
Prof. Akhtar A. Naqvi

1 Academics

Dr. rer. nat. Phys.(Ph D) 1980 Karlsruhe University, West Germany

Diplom Physik (MS) 1976 Karlsruhe University; West Germany

M.Sc Physics 1970 Sind, University, Pakistan

B. Sc (Hons) 1969 Sind University , Pakistan

2 Academic Distinctions and Awards

i) KFUPM Distinguished Researcher Award 2006-07

ii) Research Assistantship, Nuclear Research Center, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1976-80.

iii) Research Fellowship, Nuclear Research Center, Karlsruhe, Germany (1973-75).

iv) Chancellor Gold Medal in M.Sc. in Physics for 1970.

v) Third position in B.Sc. (Hons.) Examination in Physics(1969).

3 Work Experience

Professor June 9, 2004-uptodate Physics Department, KFUPM

Senior Research Scientist Nov. 2003-Jun.2004 Center for Applied Physical Sciences (CAPS),KFUPM

Research Scientist I 1994- 2003 CAPS, KFUPM

Research Scientist II 1989 -1994 CAPS, KFUPM

Research Scientist III 1986-1989 CAPS, KFUPM

Assistant Professor 1980-1986 Department of Physics, KFUPM

Research Assistant 1975-1980 Nuclear Research Center, Karlsruhe (KFK),Germany.

Research Fellow 1973-1975 KFK, Germany

4 Membership of Professional Societies

i) American Physical Society - Life Member.

ii) Ameican Nuclear Society- Member.

iii) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA - Member.

5 Research Award

i) KFUPM Distinguished Researcher Award (2006-07)

ii) KFUPM Distinguished Researcher Award (2012-13)

iii) KFUPM Best Research Project Award (2013-14) : Awarded to KFUPM project # IN 090033. "Design and Test of a 14 MeV Neutrons Based Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis Setup to Determine H, C, N and O Elements Concentration in Bulk samples With Low Atomic Number (Z) (2013)

5.1 US Patent:

Awarded US patent # 9170218B2 dated Oct. 27, 2016 titled’ Nitrogen Detection in Bulk Samples using a D-D Reaction Based Portable Neutron Generator ‘.

6 Research projects at KFUPM

6.1 Funded Projects

i) Principal Investigator: KFUPM project # RG1201-1, RG1201-2. Comparison of Detection Sensitivities of Prompt Gamma-Ray Neutron Activation Analysis and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Techniques for Analysis of Toxic Elements Ag, Br, Cd, Cr, Cl, Gd, Hg, Ni and V in Liquid and Solid Samples(2015)

ii) Principal Investigator: KFUPM project # RG1008-1, RG1008-2. "Measurement of depth profile of chloride ions in concrete utilizing prompt gamma rays technique’ ( completed-2014)

iii) Principal Investigator: KFUPM project # IN 090033. "Design and Test of a 14 MeV Neutrons Based Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis Setup to Determine H, C, N and O Elements Concentration in Bulk samples With Low Atomic Number (Z) (completed)

iv Co-Investigator : KFUPM approved project # IN07038. Cancer Treatment Dosimetry Using Monte Carlo Simulation of Photon Beam Interaction with Body Tissues. (completed)

v) Principal Investigator, KFUPM- project #IN06035. Measurement of chloride concentration in silica fume and fly ash cement concretes using PGNAA technique(completed May 2010)

vi Co-Investigator : KFUPM-Project #FT-2005-03. Optimizing Mammography Grid Design and Imaging Geometry For Tumor Detection’. (2005-2008).

vii Principal Investigator :Proposal # IP/2007/29. Design of an Accelerator Based Beam Shaping Assembly for BNCT.

viii Co-Investigator: Proposal- KACST : Design of a Sensor for Detection of Anti Personnel Landmines (APL).

ix Principal Investigator, KFUPM-SABIC-project #SAB-2002-03. Detection of chloride and sulfate salt in concrete samples for corrosion study using PGNAA technique (Dec. 2002-2006 )

x Co-Investigator: KACST project # AR-16-75, ² Accelerator based nuclear analytical techniques –existing capabilities and future needs in Saudi Arabia² (1995-2003).

xi Co-Investigator. Research Institute funded Project PN: 12046 entitled: "A study of anomalous large angle scattering in 32S(a,a) and 28Si(a,a)" (1992-96).

xii Co-Investigator:. PN. 21110 : Electrical Parameters (ELPARIII) Div. I: Measurement of Natural Gamma Rays in Core Samples" under the task of “Rock and Clay Mineral Characterization Task, (Jan. 1993-Dec. 94)- A project funded by SAUDI-ARAMCO.

xiii Co-Investigator: PN. 21128. Total Gamma ray measurements from BANOCO Core samples (Jan. 1994- Dec. 94).

