School Advisory Council (SAC)/School Advisory Forum (SAF)
November 23, 2015 Minutes
I. Call to Order
The School Advisory Council (SAC)/School Advisory Forum (SAF) meeting was called to order on November 23, 2015 at 2:19 pmby .
II. SAC Composition of Members
was voted in as the School Advisory Forum (SAF) chairperson and School Advisory Council (SAC) member. wasalso nominated for appointment to SAC as a representative for gifted. A motion was made by and seconded by to approve their appointments.
III. Approval of September/October Minutes
Minutes of the September 21, 2015 SAC meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by and seconded by to approve the minutes. All were in favor. The October 19, 2015 meeting minutes were also reviewed. A motion was made by and seconded by to approve the minutes. All were in favor.
IV. A+ Funds
A+ Funds are part of the Florida School Recognition Program and is awarded to schools that receive an “A” rating or schools that show exemplary improvement. School ratings are currently unknown at this time. Per ,Flamingo’s previous rating was a low “B”. However, Flamingo’s test scores were high in comparison to other schools in our band. Therefore, as a proactive measure, discussion was made regarding the A+ Funds ballot. proposed that the ballot allow the option for funds to be distributed equally among instructional and non-instructional, and a prorated amount to be distributed to shared positions such as the school psychologist, social worker, family counselor, and interim substitutes. A motion was made by to vote on the proposal. A vote was taken and the proposal was approved.
A motion was also made to vote on keeping the previous option for distribution of funds where instructional receives 100% and non-instructional receives 50% of the share. A vote was taken and the proposal was approved.
V. Accountability Funds
Per the math practice books discussed during the October 19, 2015 meeting were purchased using carry-over funds.
- Dimension U – presentedthe Dimension U math program. The program operates as a video game and uses alphabetical levels instead of grade levels. It covers up to Algebra. The program can be accessed at home via internet or a downloaded application.
- Mathletics – presentedthe Mathletics program. It is a web-based program that automatically adjusts the difficultylevel according to the students’ performance. The program can be accessed at home via internet or a downloaded application. The company is offering a trial through the end of this year school for $149.
Dimension U, Mathletics, and First In Math overlap and are similar in many ways. intent is not to overwhelm students and parents with math programs but to allow for the opportunity to try these programs in order to make the best decision.
A motion was made by to vote on allotting $2004 towards the purchase of Dimension U and $149 towards Mathletics. seconded the motion. A vote was taken and all were in favor.
VI. Review/Approval of SIP
The District has a countywide effort in place to improve student attendance. Flamingo Elementary has an average attendance rate of 95%. An in-depth section addressing attendance has been added to the School Improvement Plan.
VII. Title I
Discussion was tabled until the next SAC meeting.
VIII. SAF Elections/Report
was voted in as the SAF chairperson. (see item II)
VIII. Accreditation
- Indicators 2.1-2.6
Discussion of this item was deferred to the January, 2016 meeting in the interest of time.
IX. Principal’s Update
Flamingo will be offering a Language Enrichment Camp for English Language Learners. The camp is paid for through ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). The camp begins November 30, 2015. The Student Council collection for UNICEF greatly surpassed their goal of $1500. Approximately $2700 was collected. The Flamingo Tech Trot will be held tomorrow, November 24, 2015. The PTO preformed a school wide lice check instead of paying an outside company. This saved approximately $700. is in charge of Career Day. She was able to have a helicopter and crew here to present to our students. It was a great success. Our teachers were able to participate in an in–house math training. Fifth grade was successful in completing the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) infrastructure test. IBTP practice assessment test are available online.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by at 3:10 p.m.