Tom Hawkins Elementary

School Site Council

September 15, 2014

  • Welcome
  • Overview of School Site Council
  • Obtain recommendations for, and review of the proposed Single Plan for Student Achievement from all school advisory committees.
  • Develop and approve the plan and related expenditures in accordance with all state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Recommend the plan and expenditures to the governing board for approval.
  • Provide ongoing review of the implementation of the plan with the principal, teachers and other school staff members.
  • Make modifications to the plan whenever the need arises.
  • Submit the modified plan for governing board approval whenever a material change (as defined in district governing board policy) is made in planned activities or related expenditures.
  • Annually, (and at each semester, trimester, etc), evaluate the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all students.
  • Carry out all other duties assigned to the school site council by the district governing board and by state law.
  • LCAP Goals Review
  • Revision of School Statement

Tom Hawkins Elementary School is in the Jefferson School District. The school's mission statement is "Tom Hawkins Elementary School staff, parents, and students work together to promote an environment committed to academic excellence, high self esteem, and responsible citizenship." The school opened in August, 2000, as a K-3 neighborhood walking school, serving approximately 200 students. The student population was projected to increase due to the area’s population growth. During the 01-02 school year, Hawkins added 7 portables and served K-5 grades with 326 students. The permanent school was completed in June, 2002, and opened with 519 K-6 students in August 2002. Due to growth we reopened the portable campus for the 2003- 2004 school year. In August 2005, our 6th-8th grade students moved into a brand new wing. The school currently has approximately 800 students in grades K-8, including a special day class for 3rd - 5th grade. The school is named after Mr. Tom Hawkins. For over 30 years, Mr. Hawkins served as Teacher/Principal/Superintendent for Jefferson School District. He has been an integral part of the Tracy education community, involved in many Tracy service clubs, community programs, and Tom Hawkins School. Mr. Hawkins has been the keynote speaker at the 8th grade graduation ceremonies for the last five years. When the new school was to open in 2000, staff, parents, and students completed a survey to decide the school colors and mascot. It was decided that the colors were to be Royal Blue, Gray, and White and the mascot was to be the Huskies.

Currently, 159 (19%) students are identified as Limited English Proficient. There are 125 (15%) students qualified for free and reduced lunch. Current enrollment information shows the following breakdown of students by ethnic background:

White, not of Hispanic Origin – 47% Hispanic- 25% Asian- 12%

Black, not of Hispanic Origin – 6% Pac. Island- 1%

Filipino – 8%

Technology is a fundamental instructional tool and all staff and students have access to 2 modern multimedia computers in the classroom. A computer lab is available for all classes with 32 Dell computers, an LCD player used for instruction, a Dell server, a laser printer, and a color printer. The Lab also houses a projector for lab use, (a projector, VCR, laptop) on a cart, and a classroom set of individual word processors that are available for teachers to check out (Alpha-Smarts). The District and Hawkins site personnel maintain the district website at with a link to Hawkins School. Additionally, almost all teachers use a multimedia projector with document camera in their classroom. In addition, Site Council purchased an indoor/outdoor sound system complete with wireless mikes for teachers to use with students for productions, assemblies, and graduation.