Building Assistant Position Description[s1]
The Building Assistant position is responsible for the staffing, operation and maintenance of the residence halls front desks.
Supervising hall receptionist staff: scheduling, verifying hours recorded, approving substitutions, running meetings, hiring, evaluating, and dismissing of staff, spring hiring of hall receptionists and maintaining forms.
Scheduling all desk and storage room shifts.
If shifts are open, it is the responsibility of the Building Assistant to staff all hours either with Hall Receptionists or by covering shift(s)
Addressing job-related concerns and documenting Hall Receptionist’s performance.
Coordinating all break time staffing of the hall receptionist desk, including timely distribution and collection of the break staff keys.
Providing a monthly program where hall receptionists interact with residents and visitors at the desk. Ex. Jar of Jelly Beans and you need to guess number in jar.
Checking on the status of the storage room once a week, which includes maintaining all forms and supervising the storage room workers. Assist with fall and spring cleaning of the storage room(s).
Coordinating the loft and bed rail check-out process.
Working with Residence Life Staff
Visiting the Residence Life Office each day to check the Area Coordinator box [s2]and Building Assistant folder.
Relaying pertinent information between Hall Receptionists and the Area Coordinator. Maintain regular contact with the Area Coordinator through either scheduled meetings or during their regularly scheduled office hours.
Scheduling regular office hours as determined by the Area Coordinator.
Coordinating administrative details of opening and closing the residence hall.
Updating and maintaining Hall Receptionist in-hall staff alias and roster.
Approving signs for posting through Hall Receptionists.
Maintaining inventory of needed desk supplies related to the hall receptionist staff or hall storage. Maintain inventory of equipment available for check-out. Clean and organize desk closet storage space regularly.
Maintaining administrative records of the hall. Including weekly coordination of discipline system, databases, etc.
Data entry; typing; copying; filing; and distributing correspondence, memos, training materials, and other items required by the Area Coordinator.
Other administrative tasks may include:
Maintaining Room Inventory records.
Maintaining residence hall forms.
Following-up with any maintenance issues as directed by the Area Coordinator.
Bring confidential information to the shredder.
Updating campus and hall rosters weekly.
Updating Access database weekly.
Coordinating the reservation of residence hall lounges.
Other Responsibilities[s3][s4]
Arriving early to campus in the fall on Tuesday, August 30, 2016Tuesday, August 28, 2018in order to set-up the desk, prepare for opening the residence hall and plan and assist with Hall Receptionist training.
Staying until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 279, 20197 to assist in closing the residence halls.
Other duties as desired and/or needed.
Minimum Qualifications: One year of hall receptionist student staff experience is strongly preferred. A qualified candidate would possess the following characteristics: independent worker, trustworthy, motivated, good computer skills, good people skills, able to handle confidential material. Related office experience to include public contact, phone skills, and organizational skills; must work well autonomously.
Remuneration: The remuneration for the position is $9.65 an hour. Employment as a Building Assistant is contingent upon qualifying for work-study for the 2018-2019 academic year to accommodate six hours of work per week. Building Assistants could work an additional three hours at the front desk. Prior approval must be obtained for a second work-study job.
Revised June 2018March 2016
[s1]Update to current BA position description
[s2]Could we remove this part? I don’t feel like we actually ask BAs to do this since we go to the office each day as well.
[s3]Update dates
[s4]Add something about their desk program requirements