Name ______

Reading Wonders - Unit 1 Week 2

*When you accomplish a task, you complete it successfully.
*If you are anxious, you feel nervous and worried about what may happen.
*When people assemble, theycome together.
*Decipher means to figure something out that is difficult to understand.
*If he distracted you, he drew your attention away from what you were doing.
*When you navigate you find your way over or through an area.
*Options are choices or alternatives.
*When you retrace your steps, you go back over them.
/ Weekly Skills
Vocabulary – Idioms
  • An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of the individual words in it. You must use context clues to figure out the meaning of the phrase. Ex: “She’s full of herself!”
Strategy – Reread
  • When you read a story for the first time, you may find that some of the details are confusing. Reread difficult parts of the story to check your understanding.
Skill –Problem and Solution
  • In a story, what the characters want to do or change is called the problem. The way the problem is solved is called the solution.
Genre –Realistic Fiction
  • This genre tells about characters and events that resemble real life. It may have adventure involving actions to reach a goal, and it may create suspense through dialogue and details.
Writing –Voice (Style/Tone)
  • Style is an author’s way of writing. An author’s tone is his or her attitude toward, or feeling about, the topic.
Grammar - Subjects and Predicates
  • The simple subject is the main noun that names the subject of the sentence. The complete subject includes all of the words that tell who or what the sentence is about. The simple predicate is the verb that tells exactly what the subject does. The complete predicate is the verb and all of the words that tell what the subject does.

EQ: What can lead us to rethink an idea?

Name ______

Spelling – Long Vowels

  1. paste ______
  2. wildcats ______
  3. parade ______
  4. spices ______
  5. greedy ______
  6. pleaded ______
  7. succeed ______
  8. heap ______
  9. tornado ______

10. coach ______

11. theme ______

12. lifetime ______

13. crowing ______

14. growth ______

15. yolk ______

16. upbeat ______

17. claimed ______

18. prey ______

19. tow ______

20. grinding ______