6.2 Internal Research Projects

xii Principal Investigator - CAPS internal research study entitled "Cross section measurements of one and two nucleons transfer reactions in 13C+d system at sub-coulomb barrier energies below 350 keV deuteron energies", (1992-1998).

xiii Principal Investigator - CAPS internal research study entitled "Cross section measurements of 12C(d,p)13C reaction below 300 keV deuteron energies", (1990-1991).

7 Research in collaboration with International Universities

i “ Distorted Wave Born Approximation analysis of 12C(d,p) 13C reaction at Sub-Coulomb energies”, Department of Physics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, (July 20 - Aug.24, 1993)

ii “ Optical model analysis of 116Sn(n,n) at 1.0,1.6 and 4.02 MeV energies”, Nuclear Physics Lab., Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky, USA, (June 5 - Aug. 30,1989)

iii “ Performance Tests of ANAC Atomic Beam Polarized Ion Source”, External Ions Sources Laboratory, Cyclotron Labortory, Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics( IK III), Nuclear Research Center, Karlsruhe, West Germany, (July 31 - Aug.31, 1988)

iv “ Atomic Beam intensity measurement of a Polarized Ion Source”, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Department of Astronomy and Physics, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, (June 5 - July 28, 1988)

v “ Measurements of Analyzing Powers Ay(q) of 12C(n,n0), 12C(n,n1), 28Si(n,n0) & 28Si(n,n1) at 18.2 and 19 MeV neutron energies”, Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, N.C. USA, (June 1 - Aug. 28, 1986).

vi “Measurement of fast neutron elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections from 12C at 11 & 14 MeV, Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, N.C. USA, (June 5 -Aug 2, 1985)

vii “Study of n-d break up reaction with polarized neutron at 11.0 MeV energy”, Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, N.C. USA, (Aug. 3 –Sept. 20, 1985).

viii “ Design of a BCS detector as a focal plane detector for ATLAS “, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mi, USA, (June 10 -Sept. 20, 1984).

ix “ Modification and tests of a Bragg Curve Spectroscopy (BCS) detector using 27Al(a,X) at Ea =104 MeV”, Cyclotron Laboratory, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physik, Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe (KFK), West Germany. (June 15- Sept.25,1983).

x “ Measurement of Maxwell averaged fast neutrons capture cross section of 84Kr and 86Kr at kT= 25 &54 keV”, Van de Graaff Laboratory, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physik, Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe (KFK), West Germany, (June 10 -Sept.20, 1982).

8 Research Proposals

i Measurement of Chloride and Sulfate Ions Concentration in Concrete Samples for Corrosion Studies using PGNAA Technique. Submitted to Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC). (2002). Principal Investigator

ii Calibration of the KFUPM PGNAA Facility for Determination of Lime, Silica, and Iron- oxide Contents of the Cement Samples. Submitted to Research Institute (2002). Principal Investigator

iii ²Development of a Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Activation Analysis based Elemental Analysis Facility at the CAPS 350 keV accelerator Laboratory², submitted to Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) (2000). Principal Investigator

iv CAPS1203-“ Light particle emission cross sections in deuteron induced reactions on carbon isotopes”, submitted to Research Institute, (2000). Principal Investigator

v ²Measurement of detection limit of chloride and sulfate ions in cement concrete samples using PGNAA technique’ submitted to SABIC (1999). Principal Investigator

vi ²Monte-Carlo calculations based performance comparison of 252Cf and 241Am-Be source based Prompt Gamma-ray Activation Analysis setup for analysis of industrial bulk sample²submitted to SABIC(1999). Co-investigator- A joint proposal with physics department.

vii PN 32066: ² On-line analysis of cement and coal samples using pulsed fast and thermal neutrons², submitted to King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology, (1998). Principal Investigator

9 Technical Memoranda

i TM- CAPS-04/2001: “ Pulsed Accelerator Based PGNAA Elemental Analyzer for Cement Manufacturing Industry .

ii TM-CAPS-08/2001- ²Nuclear Sensor for Antipersonnel Plastic Landmine (APL) Detection².

