Meath County Council Planning Applications 15/10/07 to 21/10/07


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DA/70578 / Daniel Geogheghan / P / 15/10/07 / a development of additional storage space at mezzanine level total of 865sq.m and 4 no. new access stairs previously approved planning permission Reg. Ref. DA/60436 / Unit 1
Ashbourne Industrial Park
Ashbourne Co. Meath /
DA/70583 / Martin & Karen McCaul / P / 15/10/07 / the construction of an extension at first floor level above existing playroom/kitchen to side, to include 2 new bedrooms and shower room. Dormer bay construction to front elevation . In addition to the conversion of the existing attic space to provide for 1 no. habitable bedroom and ensuite bathroom with circular window to west hable elevatgion. Roof winsowa to front and rear elevations and all associated site works / 117 Alderbrook Glen
Co. Meath /
KA/70691 / Mr Patrick Farrell / P / 15/10/07 / development that will consist of the retention and completion of domestic garage and associated site works. / Summerhill Upper,
Co Meath /
KA/70692 / John Halvey / P / 15/10/07 / 16 no. 3 bedroom two-storey terraced house and 8 no. 2-bedroom two-storey townhouses together with new vehicular entrance and associated siteworks and carparking / O'Growney Steet,
Co. Meath /
KA/70693 / Mr Anthony Kelly / P / 15/10/07 / development at Unit 40, Site 5, Kells Business Park, Phase 2, Townsparks (off Virginia Road ) Kells, Co Meath, within the general area know as Kells Business Park. The overall development on Site 5 has the benefit of Planning Permission under Ref. No. KA/50278. The development will include a change of use over that permitted under Planning Reference No.: KA/50278 in relation to the ground floor level. The development will comprise the construction of an intermediate floor to create a two storey structure. The ground floor will be used as offices (for medical use) for the Health Service Executive and the first floor will be used for warehousing/storage. The development includes the construction of an entrance lobby to the front of the building, single storey in height. The development will include alterations to the existing openings as described and the provision of new window and door opening as described in the plans. The building is connected to the public service. The development includes the provision of required car parking within the site curtilage. The existing service road servicing the development connects with the existing services road leading to the public road. / Unit 40, Site 5,
Kells Business Park,
Townsparks, Kells, Co Mea /
NA/70492 / Mr Richard Thorpe / P / 15/10/07 / the construction of a two storey dwelling, new entrance walls and piers, connection to the existing local authority mains sewer and to carry out all associated site and ancillary site works / 196B Silverlawns
Co Meath /
NA/70541 / Malibu Properties Ltd / P / 15/10/07 / amendments to Block A of a previously approved mixed use development (reg refs NA/50112 and NA/70078) at the former Crannac factory site to provide for the inclusion of previously approved ground level external voided areas, realignment of approved rear elevation, and revised internal floor plans, sections and elevations, and for revisions to the landscaped plaza at the front of site, resulting in an increase in the overall floor area of 607 sq m (overall total now 4,394sq m) / Former Crannac Factory
Limekiln Hill
Navan /
NA/70542 / James & Edel Caffrey / P / 15/10/07 / the construction of part two storey/part single storey extension and alterations to residence / Yellow River House
Navan /
NA/70543 / Eamon Tuite / P / 15/10/07 / the construction of a storey and a half type dwelling, domestic garage, proprietary waste water treatment system, percolation area, a private water well and open new entrance to site, also the upgrading of private lane, the provision of two pull in bays, and the relocation of boundary wall in order to obtain required site lines / Tullaghanstown
Co Meath /
NA/70544 / Helena Cousins& Nicolas Connor / P / 15/10/07 / construct new two storey dwelling house, detached double domestic garage, proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area , new bellmount entrance with walls and piers and to carry out associated site and ancillary works / Garretstown
