Windy Hill Middle School
Dr. Janice Boyd, Principal
Mike Haack, Assistant Principal I
Keith Hunt, Assistant Principal II
Laine Obando, Assistant Principal II
Faculty Handbook
WHMS Mission Statement:
To promote the love of learning through a partnership with the students, parents, teachers, and the community, for success in the 21st century.
Accidents 4
Afternoon Dismissal 4
Agendas 4
Announcements 4
Attendance Reporting 4
Campus Security 5
Care of Classroom Materials and Supplies 5
Child Abuse or Neglect Procedures 6
Classroom Maintenance 7
Classroom Management 7
Code of Student Conduct 7
Copy Machine Guidelines 8
Contract 8
Curriculum Guides 8
Discipline 8
Dress for Teachers 8
Dress Code for Students 9
Emergencies 9
Faculty Meetings 9
Field Trips 9
Grading Policies 9
Lake County School Board Policies 11
Leave 11
Leaving Campus During Work Hours 11
Lesson Plans 11
Log of Parent Contact 12
Lunch 12
Mailboxes for Teachers 12
Maintenance 12
Media 12
Messages 12
Morning Announcements 12
Notices Sent Home 12
Observations/Assessments 13
Parking 13
Phone Calls 13
Progress Reports 13
Purchases 13
Releasing Students During the Day 13
Records 13
Reports 13
Required Meetings 13
Smoking 14
Special Services 14
Student Absences 14
Student Detention 14
Student Medication 14
Student Supervision 15
Student Worksheets/Tests 15
Substitutes 15
New Generation Sunshine State Standards 15
Supplies/Instructional Materials 15
Teamwork 15
Textbooks 16
Underage Children at School 16
Visitors 16
Volunteers 16
Withdrawals 16
Work Day 16
Worker’s Compensation 17
Security Plan/Emergency Procedures 18
Staff members are responsible for all information contained in this handbook.
Accidents are to be reported to the office as soon as possible, and an accident report must be filed with the office by the end of the school day.
At 4:00 (3:00 on Wednesdays), the dismissal process will begin. We will dismiss students who ride busses by the bus numbers. During the first round of busses, we will also dismiss car riders. Walkers will be released after the second round of bus. Please do not release extra-curricular activities, Wednesday School students, etc. until the announcement at all remaining students can be released.
Please make sure you know how your sixth period students get home and do not let them leave your room until their mode of transportation is called.
Teachers who do not have a sixth period class must be on hall duty during
afternoon dismissal.
All students will be issued an agenda at the beginning of the year. The agenda will be used as part of the school-wide discipline policy and as a two-way means of communication with parents. Students will be given “agenda comments” for minor infractions. Upon receipt of a third agenda comment in a week, the teacher giving the third comment will issue the student a detention. Parents are asked to check the agenda and sign it every weekend. Homeroom teachers should check agendas at the beginning of each week.
Announcements will be broadcast in the mornings either by intercom or closed circuit television. LCEA bulletins will be posted in the faculty workroom.
This is the responsibility of the teacher. Use the 3-week attendance form to report absences each morning. Accuracy is essential.
1. First day of school - Mark all students who are present on the first day as “E1”. If a student on your list is not in attendance, please mark “NS” until that student arrives. Make sure that the student is marked correctly on the first day that he/she is in attendance in your classroom.
2. Second day of school - Add any new students to the bottom of your alphabetical listing. Do not add a new student to your roll unless you have been notified by the office that the student has been placed in your classroom. If you are not sure, ask.
3. Attendance Codes are as follows:
E1 - entering the first day of school X - Absent
NS - Did not show O - Tardy
4. The attendance secretary will mark any new entries or withdrawals on your attendance sheets.
5. After marking your attendance, place the sheet in the folder provided and
send it to the office by the end of homeroom.
6. Please make sure to take attendance during every class period and enter into eSembler.
PLEASE NOTE: Each teacher is responsible for the accuracy of their attendance report. Check your attendance for previous days. If you need to make a correction, send a note attached to your attendance sheet.
If you believe that a student is withdrawn but they have not been crossed off your attendance, keep marking them absent until Mrs. Prasse marks them off.
There will be no new student enrollment the first two days of school.
All school personnel are to be alert for suspicious, unusual, or unknown people on campus. All visitors are to check in with the office to receive a visitor’s pass. Anyone who does not have a sticker must be escorted to the main office immediately. If the person refuses to return to the office, buzz the office for assistance.
This is the responsibility of all staff members.
1. Report any damage to the facilities or equipment to the office. Notify the media specialist of any A/V equipment needing repair.
2. Keep all A/V equipment covered when not in use.
3. Equipment assigned to your room must remain there and will be periodically checked by the county inventory number.
4. Be alert for students marking on desks and furniture.
5. Be alert to abusive use of textbooks
6. Keep crayons, pencils, markers and paper clips off the floor.
7. Remember to lock your classroom doors when you leave your classroom and before you leave the campus in the afternoon.
8. At the end of the day, clean up unnecessary clutter.
9. DO NOT use extension cords, suspend anything from the ceiling, or cover more than 20% of the walls with posters, papers, etc.
(from the Lake County Standard Operating Procedures)
LAW: School Personnel are obligated to report suspected cases of
child abuse or neglect.
LAW: School Personnel are held harmless for reporting suspected
child abuse or neglect.
LAW: School Personnel are subject to lawsuit for not reporting
suspected child abuse.
Teachers and all other Board employees having personal knowledge of suspected child abuse or neglect shall report this information directly to Lake County DCF officials per agreement between DCF and Lake County School officials as of August 17, 1987.
There will be no screening of any reports as to the validity of potential suspected cases of child abuse. The School Board employee shall call 1-800-96 ABUSE and notify the principal.
The following information should be obtained for inclusion when reporting:
* Child’s name, address, and date of birth
* Names and addresses of people involved
* Names and ages of siblings, if known
* How to contact the child at home, school, day care, etc.
* Nature and extent of the abuse or neglect. Describe the injury exactly (i.e., a bluish-purple bruise measuring 1”x2” on the child’s left upper arm, 3” below the shoulder
* Identity of the abuser, if known
* Any other information helpful in establishing the abuse or neglect
The reporter should ask which Board employees received information and document their name, the child’s name, the date and the time of the report. If the counselor taking the report states that the report is not valid, ask to speak with the supervisor on duty for clarification.
Teachers and all other Board employees who receive information of suspected child abuse from other sources shall report this information directly to the DCF officials. There will be no screening of any reports as to the validity of potential suspected cases of child abuse. The School Board employee shall call 1-800-96 ABUSE and notify the principal.
The supervisor shall report the suspected child abuse or neglect to the Office of Student Services and/or Office of Superintendent. The reporting call to DCF officials shall be made in the principal’s office.
The general procedure is as follows:
1. Make the report to DCF by phone or fax.
2. Notify guidance and administration.
3. Guidance will send a copy of the written report to the student services office and keep one copy on file in the guidance office.
School personnel (counselors and/or administrators) shall cooperate with DCF investigative officials in conducting abuse or neglect investigations with students in the school during school hours.
The DCF investigative official can interview the student without school personnel being in the conference. However, if the child needs or requests a school official be present, DCF and school officials will make the appropriate arrangements.
Anyone may report suspected child abuse or neglect of a student by a School Board employee to the Office of Superintendent or Student Services.
Cleanliness and neatness are essential in all classrooms. Students are to keep their desks neat and have all books and papers off the floor before leaving class. Teacher desks, files and bookcases are to be kept orderly. Teachers should periodically remove outdated and unnecessary clutter from the room. Each teacher is responsible for his/her classroom and leaving it neat and orderly each day. Students should not eat or drink in the classroom.
Each class should reflect an atmosphere of purpose. It should be evident that you have a planned program and that the children respond to your directions. Use classroom instructional time wisely; reduce student wait time, such as giving students a task to do while you are checking roll, setting up a machine, etc. Teachers should handle discipline problems within the classroom whenever possible.
Do not send students to the office, without a pass in their agenda or a referral. Students without an agenda pass/referral will be sent back to the teacher.
Putting a child outside the classroom for punishment is not permitted. A student must be under adult supervision at all times! Administering punishment to an entire class or group, or sarcasm to students, are not appropriate teacher behaviors.
The Lake County Code of Student Conduct and the WHMS rules outlined in the student agenda are to be reviewed at the beginning of the school year by all classroom teachers with their assigned students. This review must be documented in teacher’s lesson plans.
1. Use Print 123.
2. In emergencies, you may print up to 22 copies (one class set) of one activity, worksheet, etc.
3. Plan ahead. Poor planning on your part will not create an emergency for others.
Each teacher is responsible for their personal knowledge of the LCEA contract.
All curriculum guides developed by the district must be used by teachers in planning and teaching course content. Regularly scheduled PLC meetings will be required to plan and share strategies for academic improvement. Progress monitoring will be done to ensure that curriculum skill sequencing, based on Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) is progressing toward completion.
Discipline should be positive and consistent. Whenever possible, handle your own classroom problems. When you have exhausted all your resources on a problem and have contacted the student’s parents, a disciplinary referral to the office may be needed. Do not refer a child for minor offenses. When a teacher refers a child to the office, a discipline referral sheet must be sent. Contact parents frequently.
Each class area should reflect an atmosphere of purpose. It should be evident that you have a planned program and the children respond to your directions. Try to avoid periods of time when students are not engaged in an activity. Do not administer group consequences.
It is our job to help students learn to control their own behavior. This requires us to demonstrate follow-through and consistency. Whenever possible, teachers should handle discipline problems within the classroom.
Student agendas will be used for minor infractions. Three agenda comments within a week will result in a detention. Stay in regular communication with parents.
Teachers and staff are expected to dress in a neat, professional manner. Dress should reflect professionalism. We serve as role models in the eyes of our children and the community. On Fridays, faculty and staff may wear jeans.
Students will adhere to the LCSB dress code policy.
The Lake County Emergency Procedures Handbook must be readily accessible in each classroom. Please review the Security Plan on page 25.
Faculty meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month when necessary. If you miss a meeting, it is your responsibility to contact another teacher for the information and announcements discussed at the meeting.
All field trip request forms must be turned in to the field trip coordinator by the team leader(s). All trips must be approved by the principal.
Teachers are responsible for the supervision of all students and chaperones at all times. All chaperones must be approved volunteers with the Lake County School Board. Please verify your chaperones’ volunteer status at least two weeks prior to the trip. All volunteers must be approved at least one week before the trip.
Remind your students to return a signed permission slip form to you or they will not be able to participate in the activity. Students may not come to the office to call their parents on the day of the trip.
Criteria for participating in field trips must be given to the students and the parents. Clear communication is your responsibility.
Those parents wishing to serve as chaperones may not bring other children with them on field trips.
Students must ride to the field trip venue on school provide transportation. Parents who wish to take their child home from a trip must sign the child out through the teacher. The parent may only sign out their child – no other students. These arrangements must be made in advance.