Erika J. Tritle

Curriculum vitae


University of Chicago Divinity School

2015. Ph.D., History of Christianity (June).

2005. M.A., Religious Studies.


To the Jew First and to the Greek: Alonso de Cartagena’s Defensorium unitatis

christianae and the Problem of Jewish Flesh in Fifteenth-Century Spain

Advisors: David Nirenberg and Willemien Otten

Luther College

1999. B.A., English and Spanish, Theatre/Dance minor, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.


Refereed Journal Articles

2015. “Anti-Judaism and a Hermeneutic of the Flesh: A Converso Debate in Fifteenth-Century

Spain,” Church History and Religious Culture 95:2-3 (forthcoming).

Book Reviews

2011. Christ Killers: The Jews and the Passion from the Bible to the Big Screen by Jeremy

Cohen, The Journal of Religion 91:1 (January): 99-101.

Web-Based Publications

2012. Response to David M. Freidenreich, “ ‘How Could Their Food Not Be Impure?’ Jewish

Food and the Definition of Christianity,” Religion and Culture Web Forum of the Martin Marty Center (March).

Manuscripts in Preparation

Translation of Alonso de Cartagena, Defensorium unitatis christianae, with introduction.


2015. “On Choosing to Live without Dew or Hoarfrost in Late Medieval Spain,”

American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Meeting (November 21-24).

2015. “The Root and the Branches: Rehabilitating the Letter and the Lineage of the Jews in the Ecclesiology of Alonso de Cartagena,” American Society of Church History Spring Meet ing (April 16-19).

2014. “Marranos, Pharisees, Hebrews and Sadducees: The Persistent Menace of Jewish Flesh in Fifteenth-Century Spain,” AAR Annual Meeting (November 22-25).

2014. “Two Rivers into One Sea: Jewish and Gentile Flesh in the Political Theology of Alonso de Cartagena,” Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, co-sponsored by

Medieval Association of the Pacific (April 10-12).

2009. “Baptized Jews and Baptized Pagans: A Crisis of Christian Identity in Fifteenth-Century Spain,” Graduate Conference: Religion and Identity, Northwestern University

(April 24-25).


2014. “Two Rivers into One Sea: Jewish and Gentile Flesh in the Political Theology of Alonso

de Cartagena,” Symposium of the Department of History, Political Science, Philosophy and Religion; South Dakota State University (February 28).

2014. “Baptismal Theology and Civil Nobility: A Shotgun Wedding in Fifteenth-Century

Castile?” Medieval Studies Workshop, University of Chicago (February 7).

2011. “Conversos and the Problem of Jewish Flesh in Fifteenth-Century Spain,”

Medieval Studies Workshop, University of Chicago (November 4).

2010. “Baptized Jews and Baptized Pagans: A Crisis of Christian Identity in Fifteenth-Century

Spain,” Philosophy and Religion Spring Colloquium, SDSU (March 18).


2014. “Nation, Nobility, and Jewish Flesh in Fifteenth-Century Spain,” sponsored by SDSU

History Club (April 22).

Awards and Honors

2015. Founders’ Prize. Medieval Association of the Pacific.

2014. Medieval Academy of America Travel Bursary.

2006-2008; 2010-2012. Grant for Advanced Theological Studies, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

2005-2007; 2008-2009. Tuition Scholarship and Stipend, University of Chicago.

2003-2004. United Methodist Women’s Division Scholarship.

TEACHING Experience

Adjunct Instructor

Introduction to Ethics

South Dakota State University (SDSU) (Fall 2015).

Western Civilization I, Online Course

SDSU (Fall 2015).

Medieval Europe, Online Course

SDSU (Summer 2015).

Introduction to Religion

SDSU (2012-2013).

University Center, Sioux Falls, SD (2010-2013).

History of Western Religious Thought I

SDSU (Spring 2011).

Teaching Assistant

Greek Thought and Literature, Writing Intern

The College, University of Chicago (Fall 2007-Winter 2008).

Early Monasticism, The College, University of Chicago (Spring 2006).

Pedagogical Training

2013. “The Joy and Responsibility of Teaching Well,” workshop with L. Dee Fink,

Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, SDSU.

2007. “Pedagogies of Writing,” course in the Writing Program, University of Chicago.

2004-2005. “Pedagogy and Professionalization,” Graduate Student Workshop, University of Chicago.

RELATED Professional Experience

2007-2008.Graduate Student Coordinator, Medieval Studies Workshop, Council for Advanced Studies, University of Chicago.

2006-2008. Editorial Assistant,The Journal of Religion.

2007-2009. Research Assistant for Willemien Otten.

professional associations

American Academy of Religion

American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain

American Society of Church History

Medieval Academy of America

Medieval Association of the Pacific


Spanish (fluent)

Latin (reading)

French (reading)

German (reading)


David Nirenberg, Dean, Division of the Social Sciences and the Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Professor of Medieval History and Social Thought, University of Chicago

1126 East 59th Street, 117; Chicago, Illinois 60637

(773) 702-8798

Willemien Otten, Professor of Theology and History of Christianity in the Divinity School and

the College, University of Chicago

1025 East 58th Street; Chicago, Illinois 60637

(773) 702-1901

Susan Schreiner, Professor of the History of Christianity and Theology in the Divinity School

and the College, University of Chicago

1025 East 58th Street; Chicago, Illinois 60637

(773) 702-8243

Gregory Peterson, Professor, Department of History, Political Science, Philosophy and Religion, South Dakota State University (Teaching Reference)

Hist, Poli Sci, Philosophy & Relig-Box 0510; Brookings, SD 57007

(605) 688-4311