(BDS-US Staff Notice –School Supplies) / In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988, the Ministry of Defence will collect, use, protect and retain the information on this form in connection with all matters relating to personnel administration and policy. / BDS Form 511
(Introduced Jul 08)
Part A – Personal Details
Name (Last, First) / Service / Number / UINChild Name / Age / Child 2 Name / Age
Child 3 Name / Age / Child 4 Name / Age
Part B – School Information*
Name & Address of School / Name & Address of School
The above school is Public/Private (delete as applicable) / Public/Private
Number of Children with Mandatory School Supply List
Allowance per Child / $45.00
Total Claim (Number of Children x Allowance per Child)
*If your children attend more than two schools, please provide name and address of the additional schools on the back
Part C – Claimant’s Certificate
I have read and understood the BDS-US Staff Notice regarding school supplies and I hereby apply for an automatically paid allowance for the costs of mandatory school supplies bought from a supply list provided by the school.
1. I understand that I cannot claim this expense if the school does not mandate the purchase of particular supplies in writing.
2. All information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
3. I have attached a copy of the mandatory supply list for each child.
WARNING! It is a serious offence to make or conspire in making false statements on this claim, or withhold any information relevant to this request certificate. Such an offence could lead to disciplinary action or criminal prosecution, either of which could lead to dismissal.
Date / SignatureDhr use only
Signature / Name:Date:
Amount / RAC / LPC / Subaccount / Activity Code
NHB001 / 0000000000 / 2006 / 0000