingNov. 6th.

You can volunteer to deliver meals by calling or e-mailingthe A.C.E. of SW MN – Redwood County volunteer office. If you can help out even one day or more during the month of November pleasecall our office at 627-1016 or e-mail us at.

Community Events

See bulletin board in entry way for complete details

HOT DISH SUPPER Thursday, November 9th from 5-6:30pm at Church of St Catherine’s

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Annual Soup and Sandwich Luncheon will be Tuesday, November 14th from 11am to 1pm

22ND ANNUAL LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION Lutefisk & Meatball Supper will be Thursday, November 16th from 430pm to 630pm at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

7TH ANNUAL FF THANKSGIVING TURKEY TROT 5K: Thursday, November 23rd – walkers start at 8:30am and runners at 9am.