Skryne Road
Dunshaughlin, Co Meath /
NT/70048 / Boheranch Ltd / P / 15/10/07 / the demolition of 3 no existing derelict houses and associated sheds and the construction of a mixed use development in 3 blocks totalling 51 no apartments, 1 no coffee bar/lunch and 2025sq m of office space - Block A comprises of 51 no apartments including 14 no one bed units, 25 no two bed units, 12 no three bed units and 2 no office units totalling 920 sq m - Block B comprises of 1 no office unit totalling 880 sq m and 1 no coffee bar/lunch totalling 140sq m and ground terrace towards River Boyne - Block C comprises of 1 no office unit totalling 225 sq m, contours and levels vary significantly throughout the site in north-south direction and east-west direction. Each building height varies as follows: Block A: 3 storeys along Convent Road (max height above ground level 11.50m) and 4-5 storeys including penthouses at river frontage (max height above ground level 14.85m) Block B: 4 storeys along Convent Road (max height above ground level 14.55m) and 6 storeys at river frontage (max height above ground level 22.05m) Block C: 2.5 storeys (max height above ground level 9.50m) The development will be served by 168 underground parking spaces located on 2 levels and 17 visitor surface parking spaces totalling 185 car parking spaces. Development will include construction of residential courtyards, and associated balconies, terraces, landscaping, and associated site works. Rubbish store and any associated plant rooms/storage units are located at underground parking level. The development will be connected to existing town mains sewerage and storm water drainage system / Convent Road
Co Meath /
SA/70556 / Elizabeth & John Carey / P / 15/10/07 / Change of use of an existing habitable dwelling to agricultural and storage use, the erection of two no. new agricultural/storage buildings, the construction of a new two-storey replacement dwelling, alterations to existing vehicular entrance and access road, boundary walls and railings, landscaping, proprietary treatment plant and percolation area, and ancillary site services and site development works. / Herbertstown
Co. Meath /
TA/70476 / Gerard Coghlan / P / 15/10/07 / change of house plans from those previously granted under file reference TA20387 with detached garage, septic tank and percolation area / Towlaght
Co Meath /
TA/70601 / Fr Terence Toner PP / P / 15/10/07 / demoling of an existing dwelling damaged by fire and the construction of a replacement dwelling, (dormer style), a domestic garage and all ancillary works. The development will be connected to the existing public services. / Kilmessan Parochial House
Kilmessan, Trim
Co Meath /
DA/70579 / Michael Summerville / P / 16/10/07 / an extension to existing dormer bungalow, to extend over the existing garage at first floor level, and the extension to the rear of existing garage at ground floor level. The proposed new first floor shall consist of a new bedroom, a bathroom and also a study. An alteration to the garage to the side of the house is also proposed. The proposed new space behind the garage shall be used as storage / Stonefield
Rath Hill
Dunshaughlin Co. Meath /
DA/70580 / Ciara Smith / P / 16/10/07 / the construction of a storey and a half type dwelling, domestic garage and BAF effluent treatment system and percolation area, new entrance onto public road and associated site works / Knockstown
Summerhill Co. Meath /
KA/70694 / Mr Damien Sheridan / P / 16/10/07 / construction of a one storey detached dwelling with split level garage, new vehicular entrance onto public road, proprietary waste water treatment system,percolation area, and associated site works. / Carrickleck,
Co Meath /
NA/70549 / Mr David Keogan / P / 11/10/07 / the erection of a bungalow and domestic garage with proprietary waste water treatment system also to modify existing entrance / Ongenstown
Navan /
DA/70586 / Jennifer, Laura & Kate McKernan / P / 05/10/07 / 3 no. detached dwellings, combined entrance, 3 no.proprietary wastewater treatment systems, and all auxiliary site works, revised site layout plan consequent on grants of permission reference numbers DA/40413 and DA/50395 / The Grange
Maynooth Road
Dunboyne Co. Meath /
