1 Minutes for meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council 18/7/07
Minutes for a Meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council to be held in Marsh Green Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 18th July 2007.
Present: Cllrs Colin Please (Chairman), Cllrs Moira Trigger (Vice Chairman), Colin Ivison, John Trigger, David Dart and Shaun Forsyth and three members of the public.
Apologies: Cllr Ian Please, Cllr Derek Button (County and District Councillor), Cllr Peter Bowden (District Councillor) andPC Dave Smith.
1APOLOGIES: To receive apologies for absence.
2MINUTES: Minutes of the last meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 20th June 2007 to be signed as a correct record of that meeting. It was commented that PC Smith should be asked that crimes on London Road are logged in the correct parish.
3DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & RISK ASSESSMENT: To receive declarations of interest and to note any additional risks.
4.1Decisions (for information)
07/1328/FUL 3 Grange Cottages – permission refused for first floor extension over garage and sun room extension
CountyMatter Planning Application – permission granted for change of use of Homeleigh, Telegraph lane to staff welfare facility for 10 year period.
4.2Applications (for recommendation)
07/0784/MFUL Cranbrook New Community –construction of main local route (MLR) phase I. CD enclosed with full detail. Passed on to councillors for recommendation at next meeting.
Rockbeare Grange Hotel – Change of use. Copy letter to owner regarding a recent site visit, requesting a retrospective application be lodged for change of use of land to airport parking.
4.4EDDC Development Control briefing for town and parish councils – proposed date Tuesday 18th September 20076pm – 9pm fee £20 per delegate payable by parish council. Agreed that all parish councillors attend.
4.5EDDC Statement of Community involvement – questionnaire taken for completion by Mrs Trigger
4.6EDDC Local Development Framework (LDF) – Rural Areas/Villages facilities Mapping
map enclosed for correction and additions of any omitted local facilities (pubs).
4.7Parish Plan - £1950 has been received from the Community Council for Devon for the facilitation
and production of a parish plan. The Parish Council must contribute £200 to match this funding. Mr Randall to organise a speaker and date, Cllr Forsythe to design a flyer for print.
Reply received from Highways regarding OldRockbeareBridge – this areas will be included in the new Cranbrook country park and will be renovated by developer funds. Clerk to contact English Heritage requesting they put pressure on Highways for repairs and enquire the time frame for restorations under the Cranbrook development.
Reply received from Amanda Prichard of Highways regards child warning signs - The signs in the vicinity of the school were not requested in the completed school travel plan, therefore the parish council needs to discuss this with the school for inclusion in any future travel plan review.
Highways would not look to erect signs at the other locations requested as this would create an excessive amount of signage and children should not be playing on the public highway.Theses signs would not be suitable in Marsh Green, but Highways may be able to consider Pedestrians in the road ahead signs.
Watery Lane (from Marsh Green to Westcott) – ditches need clearing out as water is across road.
Footpath in parking splay from 1 – 15 Lowbrook is broken up and constitutes a trip hazard. Could this be resurfaced. Clerk to report to EDDC Housing department.
7.1 Community Policing – crimes for the period 15/6/7 to 18/7/7 are as follows;
- Burglary non dwelling,break in at the quarry copper stolen.
- Theft by employee-within a private company.
- Criminal damage-window smashed at the Oriental Promise fete day.
PC Smith has also enquired about the possibility of extending the facilities on the playing field. It was explained that the funds held by the parish council were instructed for use only on upkeep and safety with the existing installation, and cannot be used to build any further facilities, but funding would be available from other sources when the Hall committee hold a longer lease. Meanwhile other projects could gain funding such as a weeks film making for instance.
7.2Health and Safety – nothing to report
7.3Parish Field – Cllr Please apologised that he hadn’t had time to price a gate, but he had contacted Rockets regards funding and the project would qualify for another year. Planning permission is to be sought in order to have the project ready for future funding possibilities. Highways are to be consulted first over the possibility of adoption and regulations.
7.4Playing field – a member of the public has approached Cllr Forsythe regards a number of items which remain outstanding from the safety report. Cllr Forsythe attended a village hall meeting and was satisfied that all high risk issues were being addressed before the fun day. There were still medium risk items needing attention as these will still affect their insurance these will be followed up.
7.5CountyCllr D Button -In June Cllr Button attended meetings of the East Devon HATOC and CountyCommittees and the Audit Committee,as well as a meeting at StokeCanonPrimary School together with officers from the education department. We listened to peoples’ views and officers explained the County position on transfer of pupils from the School to Clyst Vale. I have since received various representations and am continuing to liaise with senior councillors and officers to try to arrive at an acceptable compromise position.
7.6District Cllr Peter Bowden - Cllr Bowden has attended 19 meetings in the Knowle and 2 elsewhere, in addition to meetings with members of the public during the last 30 days.The parish council has received a letter from Janthia Algate EDDC, in whichCllr Bowden collaborated, regarding the developments at Cranbrook (7.11)and the revised application regarding the first road access (4.2).
7.7RockbeareSchool Governor – Cllr Mrs M Trigger – no meetings
7.8Exeter International Airport Consultative Group– Cllr Mr M Trigger - no meetings
7.9Clyst Vale Group of Parish Councils – meeting 19th July 2007
7.10Rockbeare Village Hall – Cllr Forsythe - Fun Day raised about £2000. A longer lease is being offered, but the landlord is asking for the hall to pay costs on both sides. Crowd control fencing has been put up in the playing field, it was acknowledged that this is not in keeping, but vandalism is a problem. There was a problem with adults buying alcohol for children at the Fun Day. There is a problem with the gas tank connections, this is to be repaired.
7.11Joint Parishes Meeting – EDDC Letter updating on the major developments; Please see attached sheet.
8.2 Cheques for approval:
Balance of account at 1/7/07Natwest £9,685.23 Current Account
£12,116.73Reserve account
8.3All Parish Councillors to sign Code of Conduct and Acceptance of Office Forms and return to the clerk.
8.4New Venue is required for Meetings on 22nd August and 17th October 2007. Agreed both to be held at Marsh Green Hall.
Highways issue – opposite village hall (north side of the Highway) there is a trip hazard where the ground behind the kerb is lower than the kerbstone.
Members Remember!
You must declare any personal or prejudicial interests at the start of the meeting (item number 3). Make sure you say the reason for your interest as this has to be included in the minutes. If your interest is prejudicial you must leave the room.
Dates of forthcoming meetings:
7.30pmWednesday 22nd August 2007Marsh Green Hall
7.30pm Wednesday 19th September 2007Rockbeare School
7.30pmWednesday 17th October 2007Marsh Green Hall
7.30pm Wednesday 21st November 2007Rockbeare School
7.30pmWednesday 12th December 2007Marsh Green Village Hall
*Parish Councillors only – these are information evenings and not public meetings
8 Lowbrook appeal decision