Results Based Accountability
Teen Program
General Considerations:
- Identify 3-5 performance measures.
- All programs need to have the capacity to track the number of participants served and number of services provided (even if you do not chose one of these as a performance measure).
- Beneficial for your program to identify at least 2-3 performance measures in Quadrant II and IV, as these are the most important quadrants.
- It may also be helpful to select performance measures that provide a cohesive picture across the quadrants.
- Quadrant III is the least important because of its direct relationship to Quadrant IV. Identify performance measures in Quadrants I, II, and IV.
How Much Did We Do? / How Well Did We Do It?
# Participants/Customers Served
# of teens who come into drop-in center
# of homeless teens who come into drop-in center
# of teens contacted during outreach
# of teens who were referred to public health nurse
# of teens who visited the public health nurse
# of teens participating in prevention presentation
# Activities (by type of activity)
# of referral cards distributed by type
# of materials distributed (e.g., clothing, condoms, etc..)
# of housing referrals through center
# of housing referrals through outreach
# of trainings provided by topic / % Common Measures
% of outreach staff trained
% of teens reporting satisfaction with services
% of teens reporting that staff was helpful
% of teens reporting easy access to center
% of teens recommending PEER to others
% Activity-specific measures
% of teens referred to nurse who see nurse
% of trainees reporting satisfaction with trainings
% of successful follow-up calls made for housing referrals (success defined as actually contacting youth, not successful housing as in Quadrant 4)
Is Anyone Better Off?
/ % Skills/knowledge
% of trainees reporting an increase in knowledge by training topics
% of trainees reporting an increase in knowledge of available resources in community
% Attitude/Opinion
% Behavior
% Circumstances
% of teens who receive STI treatment
% of teens who receive contraception
% of female teens who receive pharmacological birth control
% of female teens who find out about their pregnancy status
% of teens referred for housing from center obtain housing
*=Need Data Development
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