Village of FortSimpson

Committee of the Whole Meeting #CW05-2017of May 8, 2017


Present:Mayor D. Sibbeston

Councillor C. Blyth

CouncillorM. Hassan

Councillor L. McPherson

Councillor M. Rowe

Councillor S. Whelly

AbsentDeputy Mayor J. Hardisty

Councillor M. Lafferty

Also Present:SAOW. Bennett

ClerkL. Beaulieu

Resident AJ. Augier

ResidentR. Bellefontaine

ResidentK. Lambert

  1. Call to Order
    Mayor Sibbeston called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
  2. Agenda Additions
  3. Adoption of the Agenda
    Resolution #2017-108
    Moved by: Councillor Hassan
    Seconded by: Councillor Whelly
    THAT Council adopts the agenda of Committee of the Whole Meeting COW05-2017 as presented.
  4. Declaration of Interest
    - None
  5. Councillor Absences
    Resolution #2017-109
    Moved by: Councillor Hassan
    Seconded by: Councillor Whelly
    THAT Council excuse Deputy Mayor Hardisty and Councillor Lafferty from the Committee of the Whole COW05-2017.
  6. SAO Project Update
    Senior Administrative Officer William Bennett presented his written report to Council as follows:

New Office Lease: The Cost Benefit Analysis is complete. Council has completed 1st and 2nd reading of the long term debt bylaw. The next step is for Administration to revise the 2017 Budget to more accurately show the costs for the year. I along with the Finance Manager and Department Heads will be completing the work by May 19th. The next step will be to submit all documents to the Minister as well as our MLA.

Development Permit Check List: As per the request from Council a check list has been developed and will be attached to each development permit showing compliance to all bylaw requirements.

Street Cleaning: I have been working with Department of Transportation along with Village Public Works staff to have the mud and dust removed from the roads and sidewalks. This is an ongoing process with more work to come. Councillor Whelly stated that he liked the way the streets were cleaned but wanted to know if the drains be cleaned soon as well. Councillor Rowe heard by clarification that our street sweeper fell into a state of disrepair and that is why the Department of Transportation did the roads. Would it be possible if true, to get our street sweeper repaired or replaced as it is smaller and transportations machine throws mud onto the sidewalks. Mayor Sibbeston stated that we could look into repair or replace the street sweeper. SAO Bennett advised that the PW Foreman has a quote but this would be considered in capital planning.

Fitness Center: The tender documents are complete and the project has gone out for advertising. The project is out for advertising from May 8th until May 29th. The project has been listed in the Plan Room for the NWT Construction Association. Councillor Whelly asked if is different from what was budgeted. SAO will get the Class C estimates

Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw: Once the Village has the Community Development Committee established I would expect that a terms of reference can be developed and put out to tender. Councillor Rowe wants information on this as well.

Pool staffing: A Pool Supervisor has been hired and an advertisement has been published for the assistant and the lifeguard positions. The Recreation Supervisor is currently ensuring that the pool will be ready for operation during the latter part of this month. Councillor Hassan questioned whether these positon were advertised. SAO advised that these were not advertised. He took the manager for VIC from last year and offered him the position and he accepted. As for the pool supervisor, the person that was training last year has finished all his training, so the job was offered to him as well and accepted. Councillor Whelly followed up on the pool staff and said as it is too late, he would like to know what our policy is for hiring so that hiring is consistent. Councillor McPherson stated that since last, the person that was the manager did a good job, so the personnel committee recommended he be hired again. As for the pool supervisor, we look at the dollar value for advertising and the amount of training and experience that the individual has which a lot of locals people don’t have. She also thinks the SAO has the capability to hire as well.

Visitors Information Center: A Visitors Information Center Manager is in the process of being hired. An advertisement has been published for the attendant positions. I would expect to have the Manager on staff this month and the other staff by early June.

By-Election: Voting will take place on Monday May 15th from 8am – 6pm in the Council Chambers. Legislation requires the counting of the votes to occur immediately after polls close.

MACA Accountability Framework: The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs requires that the accountability framework document be completed and presented to Council for approval. This item is still outstanding and will be worked on in May. 8, 17

Water License Requirements: Our Water license requires an Annual Report be completed for the last fiscal year. I am in the process of gathering all the data from Mitch, Steve and Robert. I expect to have this submitted by the end of May. Councillor Blyth questioned about a drilling project from last year and wondered if a report can come from that as well in the near future. SAO Bennett took note.