NA/70440 / G & M Brennan / P / 16/10/07 / (a) demolition of two houses (b) demolition of existing stone showrooms and stone storage buildings (c) erection of 2 no 2 storey detached houses with septech 2000 effluent treatment plant on each site (d) erection of replacement stone showrooms and storage buildings having a total floor area of 1879 sq m and effluent treatment plant / Cushinstown
Co Meath /
NA/70452 / Anon Developments Ltd / P / 16/10/07 / 2 no 3 bed semi detached, 2 storey dwellings on reserved site for creche (Condition no 1(d) ref PL17.211498) / Site Nos 19 & 20
Fitzherbert Wood
Blackcastle, Slane Road /
NA/70506 / Mark Carberry / P / 16/10/07 / the construction of a storey and a half house, detached double garage, new house entrance, proprietary wastewater treatment system with irrigation/percolation area, associated landscaping and site works / Proudstown
Co Meath /
NA/70520 / Sandra Connor / P / 16/10/07 / The construction of a new dormer type dwelling house with, BAF sewage treatment system & percolation area and open new entrance onto public road and all associated site works / Cloncullen
Navan /
NA/70545 / David Ball / P / 16/10/07 / the construction of a dormer dwelling, detached domestic garage, installation of a BAF proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area, new entrance onto public road and all ancillary site development works / Neilstown
Navan /
NA/70551 / Patrick Dolan / P / 16/10/07 / the construction of a two storey dwelling, wastewater treatment unit and percolation area / Clogher
Navan /
SA/70557 / Raymond McCann & Caroline Coogan / P / 16/10/07 / 1 No. detached house circa 2000sq. ft. & associated site works. / Shalvey's Lane
Co. Meath /
DA/70581 / Leslie & Lorna Beattie / P / 17/10/07 / erection fo two storey detached dwelling, detached single storey building to accommodate double domestic garage, boiler house & store. Also for effluent treatment system with percolation area, for driveway and entrance using existing vehicular entrance gateway / Porterstown Lane
Co. Meath /
DA/70582 / Liam & Hilary Brady / P / 17/10/07 / dwelling house, domestic garage, proprietary wastewater treatment system, connection to public watermain and all associated site works / Coolfore Stud
Curragha Co. Meath /
DA/70589 / Claire Bradley / P / 10/10/07 / replacement dwelllin for existing dwelling being demolished and replaced with one and a half storey passive solar dwelling and domestic garage. The development also includes decommissioning existing septic tank and installing proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area together with general site works. Entrance and driveway via existing on site / Vesingstown
Co. Meath /
KA/70695 / Mr Mark Browne / P / 17/10/07 / development that will consist of the erection of dormer bungalow and domestic garage with proprietary wastewater treatment system and entrance. / Girley,
Navan, Co Meath /
KA/70704 / Colm & Caroline Brady / P / 17/10/07 / development that will consist of change of use of existing dwelling to use as a stables, construction of a replacement storey and a half style dwelling with detached domestic garage, remove existing septic tank and replace with a proprietary sewage treatment system, form new entrance, provide soiled water storage tank and dungstead to stables and associated site works. / Rathmore Lane,
Athboy, Co Meath /
KA/70705 / Mr Derek McGovern / P / 17/10/07 / that will consist of the construction of a one and a half storey/dormer style dwelling house, domestic garage, septic tank, Oakstown BAF Sewerage treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works. / Rodstown,
Co Meath /
NA/70496 / Peter Meyler / P / 17/10/07 / retention of a two storey detached residence and site works Planning Permission Granted NA/40515 / 6A Beechlawns
Johnstown Wood
Navan /
NT/60058 / Paul Meyler / P / 17/10/07 / an extension to the rear and internal alterations / 12 McDermott Villas
Co Meath /
NT/70049 / Mr & Mrs Anthony Byrne / P / 17/10/07 / renovation and single storey extension to front, side and rear of existing two storey semi detached dwelling / 53 St Brigids Villas
Co Meath /
SA/70525 / Peter & Susan Whelan / P / 17/10/07 / Change of use of part of existing cattle shed to dog kennels and for a new prefab timber office building plus associated site works. / Rathmaiden