

Wilma is a little girl, or is she? Wilma is a green and wants to eat a fly, can you guess why?

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Tell me about Wilma Green.
(Answer) / She woke up in the morning and looked and acted like a frog.
(Follow Up) / If you could be any animal, what would you like to be?
(2) / Guess how Wilma's parents felt when she went to school.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Do you ride the bus to school?
(3) / Imagine what kind of ish almost ate Wilma?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever been fishing? Did you catch any fish?
(4) / If you had been one of Green Wilma's friends, what would you have done or said when you saw her?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Do you visit or call your friends or family when they are feeling bad or sick?
(5) /
Can you think of another word for "recalled"?
(Answer) / Remembered.
(Follow Up) / What is the first thing you can recall about this story?
(6) / Show me what Green Wilma chased all around the room and up and sown the hall.
(Answer) / A fly.
(Follow Up) / Do you know of anything else frogs eat?
(7) / Look for where she finally caught the fly.
(Answer) / Miller's Pond.
(Follow Up) / What is the difference between a pond and a lake?
(8) / Wilma's mother didn't want her to go to school. Why?
(Answer) / She said green children should not go to school.
(Follow Up) / When do you stay home from school?
(9) / List some things that happened whe Green Wilma got to school?
(Answer) / She couldn't keep her seat; she was the best at dodgeball.
(Follow Up) / Do you like dodgeball?
(10) / Tell whether Wilma Green really was a little girl.
(Answer) / No, she was a frog.
(Follow Up) / Do you like frogs?
1. / Create a little book of your own about turning into an animal of your choice and going to school.
2. / Using a flipbook, draw and label the stages of development of a tadpole to a frog.
3. / Imagine a few other adventures Green Wilma might have had in her day. In your opus, draw at least one of those adventures and write about what is happening in your drawing.
4. / Draw a frog playing a sport with children.
1. / Play "charades" and get the children to guess the word frog. Today our book is about a frog. Let's read and see what kind it is.
2. / On a piece of paper describe a frog without telling that it is a frog. After the children guess a frog, tell them that we are reading a story about a frog today.
3. / Show children pictures of frogs. Ask them what they know about frogs. Where do they live, what do they eat, or etc. Tell them that today we will read about a frog.

Book Title: Green Wilma

Author: Tedd Arnold / Illustrator: Tedd Arnold
ISBN: 0-590-59774-4 / # of Text Pages: 23 AR: 2.8 LEX: AD600
Building Oral Vocabulary
5 / fuss / 9 / absolutely / 17 / beyond
Prediction Questions
5 / What is wrong with her parents?
10 / Guess what Wilma ate to make her green?
16 / Why can't the children munch on files?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.