Stat 1350, Suggested Video Lectures, Summer 2014
The following list of video lectures is suggested for answering the discussion questions assigned to students for each lecture period. The list is not exhaustive. A quick search of search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.) or video sites (YouTube, iTunes, etc.) is likely to more useful sources. However, this list, together with the textbook and supplied notes, should help you get started answering the questions.
General Statistics Video Lectures
- Against All Odds: Inside Statistics
- Statistics 20 (this is more mathematically advanced; use with caution)
- Statistics 2
- Probability and Statistics
- Statistical Reasoning
- Statistical Reasoning II
Suggested Starting Points
For each lecture, I’ll suggest a particular video or set of videos to start with. You should watch these, and then if you need additional information and can’t find it in the books, then you can use the links above to search for more information. The dates on the calendar are due dates. They are not dates that you are to begin the assignment. If you find there is too much to do in the middle of the week, I suggest viewing videos ahead of schedule.
- 5/27 What is statistics? Lecture 1 & Samples and Surveys Lecture 17, Against All Odds
- 5/29 Census and Sampling Lecture 16, Against all Odds
- 6/3 Sampling (Parts 1 & 2) Statistical Reasoning
6/3 Lecture 1: Study Design Statistical Reasoning II - 6/5 Lecture 2: Confounding Effect and Modification Statistical Reasoning II
Designing Studies Statistical Reasoning
Designing Experiments Lecture 15 Against All Odds - 6/10 What is Ethics in Research & Why Is It Important? National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (this is pretty dense… read it slowly; small doses also helps. If you read 3-4 paragraphs at a time and then mull them over for a while before continuing, it’s not so bad, but there is a lot here.)
Summarizing Data: Precision of Measurement A New View of Statistics - 6/17 Chapter 10-11 notes (posted in Blackboard)
Stemplots Lecture 2 Against All Odds
Histograms Lecture 3 Against All Odds
BoxPlots Lecture 5 Against All Odds
Scatterplots Lecture 10 Against All Odds - 6/19 Examining Distributions Statistical Reasoning
- 6/24 Measures of Center Lecture 4 Against All Odds
Standard Deviation Lecture 6 Against All Odds
Examining Relationships Statistical Reasoning
Chapter 12 notes (on Blackboard) - 6/26 Normal Curves, Normal Calculations, Checking Assumptions of Normality Lectures 6-9 Against All Odds
Chapter 13 notes - 7/3 Correlation Lecture 12 Against All Odds
The Question of Causation Lecture 14 Against All Odds
Chapter 14 & 15 notes (on Blackboard) - 7/8 Fitting Lines to Data Lecture 11 Against All Odds
Lecture 4: Simple Linear Regression Statistical Reasoning II - 7/10 Introduction to ProbabiltyStatistical Reasoning
Introduction to Probability Lectures 18 Against All Odds - 7/15 Probability Models Lectures 19 Against All Odds
Chapter 17 & 18 notes (on Blackboard)
Simulations & Demonstrations Online StatBook (you don’t have to look at all of them, but pick a couple, starting with Sampling Distribution Simulation)
Sampling Distributions Statistical Reasoning - 7/17 Mean and Expected Values of Discrete Random Variables
- 7/24 Confidence Intervals Lecture 24 Against All Odds
Chapter 21 notes (on Blackboard) - 7/29 Tests of Significance Lecture 25 Against All Odds
Hypothesis Testing Statistical Reasoning