Best. Day. Ever.
Wedding date:Reception Location:
Time of ceremony: / Cocktail hour:
Reception Start time: / End time:
Approx. number of guests:
Bride’s Grandparents:
Groom’s Grandparents:
Bride’s Parents:
Groom’s Parents:
Please list name and relationship to bride and groom
1 / Bridesmaid / Groomsman
2 / Bridesmaid / Groomsman
3 / Bridesmaid / Groomsman
4 / Bridesmaid / Groomsman
5 / Bridesmaid / Groomsman
6 / Bridesmaid / Groomsman
1 / Flower Girl / Ring Bearer
2 / Flower Girl / Ring Bearer
Maid/Matron of Honor / Best Man
“And, now, for the first time…”
Bride and Groom as you wish to be announced:
Let’s get down to the details…
Bridal Party Introduction:Song: / Artist:
Grand Entrance:
Song: / Artist:
First Dance:
Song: / Artist:
Is there a Bridal Party Dance? / Yes / No
Same song? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Will there be a blessing? / Yes / No
Person performing blessing:
Will there be a toast? / Yes / No
Person(s) performing toast:
Will there be a cake cutting? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Father/Daughter Dance? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Mother/Son Dance? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Will centerpieces be given away? / Yes / No
How would you like to give them away? Or, you may opt to let the DJ choose!
Taking off of Garter? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Are you throwing the bouquet? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Are you throwing Garter? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Put on Garter of Person who caught the Bouquet? / Yes / No
Song: / Artist:
Last Dance:
Song: / Artist:
Color Scheme/Themes:
Will we be providing up lighting? / Yes / No
If yes, what color would you like?
Will we be providing Cocktail Music? / Yes / No
Will we be providing Ceremony Music? / Yes / No
Please list the songs you’d like for the following:
Song: / Artist:
Bride walking down the aisle
Song: / Artist:
Song: / Artist:
Other Information
Caterer (if applicable): / Phone:
Photographer: / Phone:
Videographer: / Phone:
Notice for Reception: A 6 foot table with access to an electrical outlet within 6 feet from the table is required. Meals must be provided to the DJ and an assistant (if applicable).
Please tell us about any special announcements/acknowledgments you would like, or any miscellaneous information, here.Tell us what you want (and don’t want)!
Please describe any specific things you would like the DJ to do or not do.Songs you definitely want played. (Please give us your TOP 15!)
Songs or genres you do not want played.
©2016 Elite Entertainment, LLC