10 Proposal Brief

i "Technical feasibilty study of production of collimated neutron beam using 3He+d reaction based IEC plasma device² submitted to Space Infrastructure Division, Daimler Chrysler Company, Bremen, Germany, (2000).

11 Research Facilities Development

Developed following experimental facilities at 350 keV accelerator laboratory of Center for Applied Research :

i Charged Particles Reaction Study Facility. (Principal Invstigator).The facilty was extensively used in charged particles reaction cross section measurements. Also polarized beam studies utilizing KFUPM Atomic Beam Polarized Ion Source were conducted on this facility.

ii 2H and 3He targets fabrication facility for beam polarimetry. (Principal Investigator). This setup was developed to fabricate and test 2H and 3He targets for beam polarization calibration.

iii Accelerator Based Prompt-Gamma ray Neutron Activation Analysis Facility (Principal Investigator).Developed the facility to analyze the elemental composition of the bulk samples. The facility has been successfully tested with the analysis of cement samples.

iv Accelerator based Moisture Measurement Setup (Principal Investigator). This facility was developed to measure moisture contents of bulk samples. The facility was successfully used to measure moisture contents of soil, wood, fodd etc samples.

v 241Am-Be source Based Response Function measurement Setup: (Principal Investigator). This facility was developed to measure response function of organic scintillators using time-of-flight technique in conjunction with an 241Am-Be neutron source. The technique was successfully used with several types of detectors.

vi gg Backscattering Setup for Light Output Measurement of Organic Scintillators: (Principal Investigator)This technique was developed to measure the energy resolution of the organic scintillators using g-g coincidence technique. The technique was successfully used with several types of detectors.

vii Neutron Time-of Flight Detection System (Co-Investigator): This facility was developed to measure 14 MeV neutron scattering cross sections using 350 keV accelerator..

viii 14 MeV Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory (Co-Investigator): This facility was developed to carry put elemental analysis of the samples using delayed neutron activation analysis. The cyclic activation of the sample is carried out using a fast pneumatic transfer system.

ix 241Am-Be source Based Neutron Irradiator (Co-Investigator): This facility was developed to activate the samples using 5 Ci 241Am-Be source. This facility is mainly used for teaching purpose.

x Low Level Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Laboratory (Co-Investigator):: This laboratory was estabilished to count gamma rays activity from sample with low activity.

12 Ph. D/ M.S. Thesis Supervision

Ph. D Thesis

i)  Advisor, Ph. D thesis of Mrs. Fatima Al-Shehri, Girls College Dammam (2004-Feb 2008)

ii)  Advisor, Ph. D thesis of Miss Ghada-Al-Misnad, Girls Teachers Training College, Girls Univerity, Riyadh (2002-20005)

iii)  Advisor, Ph. D thesis of Mrs. Hannan Al-Ghamdi, Teachers Training College, Girls Univerity, Riyadh (2002-2006)

iv)  Member, Ph. D thesis Committee of Mr. Saeed Ahmad, Department of Chemistry, KFUPM, (1999- 2002).

MS Thesis

v)  Advisor, M.S. Thesis of Faris A. Al-Matouq, Department of Physics, KFUPM , ( 2013-14).

vi)  Advisor, M.S. Thesis of Saleh A. Al-Anezi, Department of Physics, KFUPM , ( 2011-12).

vii) Co-Advisor, M.S. Thesis of Mr. Khateeb-ur-Rehman, Department of Physics, KFUPM , ( 1996-1998).

viii)  Co-Advisor, M.S. Thesis of Shariq-uddin-Kidwai , Department of Physics, KFUPM , ( 1994-96 ).

ix)  Co-Advisor, M.S. of Abdullah Al-Sunaidi, Department of Physics, KFUPM, (1989-92).

