Tata AIA WBT Storyboard

Module: Need Based Selling

TA / Intervention Period / Business Metric / Intervention Type
NLA / M4-M6 / Activation / WBT
Learning Objectives
·  Match your selling strategy to the client’s needs.
·  Differentiate between product benefits and product features.

NLT: 25 minutes

Module Structure

Topic / Screens / Description/Comments
Splash / 1.  Splash
2.  Module Objectives / Animation on the importance of understanding needs and presenting the solution in terms of benefits rather than features.
Menu / 3.  Menu / Static screen
Topic 1: / 4.  Meeting with the Client
5.  Face to Face
6.  Analysing the Need and Choosing a Solution
7.  Presenting the solution / Screen 1 and 2: Interaction with a client in which the client talks about many things including the real need/s.
Screen 3: Interactivity in which the learner selects the solution that will meet the need of the client from three possible options.
Screen 4: Interactivity in which the learner presents the solution by selecting the best of three possible ways to present it.
Topic 2: / 8.  Meeting with the Client
9.  Analysing the Need and Choosing the Solution
10.  Presenting the Solution / Screen 1: Interaction with a client in which the client talks about many things including the real need/s.
Screen 2: Interactivity in which the learner selects the solution that will meet the need of the client from three possible options.
Screen 3: Interactivity in which the learner presents the solution by selecting the best of three possible ways to present it.
Topic 3: / 11.  Meeting with the Client
12.  Face to Face
13.  Analysing the Need and Choosing the Solution
14.  Presenting the Solution / Screen 1 and 2: Interaction with a client in which the client talks about many things including the real need/s.
Screen 3: Interactivity in which the learner selects the solution that will meet the need of the client from three possible options.
Screen 4: Interactivity in which the learner presents the solution by selecting the best of three possible ways to present it.
Topic 4: / 15.  Meeting with the Client
16.  Analysing the Need and Choosing the Solution
17.  Presenting the Solution / Screen 1: Interaction with a client in which the client talks about many things including the real need/s.
Screen 2: Interactivity in which the learner selects the solution that will meet the need of the client from three possible options.
Screen 3: Interactivity in which the learner presents the solution by selecting the best of three possible ways to present it.
Topic 5:
Summary / 18.  Summary / List of key learning points
Topic 6:
Quiz / 19.  Intro to Quiz (Test yourself)
20.  Question 1
21.  Question 2
22.  Question 3
23.  Question 4
24.  Question 5
25.  Results / Five MCQs/MMCQs on analysing needs and presenting solutions.
No. of screens/Seat time: 25 screens/25 minutes approximately

Note to Reviewer: Text in grey will not appear on screen or be spoken in the audio.

Screen No. / First screen on launch
Screen Title / Disclaimer
Body Text 1 / This product is to be strictly used for training TATA AIA professionals. Using this product for any other purpose is barred. All characters and organizations mentioned are fictitious. No association with any real person or company is intended or should be inferred.
Graphic Description


Screen No. / 0
Screen Title / Splash
On-Screen Text / Animated text and images to be displayed with each line of audio:
With “When Priya lost her husband at the age of 38, she didn’t immediately worry about finances as she knew he had purchased insurance and she was confident that she and her son would be well taken care of.”, display the following images with typography one by one.
When Priya lost her husband…
Insurance Policy (Show this text with both images about insurance and lady with son)
id183763623 id502090804
With “However, when she checked out the terms of the policy, she discovered that the payout was substantially lower than what she had expected.”, display the following images with typography one by one.
Terms and Conditions
Payout ↓
id481209429 id484744315 id172220183
With “Although her husband had a high-risk profession, he had been persuaded to invest only in an income plan….”, display the following image.
High Risk Profession
Income Plan
No Death Benefits
With “Just like Priya, there are many people … when sales representatives fail to understand….
Show a collage of customer images appearing on screen – with the following typographic text. Show customer images only from other courses.
People might face difficulties
When sales representatives fail to understand their needs
When you meet your customers, take time and effort to understand their needs first and then recommend an appropriate solution. Never be in a hurry to just close the sale and collect the cheque.” display the following using word art text in animation.
Talk to your customer Understand their needs Find the right solution Align benefits to needs
Close the Sale
Audio Transcript / When Priya lost her husband at the age of 38, she didn’t immediately worry about finances as she knew he had purchased insurance and she was confident that she and her son would be well taken care of. However, when she checked out the terms of the policy, she discovered that the payout was substantially lower than what she had expected. Although her husband had a high-risk profession, he had been persuaded to invest only in an income plan with insufficient returns and no death benefits.
Just like Priya, there are many people who might face difficulties when insurance sales representatives fail to understand their needs and sell inappropriate products to them. As a Tata AIA sales representative, when you meet your customers, take the time and effort to understand their needs first and then recommend an appropriate solution. Never be in a hurry to just close the sale and collect the cheque.
Let’s look at some cases to understand this better!
Graphic Description / Display text and images in sync as described in the TOS row.
Screen No. / 1
Screen Title / Module Objectives
On-Screen Text / By the end of this module, you will be able to:
·  Differentiate between product benefits and product features to better align them to your clients’ needs.
·  Match your selling strategy to your client’s needs.
Audio Transcript / By the end of this module, you will be able to:
·  Differentiate between product benefits and product features to better align them to your clients’ needs and
·  Match your selling strategy to your client’s needs.
Let’s take a look at a few cases to understand this in detail.
Graphic Description / Standard objectives image and text.


