School Supplies Request List for Ms. Su’s 4th Grade Class

Welcome 4th grade, students!! We have many exciting things to learn and accomplish this school year. In order for you to function efficiently in class. Please fulfill the following list of supplies by Friday, August 29th:

School supplies zipper pouch/es (easier to store in desk & team container)



Colored pencils (1 pack)

Pencil sharpener (plastic with enclosed container for shards)

Felt-tip markers (fine point; no permanent markers)

Red ballpoint pens (2; no gel or milky)

Highlighter pen (2; yellow)

12” ruler (cm & in.)

Glue stick (2)

Scotch tape

Scissors (Fiskar are the best)

1” to 1.5” Three-ring binder

10 subject tab dividers

Lined paper (1 pack; wide rule)

Folders (2+; 3 hole-punched))

Spiral notebook (minimum 180 pages or more, 3 -5 subject dividers)

$2 to purchase Class Daily Journal Notebook (Already purchased from Staples for uniformity)

Hole puncher (hand-held single-hole; keep at home; bring to class upon teacher request)

Index cards (1 pack 3 x 5 in.; keep at home; bring to class upon teacher request)

White glue (keep at home; bring to class upon teacher request)

*Post-it Notes (Optional, but nice to have around)


*At home, please write your name with permanent marker on most or all of your personal property. Do not

bring permanent markers to school.

Also, as class member, please DONATE the following items:

*1 Ream of Colored (light-yellow preferred) copy paper, LETTER size (8 1/2” x 11)---


*1 Ream of White copy paper, LETTER size (8 1/2” x 11)---MOST NEEDED!!

*1 Ream of White copy paper, LEGAL size (8 1/2” x 14”)---MOST NEEDED!!

*1 Box of Kleenex Tissues

*1 Roll of Paper Towels

*1 Bottle of hand Sanitizer

*1 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes MUCH APPRECIATION FROM OUR CLASS : )