x)  Co-Advisor, M.S. Thesis of Abdulaziz Al-Jalal, Department of Physics, KFUPM , (1987-91).

xi)  Advisor, M.S. Thesis of A. Al-Ramadhan, Department of Physics, KFUPM , (1982-86).

xii) Advisor, M.S. Thesis of M. A. Al-Ohali, Department of Physics, KFUPM, (1982-

13 Peer reviewing for international journals

Reviewed scientific papers for the following ISI journals of Elsevier Publications:






14 list of Publications (Feb.-2016-update)

Refereed ISI Journal

1.  Naqvi, A.A ., M.Maslehuddin, Khateebur-Rehman, O.S.BAl-Amoudi; Chlorine signal attenuation in concrete. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol 105, November 2015, pp. 6–10.

2.  Naqvi A.A., F.Z. Khiari, M. Maslehuddin, M.A. Gondal, O.S.B Al-Amoudi, M.S. Ukashat, A.M. Ilyas, F.A. Liadi, A.A. Isab, Khateeb-ur Rehman, M. Raashid, M.A. Dastageer. Pulse height tests of a large diameter fast LaBr3:Ce scintillation detector; Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 104, October 2015, Pages 224–231

3.  Naqvi, A. A., M. Maslehuddin, Zameer Kalakada, O. S.B. Al-Amoudi; Prompt Gamma Ray Evaluation for Chlorine Analysis in Blended Cement Concrete . Applied Radiation and Isotopes , Volume 94, December 2014, Pages 8-13.

4.  Naqvi A. A., Zameer Kalakada, M.S. Al-Anezi, Faris Al-Matouq , M. Maslehuddin, O.S.B. Al-Amoudi. Performance Evaluation of a Portable Neutron Generator for Prompt Gamma-ray Application. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, January 2014, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp 531-539

5.  M. A. Gondal, Y. W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al Adel, A. A. Naqvi , T. F. (2014), Detection of Carcinogenic Chromium in Synthetic Hair Dyes using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Applied Optics 53 (8), 1636-1643.

6.  M. A. Gondal, Y. W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al Adel, A. A. Naqvi , T. F. Qahtan (2014), Optimization of Plasma Parameters and Detection of Fluoride in Toothpaste using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Optics & Laser Technology 57 (2014)32–38.

7.  M.A Gondal, Yasin W. Maganda, M.A. Dastageer, F. F. Al Adel, A. A. Naqvi and Talal F. Qahtan (2013). Detection of the level of fluoride in the commercially available toothpaste using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with the marker atomic transition line of neutral fluorine at 731.1 nm J.Optics and Laser Technology 57, 32-38.

8.  Naqvi A.A., Faris A. Al-Matouq, F.Z. Khiari, M.A. Gondal, Khateeb-ur Rehman, A.A. Isab, M. Raashid, M.A. Dastageer. 350 keV accelerator based PGNAA setup to detect nitrogen in bulk samples; aNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 729, 21 November 2013, Pages 8-13.

9.  Naqvi, A.A. ,Al-Matouq, F.A.,Khiari, F.Z.,Isab, A.A.,Raashid, M.,Khateeb-ur-Rehman . Hydrogen, carbon and oxygen determination in proxy material samples using a LaBr3:Ce detector. Applied Radiation and Isotopes , Volume 78, August 2013, Pages 145-150.

10.  Naqvi A. A., Faris A. Al-Matouq, F. Z. Khiari , Khateeb-ur-Rehman , M. A. Gondal and A. A. Isab. Optimization of a Prompt Gamma Setup for Analysis of Environmental Samples. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2013), Vol. 296, pp.215-221.

11.  Al-Ohali, M. A.; J. P. Delaroche, C. R. Howell, M. M. Nagadi, A. A. Naqvi, W. Tornow, R. l. Walter and G. J. Weisel. Neutron scattering from 28Si and 32S from 8.0 to 18.9 MeV, dispersive optical model analyses, and ground state correlation. Physical Review C86, 034603 (2012) .

12.  Maslehuddin M, A. A. Naqvi and Zameer Kalakada. Radiation shielding properties of concrete with electric arc furnace slag aggregates and steel shots. Annals of Nuclear Energy , Volume 53, March 2013, Pages 192-196.