Exam 1 Review
Supplemental Instruction
IowaStateUniversity / Leader: / Shelly
Course: / FSHN 167
Instructor: / Dr. White
Date: / 9/23/14
  1. What number is Iowa ranked for obesity in the United States?
  1. 20
  2. 10
  3. 12
  4. 25
  1. What has been the shift in people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?
  1. less elderly are being diagnosed
  2. younger children are being diagnosed
  3. there hasn’t been a shift
  1. What are factors that increase the risk for type 2 diabetes?
  1. Sedentary lifestyle
  2. Obesity
  3. aging
  4. All of the above
  1. True/False: An increased body weight increases the risk for developing cancer.
  1. What is the number one cause of death in the United States?
  1. Cardiovascular disease
  2. Accidents
  3. Cancer
  4. Diabetes
  1. How are our diets different from our ancestors?
  1. There is no difference
  2. We take in more calories
  3. They led a more physically active lifestyle
  4. Both B and C are correct
  1. What country has the longest life expectancy?
  1. United States
  2. Japan
  3. Monaco
  4. Australia
  1. What condition does the population of Japan concerned with?
  1. Obesity
  2. Sedentary lifestyle
  3. Smoking
  4. Stomach cancer
  1. What is the sole factor in the change in life expectancy between countries?
  1. Racial groups
  2. Income
  3. Poor health
  4. There in not one sole factor
  1. True/False: The United States spends less on health care than Switzerland.
  1. What are the top three risk factors to poor health?
  1. Physical inactivity, smoking, high blood pressure
  2. Poor diet, smoking, high blood pressure
  3. Obesity, physical inactivity, smoking
  1. What is the recommended amount of servings of fruit and vegetables each day? This is based on ½ cup servings
  1. 5-6
  2. 2-3
  3. 15-16
  4. 7-13
  1. Compare and contrast the differences between whole fruit and fruit juice:

Whole Fruit: / Fruit Juice:
  1. What is the program called that encourages more fruit and vegetables?
  1. More Matters
  2. 5 a Day
  3. Dietary Guidelines
  4. Dietary reference intakes
  1. True/False: Most Americans eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis.
  2. What is the most popular vegetable children eat?

A. Green beans

B. Baked potatoes

C. White potatoes as in potato chips and French fries

D. Kids do not eat vegetables

  1. What is the goal of the dietary guidelines? Why are they important?
  1. What is a new goal in the 2010 dietary guidelines?
  1. Increase fruit/vegetable intake
  2. Vary protein sources
  3. Reduce sodium
  4. Increase potassium
  5. All of the above
  1. What is the number one source of sodium in American’s diet?
  1. Chicken
  2. Soups
  3. Chips, pretzels, snack foods
  4. Bread and rolls
  1. Why is chicken high in sodium?
  1. They are injected with a salt solution
  2. They are not high in sodium
  3. The seasoning put on chicken is high in sodium
  1. Draw a MyPlate diagram. Show all the five food groups.
  1. What are some key messages of the MyPlate diagram?
  1. Make ½ your plate fruits and vegetables
  2. Drink fat free or low fat milk
  3. Make ½ your grains whole grains
  4. All of the above
  1. Why did the MyPlate diagram replace the food pyramids?
  1. It is more relatable to the public
  2. The pyramid was outdated
  3. It is easier to read
  4. Both A and C are correct
  1. What does DRI and RDA stand for?
  1. What percent of the population does the RDA and EAR meet?
  1. Draw a Daily nutrient requirement graph. Label the UL, RDA, and EAR.
  1. What DRI value can give a value of toxicity?
  1. Adequate intakes
  2. Estimated average requirement
  3. Tolerable upper limit
  4. Excess nutrients
  1. Why are adequate intakes created?
  1. What is a claim made on a food label?

A. ingredient claim

B. Nutrient content claim

C. RDA claim

D. DRI claim

  1. Write an example of the three claims made on food labels:

Claim: / Example:
  1. Who has to approve health claims? Why is this process important?
  1. What is an approved claim on a food label?
  1. Fiber and heart disease
  2. None are approved yet
  3. Vitamin B12 and immunity
  4. Calcium and osteoporosis
  1. What are some other approved health claims on food labels?
  1. What are the requirements to list sugar free on a product?
  1. 1 gram of sugar
  2. 25% less than regular product
  3. Less than .5 grams of sugar
  4. No product can be sugar free
  1. True/False: The RDA can diagnose a deficiency or excess. Why?
  1. What happens if you eat above the tolerable upper limit of calcium for one day?
  1. You die
  2. Nothing happens
  3. Monitor your intake for more than one day and make adjustments
  4. What is the tolerable upper limit?
  1. What is the purpose of a structure/function claim?
  1. True/False: Structure/ Function claims must be approved by the FDA. Why is your answer correct?
  1. How often are the dietary guidelines updated?
  1. Every 5 years
  2. Never
  3. Every 10 years
  4. When there is a problem with them.
  1. Who is the target audience for the dietary guidelines?
  1. Everyone in the United States
  2. Healthy people
  3. People with disease
  4. Educated people
  1. Why is MyPlate important?
  1. What is the 5/20 rule?
  1. Would this food product meet the guidelines to be low-fat?


  1. What are the guidelines to be considered low fat?

Reduced fat?

  1. Why are serving sizes important?