Name of In Class Activity: Spoons
Type of modality / Card Game/ Table gameType of play / Shared Cooperative
Interaction pattern / Multilateral
# of participants required / 3+
Equipment/supplies / Standard deck of cards, Spoons
Facilities required/environment / An area with a table
Precautions / N/A
Task Analysis Sequence/Directions (Details of how a to move through the activity from start to finish so that a person could read your directions and know what to do) Here you would document the step by step directions of the activity (conducted in class) that you have been assigned.
1. Count number of players and place however many spoons is one less than the number of players (5 players = 4 spoons)
2. Select someone to be the card dealer
3. Shuffle cards and deal 4 cards to each player and place remaining card stack next to the dealer.
4. Places spoons in the center of the table at an equal distance from each player, so that the game is fair.
5. Players pick up their cards and dealer begins game by drawing a card from the deck and either discarding it to the person to their left, or replacing it with one of their cards
6. The next player picks up the card that the dealer has discarded and repeats the process of discarding it to their left or by replacing one of their cards.
7. Players decide whether to keep or discard their cards according to the objective of the game which is to get 4 of kind (four kings, four 7’s, etc.)
8. Once a player has 4 of a kind, they grab a spoon out of the middle and everyone does the same until there is one person left without a spoon
9. The player without the spoon is the loser
10. (Optional) The player who does not grab a spoon is eliminated and the game continues until there is one player remaining
Activity Analysis (What is required of this activity without any adjustments, accommodations, alterations) played/performed just as it is..
Category / SkillsPrimary body position / Standing or sitting
Part of the body required / All body parts
Movement / Grasp: Scissor/Pincer Grasp, Picking up, Reaching, Releasing, Stretching, turning/twisting hands and wrists to pick up cards
Physical / Balance: Dynamic Sitting/Standing, Bilateral Integration, Crossing Midline, Fine muscle coordination, Motor control, Active Range of Motion: Upper Extremities, Speed, Visual-motor integration ,
Cognitive / Arousal/Alertness, Attention: Sharing attention, Concept Formation, Concentration, Decision Making: Simple, Initiation, Insight, Judgment, Memory: Short term, Orientation: Topographical, Organization and Planning, Recognition: Number, Sequencing, Shape/form, Strategy
Social / Conversation, Handling Criticism, Heterogeneity, Homogeneity, Interpersonal Interactions, Maintaining social space, Regulating behavior, Showing respect and warmth, Showing tolerance
Perception / Auditory function, Tactile function, Visual function
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language, Reception of signs and symbols(numbers)
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy of victory, Anger after not claiming a spoon, Frustration from being unable to get 4 of the same card
SIMPLIFYING AND COMPLICATING THIS ACTIVITY: Think of ways you could simplify or make more complex
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEXCognitively / Change the rules so each player only needs to get 3 of the same card / Change the rules so each player must get 4 of a kind that are all the same suit
Physically / Use larger spoons so they are easier to grasp / Place the spoons on a different table so the players must move to try and get them
Socially / Play with less players to decrease the need for communication with a variety of people / When discarding a card, players can say a number that could either be the actual number on the card or it could be a bluff to throw off the next person