Screen No.
Screen Title / Menu
On-Screen Text / 1.  Case 1: Securing the Future
2.  Case 2: Child’s Education
3.  Case 3: Wedding Planning
4.  Case 4: Peaceful Retirement
5.  Summary
6.  Quiz
Note to Tata AIA SME: Although we do have Objectives for this module, as given in the table above, we are not including them on a separate screen as in other modules. Please let us know if you are okay with this.
i-text / Click or tap a topic to begin.
Audio Transcript / Click or tap a topic to begin.
Graphic Description / You could create a collage of the images in the Splash, or use the generic financial markets image provided below.

Topic 1: Case 1: Securing the Future

Screen Title / Meeting Shraddha
On-Screen Text / Label with first image:
Mr. Shantiram Prasad
Age: 40 years
Profile: Fund Manager, Stock Broking Firm
Dependent wife and two children
Speech bubble text with first image:
I am worried about my family’s needs when I am not around.
Label text for each image on the right:
Life Cover
Protection for Income Loss
Additional Income to Repay Home Loan
Audio Transcript / Seema, a Tata AIA sales representative, has gone to meet Mr. Shantiram Prasad, a 40-year-old fund manager at a stock broking firm.
He explains that as a sole earning member of the family with a dependent wife and two children, he is extremely worried about his family’s needs, in case something happens to him.
He not only needs a life cover and protection for his income, but an additional income source to repay his home loan.
Graphic Description / Same template as Topic 2 – Screen 1 (without the plus symbol clicks and popups).
Display the following image with the speech bubble on the left first.
(image used in the next screen)
Display the following icon with corresponding label in sync with audio (without plus symbols).

Life Cover

Protection for Income Loss
Stock illustration ID: 531237624
Additional Income to Repay Home Loan
Screen No. / 2
Screen Title / Face-to-Face
On-Screen Text / Speech bubble Mr. Prasad:
It was always my wife’s dream, you see, to own a large house. As I have been earning quite well, I thought, why not? But all this comes at a price, you know. I have a loan of Rs. 30 lacs with Rs. 35,000 EMI.
Speech bubble Mr. Prasad:
We stock brokers work very long hours and I also supervise my family business. Lately, it’s been worrying me. What if I am not around for my family? What if I had a heart attack or something? What would my family do?
Speech bubble Seema:
I’m sure nothing like that will actually happen, Sir. But I understand your worry. It’s good to plan for every eventuality.
Speech bubble Mr. Prasad:
Yes. My wife has always been a housewife. She says managing our two children and our home is a full-time job. I’m afraid that If something happens to me, she will not be able to manage. Our savings aren’t enough to protect them.
Speech bubble Seema:
Sir, you mentioned that you were worried about protecting your income and your home. Did I get that right?
Speech bubble Mr. Prasad:
Yes, that’s right. But that’s not why you’re here, are you?
Speech bubble Seema:
Pardon me, Sir. But that’s exactly why I’m here. Tata AIA is not just about life insurance. We provide solutions to meet all types of needs. I’m glad you shared your other concerns.
Speech bubble Seema:
First, let us try to find out exactly how much insurance you need or how much you need to save to meet your requirements by completing a financial health review or an FHR. Then, I will try to create a solution that will meet all your needs. What do you say?
Speech bubble Mr. Prasad:
Fantastic! I would certainly sleep easier. Let’s get on with it then.
I-text / Click or tap the arrows to view their conversation.
Audio Transcript / Mr. Prasad expresses his concerns to Seema.
Click or tap the arrows to view their conversation.
Graphic Description / Display the following images alternately with each speech bubble.
Mr. Prasad:
506558264 506558348 506557276
490801335 490777731 491517989

Screen No. / 3
Screen Title / The Right Solution
On-Screen Text / Seema creates an FHR report for Mr. Prasad and recommends a combo solution: Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha which would ensure protection from day 1 and gives a lumpsum death benefit of 1.7 crore and Tata AIA Life Insurance Gold Income Plan for a five-year premium paying term that would start providing an annual income after just 12 years along with a lumpsum amount payable at the maturity. Click or tap here to view the FHR report.
Do you agree with this recommendation?
Note to Tata AIA SME: In the case of this scenario, we were thinking of not including the FHR report itself, but just mentioning that an FHR had been conducted and here is what emerged. Please let us know if you feel this would work or if you would prefer including the actual report.
I-text / Choose the option you think is the most appropriate and click or tap Submit.
Option 1
(Correct) / Yes
Option 2 / No
Feedback for correct / Good!
You’re right. Seema’s recommended solution meets all of Mr. Prasad’s needs:
1.  Protection of his Income
2.  Creation of Asset from Day 1
3.  An income for his wife in his absence
4.  Protection for his house (protection from loan liability)
A life cover of 1.7 crores will allow Mr. Prasad’s family to pay off the outstanding loan, in case something unfortunate happens to him and also invest the rest of the money in such a way that it generates monthly returns. In addition, the investment plan will help Mr. Prasad receive guaranteed maturity benefits and an additional guaranteed income for his family.
Feedback for incorrect / Sorry.
Seema’s solution actually does meet all of Mr. Prasad’s needs. He had explained that he wanted four things:
1.  Protection for his Income
2.  Creation of Asset from Day 1
3.  An income for his wife in his absence