Water License Requirements: The Village went through a renewal process last year and the Water License was issued without completion of three items. More work is required on the three plans that are required by the license; The Spill Contingency Plan, Solid Waste Management Plan and the Sewage Treatment Plan. The three plans will require further work from the original consultant that drafted the documents.

Zamboni Maintenance: I have talked with Nathan about sending the Zamboni out for maintenance. He will set up with the company and then arrange to have it trucked out. The overall cost should come in under $ 10,000 and will extend the life of the asset. Nathan is working on getting a deal to have it shipped out.

Gun Range: Currently no lease as per my briefing notes from Ann. Looking for direction in this matter.

Curling Club Lease: The item is still outstanding. I have a draft lease in the file that just needs to be reviewed by the Curling club and then we can proceed to signing.

Seven Spruce Golf Course Lease: There is a draft 10 year lease agreement in the file but I see direction from Council to change to a three year agreement. I will redraft the Lease on meet with the President to complete the agreement.

Bulk Water Costing: I spoke with Crowe Mackay to day to get the data requested. The Auditor is stuck in Cambridge Bay without internet. She will forward the data once she has internet.

Recreation Center Kitchen Upgrade: I have talked with Nathan. He is working with Hotel Equipment and Supply Company out of Calgary to get the required items ordered and shipped in. There will be a need to hire a local electrician for hook up once the equipment arrives.

Dump Maintenance Contract: Once the committee structure has been set I would recommend the Contracts Committee review this contract to see if the work can be done in-house. This would allow for more control and should result in cost savings.

Tax Arrears: This will be a project where every property will have to be reviewed and the history determined to see what can be done to update our records to the current owner and resolve problem files. I will have discussions with the Villages Lawyer (Edward Gullberg) to see what action can be taken to collect outstanding taxes.

Accounts receivables: Significant amounts are outstanding to the Village in Utilities, Accounts Receivables and property taxes. I will bring this issue to the Finance Committee to determine methods to collect.

Breakup: We continue to monitor the rivers and ice flow. At this point water level is at 9.5 meter mark. In speaking with Roger this morning he indicated that probably another push or two and the ice should go around the lower bend below Martin R.

Mackenzie Drive: The road closest to the Mackenzie River has suffered more erosion as spring has set in. There was a sign installed on the bank indicating that it was unstable. Part of the bank let go over the weekend and the sign is in the Mackenzie River now. The bank has eroded and now more areas are prone to fall into the river. If left alone the road will become un-useable in the not to distance future.

  1. Water & Sewer Rate Bylaw

Mayor Sibbeston advised that this new bylaw came about from the surplus. This bylaw deletes the access fees. SAO talked to auditor who is the one who reviewed the costs but is out of town and will be sending a spreadsheet. Mayor advised that in order to move on with the bylaw, council will have to discuss and make recommendations or send to another committee. The majority of Council felt that they will wait for the spreadsheet from the auditor and come up with a plan in the near future.

  1. Committee Structure, Names and Schedule

Council discussed the Committee structure and added Councillor Hassan to 3 of the committees. There has to be 4 on each committee so Councillor Hardisty and the new Councillor will have to decide which Committee they would like to be on.

Community Development: Financial and Administrative:
- Councillor Blyth- Councillor Lafferty
- Councillor Rowe - Councillor McPherson

- Councillor Hassan- Councillor Whelly
Contracts:Public Works and Safety:
- Councillor Whelly- McPherson
- Councillor McPherson- Whelly

- Councillor Hassan- Rowe
Recreation and Parks: Human Resources:
- Councillor Rowe- McPherson
- Councillor Blyth- Lafferty
- Councillor Lafferty- Hassan

RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Senior Administrative Officer direct the administration department to email the Councillors that were not at the meeting this evening and ask which Sub-Committees they would like to be on.

  1. In-camera

Resolution #2017-110
Moved by: Councillor Hassan
Seconded by: Councillor Whelly
THAT Council move into In-Camera at 7:34 pm.

Mayor Sibbeston / X
Deputy Mayor Hardisty / X
Councillor Blyth / X
Councillor Hassan / X
Councillor Lafferty / X
Councillor McPherson / X
Councillor Rowe / X
Councillor Whelly / X
6 / 2

a)Union Negotiations

b)Resolution #2017-111
Moved by: Councillor Rowe
Seconded by: Councillor Hassan
THAT Council move into In-Camera at 7:50 pm.

  1. Adjournment
    Resolution #2017-112
    Moved by: Councillor Whelly
    Seconded by: Councillor Rowe
    THAT Council adjourn Committee of the Whole Meeting COW05-2017 at 7:51 pm.


Darlene Sibbeston


William Bennett

Senior Administrative Officer