Academic Program Review Template

Appendix A

Program Administration

Template A-1

Mission Statement Alignment
University Mission Statement
Stephen F. Austin State University is a comprehensive institution dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, creative work, and service. Through the personal attention of our faculty and staff, we engage our students in a learner-centered environment and offer opportunities to prepare for the challenges of living in the global community. / College Mission Statement / Program Mission Statement

Template A-2

Program Degrees and Certificates
Program Degrees and Certificates / Level (U or G) / Credit Hours to Earn Credential / Accreditation Agency and Website (if applicable)

Template A-3

Faculty Profile
Category / Program Data
Gender (current #) / Male:
Ethnicity (current #) / White:
American Indian:
Current Full-Time/Part-Time Status / Full-time
Current Tenure Status / Tenured:
Current Graduate Faculty Status (# and % of full-time faculty) / #:
Current Average Age by Rank / Professor:
Teaching Assistant:
Current Average Salary (nine month) by Rank / Professor:
Teaching Assistant:
New Full-Time Faculty Positions Added (# last 5 years)
Vacant Full-Tine Faculty Positions Filled (# last 5 years)
Vacant Full-Time Faculty Positions left Vacant (# last 5 years)
Full-Time Faculty Departures (# last 5 years)
GTAs as course instructors-of-record (average per year over 5 years)

Template A-4

Student Profile
Category / Year One / Year Two / Year Three / Year Four / Year Five
Gender (#) / Male: / Male: / Male: / Male: / Male:
Female: / Female: / Female: / Female: / Female:
Ethnicity (#) / White: / White: / White: / White: / White:
African-American: / African-American: / African-American: / African-American: / African-American:
Hispanic: / Hispanic: / Hispanic: / Hispanic: / Hispanic:
Asian: / Asian: / Asian: / Asian: / Asian:
American Indian: / American Indian: / American Indian: / American Indian: / American Indian:
Non-Resident: / Non-Resident: / Non-Resident: / Non-Resident: / Non-Resident:
Unknown / Unknown / Unknown / Unknown / Unknown
Status (#) / Full-time: / Full-time: / Full-time: / Full-time: / Full-time:
Part-time: / Part-time: / Part-time: / Part-time: / Part-time:
Enrollment by Classification / Freshman: / Freshman: / Freshman: / Freshman: / Freshman:
Sophomore: / Sophomore: / Sophomore: / Sophomore: / Sophomore:
Junior: / Junior: / Junior: / Junior: / Junior:
Senior: / Senior: / Senior: / Senior: / Senior:
Graduate: / Graduate: / Graduate: / Graduate: / Graduate:
Enrollment by Undergraduate Major (#) / Major: / Major: / Major: / Major: / Major:
Major: / Major: / Major: / Major: / Major:
Major: / Major: / Major: / Major: / Major:
Major: / Major: / Major: / Major: / Major:
Major: / Major: / Major: / Major: / Major:
Number of Degrees Awarded / Undergraduate: / Undergraduate: / Undergraduate: / Undergraduate: / Undergraduate:
Graduate: / Graduate: / Graduate: / Graduate: / Graduate:
Certificates: / Certificates: / Certificates: / Certificates: / Certificates:
First-Time Freshman Average SAC/ACT Scores * / SAT: / SAT: / SAT: / SAT: / SAT:
ACT: / ACT: / ACT: / ACT: / ACT:
Retention Rate (Freshmen Fall to Next Fall)
Average Time to Degree (First-Time Freshman to Degree)
Average Time to Degree (First-Time Freshman to Degree)
Graduated Student Satisfaction with Program (#)** / Satisfied: / Satisfied: / Satisfied: / Satisfied: / Satisfied:
Neutral: / Neutral: / Neutral: / Neutral: / Neutral:
Unsatisfied: / Unsatisfied: / Unsatisfied: / Unsatisfied: / Unsatisfied:

*Care should be given in interpreting values due to population size.

**Explain in the narrative when and how the survey was conducted for each degree.

Template A-5

Staff Data *
Category / Year One / Year Two / Year Three / Year Four / Year Five
Administrative Assistants (#)
Graduate Assistants (#)
Graduate Teaching Assistants (#)
Other (identify position and provide staff #)

*Explain in the narrative the proportionate utilization of staff within the program..

Template A-5

Income Data
Category / Year One / Year Two / Year Three / Year Four / Year Five
O & M Budget ($)
Student Worker Budget ($)
Professional Development Budget ($)
Travel Budget ($)
HEAF Allocation ($)
Excellence Funds ($ raised)
Program Contracts ($)
Program Grants ($) / Internal: / Internal: / Internal: / Internal: / Internal:
External: / External: / External: / External: / External: