Scottish Country Dance Group Basel

SCD Ball, November 22nd, 2014

Dance instructions

THE GRASSMARKET REEL R6x32 Round the room T Wilson, 5 Dances 2009

1- 8 All circle 6H round and back
9-16 Centre persons dance RA with dancers on the right, then LA with dancers on the left
17-24 Corner dancers advance and retire on the diagonal, then centre dancers dance DoSiDo
25-32 All pass facing dancer giving RH, pass next dancer LH, then all turn the next dancer RH once round (4 bars)

THE WATERNISH TANGLE J8x32 3C (4C set) A Barfoot, Skye Coll 2

1- 4 1st cpl, giving RH, cross down to 2nd place and set, 2s move up on bars 1+2

5- 8 1st cpl cross down to 3rd place giving LH and set, 3s move up on bars 5+6
9-12 1st cpl cross giving RH, change places on sides with 3rd cpl giving LH

13-16 2nd and 1st cpls cross giving RH, then turn 3/4 on the sides giving LH to finish in a line across the dance, with the ladies in the middle joining RH
17-24 2s+1s dance the Targe:

17-18 the ladies turn ¾ with RH while the men dance ¼ way round anticlockwise
19-20 1st man with 2nd lady and 1st lady with 2nd man turn once round with LH

21-22 the ladies turn ¾ with RH while the men dance ¼ way round anticlockwise
23-24 1st man with 2nd lady and 1st lady with 2nd man turn with LH to end on sides,

2nd cpl in top place facing down and 1st cpl in 2nd place facing up
25-32 1st cpl cross down below 3s, cast up, dance up between 2s and cast to 2nd place

BIRKENSIDE S8x32 2C (4C set) R Goldring, 24 G and S Dances

1- 8 1s+2s circle 4 hands round and back
9-16 1st lady and 2nd lady cross between partners and cast back to places, 1st and 2nd men repeat
17-24 1s dance a figure of 8 round the standing 2nd cpl
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot

THE TRI-MARINER R8x32 3C (4C set) A Dix, Reel Friends 2

1-8 1st cpl set, cast off 2 places and lead up to top, while 2s set on bar 3, cast off 1 place and lead up to 2nd place, while 3s set on bars 5 and 6 and cast into middle
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade and end with 1st cpl casting to 2nd place
17-24 1st cpl cross down, cast up behind 3rd cpl, cross up and cast off into 2nd place
25-32 All dance a petronella turn into middle, set and turn partner with RH 1¼ times to own sides

TEACHER'S CHOICE (J 8x32) J.Wilkinson

SCOTT MEIKLE R4x32 4C set A McLean Laurieston Coll 1

1-8 1st cpl cross giving RH and cast to 2nd place, then dance ½ figure of 8 round 2s
9-16 1st and 3rd cpls dance RH across and LH back
17-24 1st lady followed by 3rd lady dance a tandem reel of 3 across with 2nd cpl (giving Lsh to 2nd man), while 3rd man followed by 1st man dance a tandem reel of 3 with 4th cpl (giving Lsh to 4th lady to begin). 1s end in 3rd place, 3s in 2nd place. (2314)
25-32 1s+4s dance ½ R&L, then turn partners RH 1½ times back to own sides

SANDS OF MORAR S8x32 3C (4C set) B Priddey, RSCDS Bk 45

1-8 1st cpl dance a figure of 8 round 2nd cpl giving hands when possible
9-16 first 3 cpls dance mirror reels of 3 on own sides (1s dance in and down to begin)
17-24 1s turn with both hands once round and dance down the middle to 3rd place as 2s+3s continue the reel and dance down behind 1s, all set and 1s followed by 2s+3s cast up to original places
25-32 1s+2s dance the Tourbillon:-

25-26 1s and 2s turn partners with both hands ½ way (1 bar), 1st man and 2nd lady lead partners on 1 place clockwise (1 bar) to end 1s on ladies side and 2s on men's side

27-28 1s set to 2s across the dance

29-30 1s and 2s ½ turn partners with both hands (1 bar), 1st lady and 2nd man lead partners on 1 place (1 bar) to end with 2s in 1st place and 1s in 2nd place

31-32 2s+1s cross to own sides giving RH

THE OUTER CIRCLE R8x48 3C (4C set) K Reid, Birmingham Diamond Jubillee Bk

1-8 1st cpl cross giving RH and cast off 1 place, dance ½ figures of 8 (1st man round 2s, 1st lady round 3s) and pass Lsh to end facing 1st corners
9-16 1st cpl and 1st corners dance a Diagonal Chain Progression:-
9-10 1s turn 1st corners halfway with RH
11-14 1s chase clockwise halfway round the outside of set while 1st corner persons turn with LH 1½ times
15-16 1s turn 1st corners halfway with RH and face them
17-24 1st lady dances a reel of 3 on the side with 2nd cpl passing 2nd man Rsh to begin while 1st man dances a reel of 3 on the side with 3rd cpl, passing 3rd lady Rsh to begin. 1st cpl finish by passing Lsh to face 2nd corners
25-32 1st cpl and 2nd corners dance a Diagonal Chain to end facing 4th corner (pstn)
33-40 1s dance reels of across (1st lady with 3s at the top passing 3rd man Rsh to begin and 1st man with 2s giving Rsh to 2nd lady/4th corner position). 1st cpl finish by curving in to face own first corner position
41-48 1s dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSH and dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, passing Rsh at the end to finish in 2nd place own side

THE BEEKEEPER'S MEDLEY M-2x (S32+J32) Square.Set T Rayner, Skye Coll 2

1-4 All dance Schiehallion Reels ¼ way (1 place to the R)

5-8 1s+3s dance RH across while 2s and 4s turn partners with the RH for 4 bars
9-16 All dance Schiehallion Reels ¼ way (1 place to R, finish opposite original positions) then 2s+4s dance RH across while 1s and 3s turn partners with RH for 4 bars
17-24 All chase clockwise to original positions, then set and cast 1 place clockwise
25-32 All circle 8H round and back

Repeat in Jig time from new positions

THE FULL MONTY R8x32 3C (4C set) J Drewry, Greenburn Bk 1

1-8 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels on own sides with 1s dancing out and down to start
9-16 1s cast off 1 place as 2s dance up to the top. Then 1s turn with RH once round, dance Lsh round 4th corner and meet in middle joining LH, each facing own 2nd corner
17-24 1s set to 2nd corners, turning inwards to face partner's 2nd corner (4th corner). Set to 4th corner, turning anticlockwise to face own 1st corners. 1s set to 1st corners, turning inwards to face partner's 1st corner and set to them
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners and twirl round to face 1st corner, 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners and end 2nd place own side

TEACHER'S CHOICE (S 3X32) J.Wilkinson


1-8 1s+2s Set+Link ending 2s facing down, 1s facing up with nearer hands joined, in the middle of the set. 2s and 1s Set+Link with partners to finish on opposite sides, 2s in top place, 1s in 2nd place
9-16 1s followed by 2s dance down the middle for 3 bars, then the ladies dance under partner's arm to change places, 2s+1s dance up to 1st and 2nd places
17-24 2nd man and 1st man turn LH as 2nd and 1st lady turn RH, 1st and 3rd men turn RH as 1st and 3rd ladies turn LH. 1st cpl end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting and petronella turn to 2nd place own sides

MISS JOHNSTONE OF ARDROSSAN R5x32 5C set R Goldring, 14 Social Dances

1-8 1s set and cast off 1 place, 1s followed by 3s dance up and cast - 1s to 3rd place and 3s to 2nd place
9-16 1s cross down and dance reflection reels of 3 with 4s+5s on opposite sides - 1s end in 3rd place on opposite sides
17-24 1s cross up and dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides with 2s+3s - 1s ending in 3rd place own sides
25-32 1s set and cast off 1 place, 1s followed by 5s dance up between 4s and cast - 1s to 5th place and 5s to 4th place. The order is now 23451

