Wellness Ambassador Meeting Minutes of January 13, 20051

Stress Management Initiative & Membership Drive Subcommittee

Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2005

Attendees:Mary Helen Nesbitt, Jaclyn Palm, Angie Ping, Amber Simons

Unable to attend:Darryl Craig, Vicki Leavitt

Action Items

  • Review the brainstorming ideas and send any additional suggestions to Amber as soon as possible.
  • Begin developing some ideas of what the messages of the day should be.


Amber Simons welcomed the subcommittee members. She shared her gratitude that each person wanted to serve on this subcommittee this year.

Membership Drive Overview

Amber reviewed the tasks for the membership drive which is to participate in the Wellness Ambassador selection process in Spring 2006 (includes marketing, development of application materials, and interviews). She reminded the group that we wouldn’t need to work on this task until next semester.

Stress Management Initiative Overview

Amber reviewed the tasks for the stress management initiative which is to develop ideas for Wellness Ambassadors to use during the holidays to help reduce stress in their areas. This is the task the group began working on.

Group Brainstorming

The group spent the rest of the meeting brainstorming ideas for this initiative on how to help employees lower their stress levels. The brainstorming ideas are typed below.

The following key identifies how the idea would be utilized: (e) education (f) pure fun (p) presentation

  • Have a Stress Theme Week where ambassadors select ideas from below (e) (f) (p)
  • Email message of the day from ambassadors (e) (f)
  • Local comedian (f) – potentially partner with APSAC or CSSAC in the future
  • Cultural awareness (e)
  • Presentations that are ready to go from WorkLife Programs (p)
  • Physical activity walks (f)
  • Carry-in lunch (healthy snacks) (e) (f)
  • Massage therapist (Christina or Inner Waves) – desk massage, sign-up sheet, small fee? (f)
  • Zen relaxation room – use of relaxation cd’s, video’s, dvd’s (f)
  • Game room (f) – possibly use residential halls games if ambassador doesn’t have any
  • Stress reliever products (balls, balloons, popcorn/socks) – make their own or pick up some pre-made (f)
  • Ways to get along with coworkers (ways to get more involved) (p) (e)
  • Resource lists (e)
  • Educational lists/handouts (e)

Ways to execute this initiative

  • Subcommittee organizes events around campus
  • Subcommittee sends out ideas to individual departments
  • Ambassadors organize events for their respective areas

The general direction the group felt to go was to provide the ambassador group with options and resources they could use to hold their own events/messages for their areas. The group will put together a listing of all the ideas and then provide it to all the ambassadors. It will then be in each individual ambassadors hands to “get on board” with some of the activities and involve WorkLife Programs with execution. This way the ambassador could select their own involvement level.


Amber closed the meeting by thanking everyone again for volunteering their time. She will be emailing those absent to get their feedback. Also, she will be sending an email out to arrange the next meeting pretty quickly for the beginning of November plus putting together a beginning option sheet for proofing that would be provided to the ambassadors.

Next Meeting TBD