






Defendants.) STP

______) ADR #


TO:, attorney for Plaintiff; and

TO:, attorney for Defendant; and

TO:, Judge Pro Tempore.

A.The above entitled case is set to be tried as part of the Short Trial Program (STP) on

, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. before Judge Pro Tempore.

B.The parties are to refer to the Nevada Short Trial Rules, as well as this Order for procedures and deadlines in this matter. This Order supplements and should not be interpreted as modifying the relevant Supreme Court Rules in any manner.

C.Courtesy copies of all documents must be served on the opposing party and the presiding short trial judge within one (1) day of filing.

D.Discovery shall cease 45 days prior to the trial date unless otherwise ordered by the presiding short trial judge. The parties shall cooperate in conducting discovery as necessary in this matter. All discovery disputes will be referred exclusively to the presiding short trial judge for resolution. The parties shall not request calendar dates from the Clerk’s Office.

STP FORM 9 (1 of 4)


E.TheJoint Pretrial Memorandum and Evidentiary Booklet shall be due seven (7) working days before the pretrial conference.

F.Jury instructions shall be submitted with the pretrial memorandum.

G.All Evidentiary Booklets submitted with the pretrial memorandum shall contain exhibit lists for use during the short trial.

H.Evidentiary objections shall be submitted to the presiding judge on the date the pretrial memorandum is due. Oppositions should be served prior to the pretrial conference.

I.Pretrial conferences shall be scheduled through the presiding judge. All pretrial conferences shall take place no later than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled short trial date.

J.During the short trial the Court anticipates conducting limited general voir dire to assist in the efficient selection of jurors. The time spent by the Court with voir dire shall not be deducted from the time allotted to each side for voir dire.

K.Other than jury selection, counsel may utilize allotted time as he or she sees fit among different uses including, but not limited to, opening statements, direct and cross-examination of witnesses, rebuttal and sur-rebuttal, closing argument, objections and motions as long as the party’s total allotted time is not exceeded. Time taken to argue objections and motions, including matters outside of the presence of the jury, and challenges for cause during jury selection will be charged against the time allocation of the party against whom the Court rules, and will be allocated between the parties if the Court rules partly for and partly against the objecting party.

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L.All post-trial motions for attorney’s fees and costs or refunds of fees shall be considered on the briefs alone unless oral argument is requested by the Pro Tempore Judge.

M.If counsel becomes aware of a potential conflict between the short trial and another matter before a District Court Judge, counsel must immediately notify the Short Trial Judge in writing with the case number and department along with the anticipated time/length of any conflict.

Failure of the designated trial attorney or any party in proper person to make any court appearance or to otherwise comply with the Order shall result in one or more of the following: 1) dismissal of the action;2) default judgment; 3) monetary sanctions; 4) vacation of trial date; and/or other appropriate remedy or sanction.

Counsel is required to advise the ADR Commissioner and Pro Tempore Judge immediately when the case settles or is otherwise resolved prior to trial. The parties must provide the ADR Office with a signed Stipulation for Dismissal by 12:00Noonat least two working days prior to the scheduled short trial to have it removed from calendar. A stipulation which terminates a case by dismissal shall also indicate whether a trial date has been set and the date of that trial.

DATED this day of , 2008.


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A copy of the foregoing Short Trial Setting was:

Mailed to the Plaintiff’s/Defendant’s counsel and Judge Pro Tempore at their

last known address(es) on the day of , 2008.



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