Human Resource Form

Hiring Policy:

Summer at the Rock is an equal opportunity employer without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. Being a Christian Camp we do recommend that the employees have faith in Jesus Christ.

Summer at the Rock does not have any specialty areas that need to have more specific screening processes that the ones listed below.

Screening Techniques: Each is to be reviewed annually to determine necessary changes.

--background checks for staff 18 years or older prior to camp starting

--National Sex Offender Public Website for staff 18 and over (

--voluntary disclosure statement (see application forms)

--job descriptions (see job description form)

--application (see application forms)

--at least 2 references for staff 18 and over (see application form)

--interviews for all new hires, all professors, all staff moving to a higher position

(questions will vary depending on each position and will be determined by the

director and co-director) (see sample interview questions)

--must be done at each new stage (intern, TA, Professor, Adult leader, Co-director, Director)

--personal assessment at each stage (should see growth)

Year Round Staff: The only year round staff for Summer at the Rock is the Camp Director. It is the Director’s job to answer any questions and do the organization of the camp during the offseason/non summer months. The director is subject to background checks every 5 years as well as having direct supervision of the acting senior pastor. The director must meet with the acting senior pastor throughout the year to discuss issues, concerns, things that are going well, and ways to improve.

Job is a seasonal employment

--no benefits available

--scheduled hours are subject to your availability listed on the application form

--time off is assumed by what is listed on your application

--weekly pay is determined by the scheduled hours actually worked

--hours are 9am to 3pm for paid Blue shirts and 8am to 4pm for paid Orange shirts

--all other hours are volunteer hours

--no vacation, leave of absence, or sick time is accrued

--please inform the camp director of any needed time off, that is not listed on the application

form ASAP

--job descriptions can be read on the job description form

--Being a seasonal job only there is no severance and grievance package.

Training days and in-service days

--All staff are to receive the proper training materials and information before beginning

--a new staff member coming in during daily camp activities may be given on the

job training as a shadow to a professor or TA

--it is highly recommended to attend as many in-service days as possible

--these occur on Sunday evenings from 4-6 pm




--Items of importance

--Camp purpose, focus, mission, and intended outcomes

--including how each are implemented within the camp

--Meeting the needs of each camper

--work hours and qualifications are found under camp employment qualifications

--Objectives, safety, procedures, and competencies required for each activity

--Age appropriate behavior management

--supervision techniques

--Staff performance expectations and conduct

--no sexually harassment

--appropriate conduct

--no use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any other controlled substance

--Termination policy--staff can be let go if any signs of drugs, inappropriate behaviors, sexuall harassment, etc, occurs

--Recognition, prevention, and reporting child abuse

--Emergency procedures


Performance evaluations will be on ongoing strategy throughout the camp to help each staff member grow in their abilities to perform the job.

Staff Training

  1. Expectations
  2. Focus attention on campers not on other staff or yourself
  3. Leadership qualities
  4. Be on time
  5. Lead by example
  6. Organized
  7. Honest/trustworthy
  8. Be prepared
  9. Be outgoing/communicate well with others
  10. Be respectful
  11. Build others up
  12. Be patient
  13. Help others to feel safe and welcome
  14. Guide proper group behavior
  15. Deal with problems before they become a major issue
  16. Can’t do everything, but do things to the best of your ability
  17. Need break, let us know
  18. Accept and give out constructive criticism in a loving manner
  19. Do not start or be involved in socially sensitive or inappropriate conversations
  20. When confronted with a possible issue, remove yourself from the conversation and report the incident to the staff director ASAP
  21. Topics may include drugs, sexuality, etc.
  22. Have fun
  23. Love your neighbor as yourself
  1. Discipline
  2. Problem solving skills are key to any given situation
  3. Listen to all parties involved and develop the best strategies needed
  4. Maintain consistent discipline for all situations
  5. Maintain fair discipline—punishment fits the crime
  6. Student discipline
  7. 3 strike policy
  8. Warning—stop wrongful action
  9. Move and adjust situation
  10. Time out
  11. 5 min/10 min or rest of activity (as professor sees fit
  12. Get Director help
  13. Handle situation as soon as possible
  14. Staff discipline
  1. Child interactions
  2. Boundaries
  3. Hugs
  4. Facebook/friending outside of camp
  5. Piggy backs/dog piles
  6. Never go somewhere alone with a student/or talk to them alone
  7. Remove self when needed and find someone else
  8. Do not go into bathroom with a student
  9. Mandatory reporting/child abuse or neglect—proper procedures
  10. Injuries—accident report form
  11. Hand washing techniques
  12. Recognition of signs of illness
  13. Accident and emergency procedures
  14. Sun safety
  15. Outdoor safety
  16. Make sure class is being watched if need pull student aside
  1. Supervision areas
  2. Opening and closing
  3. Remain seated with your class at all times if possible
  4. If you are called up to participate make sure your class is watched by another
  5. Station yourself at all exit points during dancing or other fun
  6. Extra staff can place at vital points needed to observe any behaviors
  7. Lunch/snack time
  8. Staff should eat near the table of their class.
  9. Staff should be stationed near all exit points
  10. Make sure that area is clean before being released
  11. Bathroom breaks
  12. Use proper ratios when taking campers to the bathroom
  13. Make sure class supervision is covered and ratios are met before taking
  14. Do not go into the bathroom unless absolutely necessary
  15. Remain at door
  16. Make sure all are accounted for before going back to area
  17. Bible studies
  18. Best to have a vantage point that covers as much of area as possible
  19. Follow ratios
  20. Follow bathroom breaks
  21. Entry and Exit points covered
  22. Option areas
  23. Each option varies, but proper supervision points are to be maintained
  24. Entry and exit points covered
  25. Follow ratios
  26. Follow bathroom breaks
  27. Best to have a vantage point that covers as much of area as possible
  28. Transitions
  29. One staff member should lead and pay attention to those behind
  30. Another staff member should follow up after everyone and pay attention to those ahead
  31. Count before leaving one area and count again when arriving at the next area
  32. Before Care
  33. Playground area should have enough staff to fit ratios
  34. Staff stationed at appropriate areas and activities
  35. Stationed at exit points
  36. Follow bathroom breaks above
  37. After Care
  38. Varies depending on location—see option areas
  39. Sign in and out

a. A staff member will always walk with campers to and from the sign in station

  1. Supervisor training
  2. All are responsible for the proper training on items listed
  3. Red shirts need also to attend a supervisor meeting
  4. Monitoring all staff
  5. Know roles of each of staff member
  6. Know how each role is to be properly performed
  7. Things to look for include phone usage, talking to staff for extended periods, neglect of duties, inappropriate behaviors (including aggressive behavior or inappropriate contact), safety hazards
  8. Looking in on staff throughout the day
  9. Identify and reinforce or correct staff behavior
  10. Conversations should be done in a loving manner with the intent to help grow not to ridicule
  11. Constructive criticism is best done with another person to witness the conversation
  12. Director should be informed ASAP
  13. Commend areas that were well done
  14. Performance review
  15. Done on a day to day basis to help grow each staff member
  16. Take notes of specific details, marking the date observed and the topic or behavior that was observed
  1. What to look out or listen for?
  2. Aggressive behavior
  3. Bullying
  4. Recognize signs including words used, when someone is being picked on, being mean, physical or mental abuse, property being damaged, timid nature around a particular person, bruises or cuts
  5. Pushing and shoving
  6. Loud noises
  7. Yelling
  8. Crying
  9. Running when they should not be
  10. Not following directions
  1. Forms
  2. Accident report
  3. Reporting to parents
  4. Disciplinary action