Price Media Law Moot Court Competition

2018 Middle EastRounds

Funding Application

Team Development Grants

To All Applicants:

Team Development Grants are available for teams from the Middle East. This fund is applicable to teams that have registered for the Middle East Regional Rounds for 2018.

The deadline for submission of all applications for team grants is Sunday December 3, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. (CET).

A grant may be awarded in order to assist teams in partially meeting accommodation and/or travel costs in Lebanon. Only one application form may be submitted perteam and each application must have the official approval of a senior member of staff at the team’s institution. Estimated costs included in the application will be subject to an assessment on reasonableness.

  1. Name of Institution:
  1. Country:
  2. Institution Contact Person (must be Member of Staff): (Name, Mailing Address, Email Address)
  3. Briefly describe why your institution wishes to enter the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition and what your institution hopes to gain from entering the Competition:
  1. Please outline and itemize the estimated costs of sending a team to the Middle East Rounds in Lebanon in February 2018 with the exact number of team members who will be participating: (Airfare, Accommodation, Per diem)
  1. How much of the above-mentioned cost is your institution able to cover? How much is the shortfall? (Applications which indicate that the institution is able to bear a percentage of the associated costs will be viewed more favourably than those which do not.)
  1. What other attempts have been made / will be made to raise funds to cover the expenses of the team’s participation in the Competition?
  1. What are the institution’s prospects for future funding to sustain annual participation in the Competition?
  1. Briefly outline the record of your institution’s past involvement in international mooting competitions:


This document should be signed and dated by Institution Contact person