ELEANOR'S STRATHSPEY S 8x32 3C/4C set Sue McKinnell

1-8 1st cpl turn with both hands once round and cast off one place, 2s step up

9-16 2nd, 1st and 3rd cpls dance Rsh reels of 3 on the sides in 6 bars (1st lady giving Rsh to 3rd lady and 1st man giving Rsh to 2nd man to start) on bars 7&8 1st and 3rd ladies and likewise 1st and 2nd men continue the reel to change places. The order is then 2,3,1 on the ladies' side and 1,2,3 on the men's side

17-24 1s, 2s and 3s dance a 3-cpl Bourrel as follows:

17-20 1st man and 3rd lady, similarly 2nd man and 1st lady set advancing to each other and turn with both hands halfway, then twirl away from each other to finish back to back in the centre of the set, lady facing up and man facing down. Meanwhile, 2nd lady and 3rd man chase anticlockwise round the set to finish facing own partners.

21-24 All set to partners and turn with both hands to own sides. (order 3,1,2)

25-32 All join hands on the sides and set, drop hands and set advancing to pass partner Lsh to Lsh. Then all chase clockwise halfway round the set (finish 2,1,3).

LOST IN EDINBURGH J4x32 4C set C Comings, Sunday Brunch

1-8 1s lead down middle for 3 bars, back to top and cast off to 2nd place
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across once round, 3rd lady followed by 1st lady dance down behind 4th lady and up between 4th cpl, while 1st man followed by 3rd man dances up behind 2nd man and down between 2nd cpl. 1st man and 3rd lady pass Rs and turn singly to face each other (up/down) as 1st lady and 3rd man turn right about to face ends (end back to back with partner, )
17-24 All set:

17-18 1st lady with 4s, 3rd man with 2s set as in double triangles, 1st man and 3rd lady set to each other

19-20 all set, 1s+3s (BtoB with partner) rotating halfway round each other

to change places,

21-22 1st man with 4s, 3rd lady with 2s set as in DT, 1st lady and 3rd man set to each other

23-24 1s and 3s dance petronella turn to own sides while 2s and 4s continue setting, turning to face partners. 2314
25-32 1s dance ½ figure of 8 round 3s and cast to 4th place, all advance with 1s changing places , all retire. 2341

FIRE IN THE RYE R6x32 6C set E Ozorak

2 chords: on the second chord, 4s,5s, and 6s cross to opposite sides

1-8 1s+2s+3s also 4s+5s+6s circle 6H round and back
9-16 All dance a Grand Chain for 6 cpls: to begin, end cpls (1s and 6s) cross RH while 2nd and 3rd / 4th and 5th cpls change places RH on sides. Pass 6 persons and end in reverse order: 654(3)(2)(1)
17-24 in pairs, all set and dance 1/2 RA (6s+5s, 4s+3s, 2s+1s - keep hold of person just passed in the grand chain), then the end couples stand while cpls in 2nd and 3rd, 4th and 5th places set and dance 1/2 LA
25-32 Centre couples (1s+6s) set to each other on the sides and change places giving RH, then all set and cross over giving RH

THE FLOWER OF GLASGOW S3x32 3C set R Taylor, RSCDS Bk 46

1-8 1st lady followed by her partner casts 2 places, 1st lady crosses and casts up on the men's side to 2nd place while 1st man dances up the middle to 2nd place on the ladies' side. On bars 7&8 all set advancing into promenade hold, 2s and 3s face up, 1s facing down. Order 2(1)3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance a Circulating Allemande:
2s and 3s dance a normal Allemande but end in 3rd/1st place, 1s begin the Allemande dancing down and up to 2nd place opposite sides. 3(1)2
17-24 1s dance ½ Figs of 8 (1L up round 3s, 1M down round 2s), all turn partners 2H. 312
25-32 1s+2s dance a Diamond Poussette

REEL OF THE 51ST DIVISION (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Atkinson, RSCDS Bk 13

1-8 1s set and cast off 2 places, then lead up between the 3s to face 1st corners
9-16 1st cpl set to and turn 1st corners with RH into balance-in-line position between 1st corners, set and 1s turn with LH to face 2nd corners
17-24 1st cpl set to and turn 2nd corners with RH to balance-in-line with 2nd corners, set and 1s turn with LH to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back