All registered Northern Counties Membership scheme and BCF direct members may deduct £5 from their entry fee.
All Cleveland and Durham registered players may deduct a further £1 from their entry fee.
Entry Fee £221st £180 2nd £80 3rd £40
MAJOR (Restricted to players graded 150 and below)
Entry Fee £221st £180 2nd £80 3rd £40
MINOR (Restricted to players graded 110 and below)
Entry Fee £221st £180 2nd £80 3rd £40
NOVICE (Restricted to players graded 75 and below, and Ungraded Players)
Entry Fee £141st £100 2nd £403rd £20
All registered Braille Players may enter any section for a fixed fee of £12 (£7 for Northern membership scheme members and ECF members).
Additional prizes for grading, senior, junior and ladies will be allocated dependent upon the entry and allocated where appropriate ALL PRIZES WILL BE NOTIFIED BEFORE THE START OF ROUND TWO.
Distribution of prizes
Players who do not have a published grade in the BCF national grading list will not be allowed to contest the major prizes in the Major and Minor tournaments unless adequate proof of playing strength accompanies the entry form. Any player with a local league grade may submit that as proof of playing strength. Players not aware of a current grade are advised to contact the organizer prior to the event.
No player may win more than one prize, any player eligible for more than one prize will receive the one of greater value, moneys from the other prize will, at the discretion of the organizer, be used to provide additional prizes.
Prizes will be presented at the conclusion of the final session of play.
In all matters the congress organizers decision is final.
Closing Date for Entry
Thursday 29th January 2008, late entries if accepted will be subject to an additional fee of £2. Notice of withdrawals must be received in writing by the18th January and a deduction of £2 will be made from any refund. No refund will be made after this date. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse any entry.
The Draw
Where numbers dictate players may be required to play games against those from another section or a suitable float player. Where this happens both players will be awarded a 1 pt bye for that game irrespective of the result, but the result will be submitted for grading purposes
Half Point Bye
Players may request a half point bye in any one of the first three rounds, this should be clearly stated on the entry form.
Chess Direct will be in attendance throughout the Congress for all your Chess needs, for a catalogue prior to the event or for any enquiries ring 01709 890565.
The Hillcarter Hotel
Offers special rates of £40 Single & £50 Double or Twin per night Bed and breakfast, Special family rates available on request
Ring 01429 855800 for details of this first class accommodation quoting ‘Chess’
Times of Play
Round 1Friday6.30pm to 10.30pm
Round 2Saturday 9.30pm to 1.30pm
Round 3Saturday 2.00pm to 6.00pm
Round 4Sunday9.30pm to 1.30pm
Round 5Sunday2.00pm to 6.00pm
Rates of Play
36 moves in 1hr. 40 min., after which each player has a further 20 min. in which to finish the game. Play in all sections will be on the Swiss system of pairings and all players are expected to complete all five rounds.
The Hillcarter hotel is in the center of Hartlepool opposite the railway station.
Refreshments will be available at suitable advertised times throughout the tournament.
Car Parking
Some on street free parking is available. Most nearby car parks are pay and display except one on the other side of the road going away from the town center.
Chess Direct will be in attendance throughout the Congress for all your Chess needs, for a catalogue prior to the event or for any enquiries ring 01709 890565.
To Graham Marshall, 125 Throston Grange Lane, Hartlepool Cleveland TS26 0TZ Tel (01429) 426374 or mobile 0781 8486928.
Future Events
Durham County Weekend Congress 17th to 19th April 2009
One day Rapidplay
Saturday 30th May 2009
Hartlepool 15th Weekend Congress
Fri 15th to Sun 17th 2009
Rapidplay Events are part of the North East Rapidplay Circuit
Tony Kiddle died suddenly in early 2007. He is rememberedfor his total dedication for many decadesto Chess in Cleveland andin particular for his work with junior players for the CCA and his local Club Middlesbrough. Tony’s death came as a massive shock to his family and friends and he will be missedby all who knew him. The organizers of this congress are very pleased to be able to dedicate it to Tony's memory'
The Tourist information Center, Tel. 01429 266522 will be pleased to assist you with any inquiries
The Braefferton Guest House (£23 single room for 1 night £20 per night for 2 or 3 nights B&B) where Julie and Alistair will give you a warm welcome Tel 01429 273875
Entry Form
The completed entry form together with fee should be sent to: -
Hartlepool Chess Events Fund, C/O 14 Jones Road Hartlepool,TS24 9BD
Cheques /Postal Orders should be made payable to the Hartlepool Chess Event Fund.
Section Entered (please tick)
Open . . . . Major . . . . .
Minor ...... Novice . . . .
½bye required in round ......
Complete in block letters please.
Forename(s) ......
Surname ......
Address ...... Post code ......
Telephone No......
E-Mail address ......
(Please include if you would like to be notified of future events)
Club (if any) ......
Date of birth (all players) ......
BCF Direct/NMS Membership No ......
Grading (if any)* ......
* If you are graded but do not know your current grade, please state last known grade and the year in which it was published. If ungraded please provide an estimate of your grade and evidence of estimate if available.
I enclose cheque/postal order in respect of
Entry Fee£ ......
Late entry fee£ ......
Donation£ ......
Deductions£ ......
(please specify)
Total£ ......
Signature ......