FOCIS and SEI will provide matching travel awards to a nominated trainee who attends FOCIS 2017.

The trainee must be nominated by each internationally-based FOCIS Member Society (SEI in this case). Funding is available only to trainees based outside of the United States who register and attend FOCIS 2017, held June 14-17, 2017.

Scholarships available for young SEI members under 35 in the meeting by granting 1 fellowship to cover the travel and accommodation expenses (1000$: 500$ from FOCIS + 500$ from SEI).

Young researchers may apply for the SEI fellowship with the following conditions:

- Being SEI member at least since 2016.

- Being a research fellow or a hospital resident.

- Elaborate a brief review of the meeting for publication in "Inmunología", the SEI journal.

For application to the SEI fellowship, you should send by e-mail to beforeMarch 1ththe following documents:

1) Scan of the application form below signed by you and your supervisor that will certify your position as resident, PhD student or postdoc.

2) Scan of identity card or passport with name and birth date.

3) A brief CV (2-3 pages).

The selection will be done on the March 5thbased on scientific criteria by the SEI government.

If you are selected to receive the fellowship, please contact Laura Grau, Editorial Assistant of the SEI journal "Inmunología", (), BEFORE the meeting, so that all the SEI members receiving fellowship can be coordinated to cover the meeting altogether in a single contribution to "Panorama" of about total 2500 words and 3-4 figures.


Formulario a cumplimentar:

Apellidos: Nombre:

Titulación y puesto:

Residente, Predoctoral, Postdoctoral

Año de Inicio como residente/pre/post-doc (especificar si otro) :

Fecha de Nacimiento:

Correo electrónico:

Institución o Centro de trabajo:

Dirección postal:

CP: Ciudad: Provincia:



Confirmación por el supervisor:

Apellidos: Nombre:

Cargo en la institución y respecto al solicitante:

Fecha de confirmación:



La concesión final de la beca depende de FOCIS y se anunciará tan pronto como FOCIS lo haga público.