ESPC Project Documentation System

1/15/01 Status Report

Contact: Dale Sartor (510) 486-5988

ESPC Project Documentation System

1)Recap of progress prior to the December meeting

2)Recap of December 14-15, 2001 meeting at NREL

3)Refined Goals

4)Major file folder structure/file classification system

5)Project Documentation Software System Evaluation and Selection Criteria

6)Next Steps

7)Parking Lot

1)Recap of progress prior to the December meeting

Meetings in the summer of 2000 were held with a working group (Dale, Charlie, Mike, Tim, and David) to identify ESPC project information, documentation, and archiving needs. This team also reviewed linkages and brainstormed improved information efficiency. Several iterations of detailed tables (following the FEMP Services flow chart) were developed of ESPC project information elements. It was decided that the highest information efficiency need was an electronic ESPC project documentation system. A condensed straw man proposal was developed containing:

  • Table outlining file structure (Straw Man11-08.doc)
  • Outline of goals and plan to accomplish (ProjDocSys11-8.doc)

2)Recap of December 14-15, 2001 meeting at NREL

Attendees: Dale Sartor, Tim Kehrli, Mike Holda, John Hail, Terry Sharp, Doug Dahle, Teresa Nealon, Marta Gospodarczyk, Joe Chervenak, Gail Norby, and others from NREL, and participating by telephone were David Jump and Don Galusha.

We refined the goals, reviewed the major file folder structure, refined the selection criteria, and discussed many issues. Gail Norby was to prepare meeting notes.

3)Refined Goals

(Revised 12/14/00)

To create an efficient electronic project documentation system for:

  • Efficient project information sharing

-Uniform project filing system

-Integrated archive

-Global web-based access

-Controlled access single point entry

  • Speeding project implementation

-Sharing and re-use of information

-Streamline creation of new documents

  • Training (a tool) and a resource for sample documents

4)Major file folder structure/file classification system

(Revised 12/14/00)

Note: Discussion focused on the first column. Some sub-folders will be predefined, however other sub-folders and sub-sub-folders will be user defined.

File Information Element / Contents / Document
Summary / Agency
Building Type
Brief Project Description
Project Correspondence / Key Email:
Meeting Minutes
Project Development Schedules
Req. to Submit Init. Prop.
Proposal Comments / Other Key Correspondence:
Intent to Award
Congressional Notification Letter
DO Selection document
Submittal Reviews
Project Status / Monthly FEMP Project Reporting
Other / Project Status Reports
Public Relations / Case Studies
PowerPoint Presentations
Press Releases
FEMP Services Agreements / Workscope for FEMP Assistance / MOU
Contacts / Project Team:
Project Facilitator
Contracting Officer
Other (e.g. tech. Expert)
Top Dog
Contracting Officer
Technical Representative
Site Representative
Budget/Financial Rep.
Legal Rep.
Other / Contractor:
Sales Rep.
Project Engineer
Construction Mgr.
Project Manager
Program Leader
Site Supervisor
Other / Contact List
Site Data – Government generated / Facility/buildings description(s):
Type (office, hospital, etc.)
Shell features, glazing, etc.
Year built
Square footage
Location/Climate Zone
Equipment Inventory and Description
Central Plant – heating, cooling
HVAC type, age condition
Lighting, type, age, condition
Other equipment
Utility Bill Data
Monthly and annual use
Rate Schedules / Model Inputs/Outputs:
Scenario Builder
Etc… / Site Data Package
Audit Studies/Surveys
Contractor (ESCO) Agreements / Terms and Conditions
Statement of Work / Delivery Order RFP
Other RFPs
Task Order
Initial Proposal / ECM and Savings
M&V & Baseline / Management Plan
Responsibility Matrix
Pricing/Schedules / Initial Proposal
Financial Schedules
DES/Final Proposal / ECM and Savings
M&V & Baseline / Management Plan
Pricing/Schedules / Detailed Energy Survey Report/ Final Proposal
Financial Schedules
Delivery Order / DO Award Documents
Terms and Conditions
Standard Award Form
Other / Award Document
Project Implementation / Detailed Installation Schedule
Commissioning Plan
Acceptance Test Plan / Post-Installation M&V / Installation Plan
Commissioning Report
Acceptance Checklist
M&V Report
Performance Period / Annual M&V
Baseline Adjustments
Post-installation data Collection
Results / Other
Repair & replacement
Maintenance & operations / Annual M&V Report
Other reports

5)Project Documentation Software System Evaluation and Selection Criteria

12/15/00 Team Work at NREL

Priority / Functions/Features
Med. / 1. Ease of establishing subfolders
Highest / 2. Ease of uploading and downloading files (once logged on, the server based directory should appear just as another hard drive on your computer)
High / 3. Windows Explorer functionality (including log record of person, date, and filename, and ability to sort on attributes, copy/paste, and drag&drop)
4. Provide view-software to read variety of file formats
High /
  • text

High /
  • documents (Word, pdf, WP, other)

High /
  • spreadsheets

High /
  • presentations

High /
  • photos and other media

Med. /
  • MS Project

Low /
  • Visio

Low /
  • AutoCAD and other CAD

High /
  • emails

5. Integration with FEMP Tracks (enter data once!)
Med. /
  • Contact database

Low /
  • Project summary

Low /
  • Other

High /
  • Single point of entry for FEMP Tracks, FSN web, etc

Med. / 6. Ability to mirror file on remote PC (mass copy to your local HD; synchronize)
High / 7. Ability to enter the system with different views – project folders are top but each folder has assigned PF, Agency, Region, and name for organizing/limiting view.
High /
  • Windows explorer file structure (look and feel)

Low /
  • Query results (on archived files only)

Low / 8. Search capabilities (keyword)
Low / 9. Pointer/links vs. duplicating original files (e.g. to PDF documents on public web sites)
High / 10. Separate archive from working file
Low /
  • Working file – dropped off after set time period – 3 years

High /
  • Final/archive – meta tag requires log info (for search capability)

Low / 11. Notification
High / 12. Classes of users
Yes /
  • Owner – read/write/add

Yes /
  • Viewer – read only + downloadable

6)Next Steps

  • Transcribe charts and meeting notes (Gail Norby)
  • Review our options and make recommendations. Prepare a budget and schedule, and prepare a mock-up that we could present at the Project Facilitators/ESCO meeting in February (Joe Chervenak)
  • Contact Katie to approve development of standard FEMP Tracks contact report that becomes our “contacts file” (as long as we can add names and contact information to blanks in report) (Dale Sartor)

7)Parking Lot

1)Review with Beth regarding procurement sensitive documents

2)Access outside of FEMP family (e.g. agencies)

3)Levels of access and sharing of information

4)Prioritize documents


-New projects

5)Document modification/version control


  1. Agency
  2. PF

7)Links vs. files

8)Level of integration


Primary – power – PFs (protected read, write, contribute) – controlled by folder/directory

Secondary – casual (read only) – rest of the FSN community – may have need to restrict access to some information.