Montana chapter of Rome's National Right to Life also opposes
Montana Personhood Constitutional Amendment ballot initiative
Bible-believing Christian and other principled pro-personhood pro-lifers:
Executive Director, Right to Life of Montana (RTLM):
"We as an affiliate of NRLC can utilize their assets, and their legal experts,
such as Jim Bopp, the NRLC national attorney, who has worked in the field
of Pro-Life Law for many years."
Jim Bopp wrote an 11 page synopsis of the Personhood Amendment
and explained in depth why we should not endorse it at this time, as did
Clarke Forsyth[e] of Americans United for Life (AUL)."
RTLM is the official state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.
The deadline is June 18th for the Montana Pro-Life Coalition's petition drive to collect the necessary number of signatures to place the Montana Personhood Constitutional Amendment on the November 2010 ballot. May it please God to grant that Montana also become ballot certified
(in addition to CO and MISS).
The Colorado Personhood Constitutional Amendment has already been certified to appear on the Colorado ballot in November 2010. [ This is the second time for Colorado; a personhood constitutional amendment was also on the Colorado ballot in November 2008. ]
The Mississippi Personhood Constitutional Amendment has already been certified to appear on the Mississippi ballot in November 2011.
These are the three principal Romanist enemies of the many efforts to recognize the God-given, unalienable
right to life of every human being as a "person" beginning at fertilization, in State Constitutional and / or
Statutory law:
1) ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS [ appointed by the Pope ]
1) The Roman Catholic Bishops (collectively called Catholic Conferences) of these seven States have opposed State-level Personhood Legislation:
- MICHIGAN: (2006)
- GEORGIA: (2008)
- COLORADO: (2008 & 2009 & 2010)
- MONTANA: (2008 & 2009)
- NORTH DAKOTA: (2009)
- FLORIDA: (2009)
- MISSOURI: (2010)
2) National Right to Life Committee 30+ year general (legal) counsel, James Bopp, Jr.
wrote a 2007 Memorandum opposing State-level Personhood Legislation, and defending
acceptance of multiple "exceptions" in "pro-life" [sic] legislation, and proposing a litany
of incremental, "abortion"/murder regulation bills.
James Bopp, Jr. (senior partner of Bopp, Coleson & Bostrom’s law firm) and the National Right to Life Committee’s general (legal) counsel in an August 7, 2007 Memorandum Re: "Pro-Life Strategy Issues" attacked State-level personhood amendments; specifically the Georgia Human Life (Personhood) Amendment - which THE TWO GEORGIA ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS PUBLICLY OPPOSED IN JANUARY 2008. Bopp's 2007 Memorandum
also defended the acceptance of "exceptions" for rape, incest, fetal deformity, and "harm to the mother" in
"pro-life" [sic] legislation, while suggesting and promoting a litany of incremental, "abortion"/murder regulation bills, in essence, "First do this or that, "AND THEN YOU CAN KILL THE BABY."
( Bopp's 2007 Memorandum - )
Note: James Bopp, Jr. has served as general counsel for National Right to Life since 1978, and as the special
counsel for Focus on the Family since 2004. Bopp aslo served as an advisor for pro-abort, pro-sodomite,
Mormon Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. THIS HELPS EXPLAIN WHY NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE
The National Right to Life Committee was first organized under the auspices of the then-National Conference
of Catholic Bishops in 1968 (FIVE YEARS BEFORE ROE V. WADE IN 1973 ! ???), and then became allegedly "autonomous" [sic] and "non-sectarian" in 1973. [ Source: Dictionary of Christianity [sic] in America, Coordinating Editor, Daniel G. Reid, “Right to Life.”, K.M. Cassidy, 1990 ]
3) CFR / Georgetown / Jesuit-advised, Americans United for Life Senior Legal Counsel,
Clarke Forsythe
AUL claims to have been "Founded in 1971 as the first national pro-life organization in the United States"
and touts its efforts in pursuing a number of incrementalist "abortion"/murder regulation legislative measures - however advancing personhood legislation to actually END "abortion" is not on the list on the "About AUL" page. The lists of AUL Directors and Advisory Board members includes two CFR members ( George S. Weigel, Jr. and Robert P. George ); a Roman Catholic Jesuit (S.J.) priest (Kevin T. FitzGerald, S.J.), who is also on the staff of the
Jesuit Georgetown University Medical Center; and another Jesuit Georgetown University Medical Center staffer
(Edward R. Grant, Esq.) as well.
Clarke Forsythe, senior legal counsel of Americans United for Life ( CFR / Jesuit / Jesuit Georgetown University staff on AUL's Directors / Advisors ) opposes State-Level Personhood Legislation: Forsythe attacked the State-level personhood position on the Columbia Christians for Life website in postings on National Review Online
( National Review magazine, founded by the late neo-con William Buckley - CFR-member, Bilderberger,
Skull and Bones member, Roman Catholic, Knight of Malta, The Heritage Foundation, is a prominent false flag "conservative" propaganda tool of the Vatican / Jesuit / Papal New World Order, providing a media platform for members of the Jesuit-Ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ), and also on another Romanist website,
the Rosary-promoting, "National-Right-to-Life-friendly"
Posted: Tuesday September 29, 2009 at 4:11 pm EST by Judie Brown
Romanist, Jesuit-advised, Americans United for "Life" [sic] senior legal counsel attacks CCL's "Personhood" position
Americans United for "Life" [sic] has been an opponent of State-level Personhood Legislation to END abortion.
September 21, 2009
Catholic CFR-members (two) on Americans United for Life (AUL) Directors/Advisory Boards;
AUL Sr. Legal Counsel attacked Columbia Christians for Life Personhood position
AUL Board of Directors - Catholic CFR-member George S. Weigel, Jr., Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC
AUL Board of Advisors - Catholic CFR-member Professor Robert P. George, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
September 22, 2009
Article by Executive Director, Right to Life of Montana opposing
the Montana Personhood Constitutional Amendment, and
citing, the opposition or non-support also of, in order:
1) James Bopp, Jr., general (legal) counsel of National Right to LIfe
2) Clarke Forsythe, senior legal counsel of Americans United for Life
3) Montana Roman Catholic Bishops (Montana Catholic Conference),
4) Montana Family Foundation (Montana state affiliate of ecumenical Focus on the Family)
5) Eagle Forum (led by Dame of Malta, Roman Catholic, Phyllis Schlafly, who also
opposes State-level personhood)
6) Concerned Women of America (ecumenical)
Right to Life of Montana Association - "Personhood Initiative"
Right to Life of Montana
1900 Last Chance Gulch, P.O. Box 6787,
Helena, Montana 59601
RTLM is the official state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.
National Right to Life
Websites or Addresses for State Affiliates
Right to Life of Montana Association - Personhood Initiative
by Gregg Trude,
Executive Director,
Right to Life of Montana
[ emphasis and editorial comment added by CCL ]
As a Right to Life organization you would think from initial appearances that Right to Life of Montana
should jump on board supporting the Personhood Amendment and be out front leading the charge.
However, as a right to life organization and an affiliate of National Right to Life (NRLC), we have
certain protocol to follow. One is to vote on this endorsement after looking at all the facts, not just
the sound bites coming from the Personhood Amendment promoters, who call themselves “Montana
Pro-Life Coalition.” We as an affiliate of NRLC can utilize their assets, and their legal experts, such
as Jim Bopp, the NRLC national attorney, who has worked in the field of Pro-Life Law for many years.
Jim Bopp wrote an 11 page synopsis of the Personhood Amendment and explained in depth why we should not endorse it at this time, as did Clarke Forsyth[e] of Americans United for Life (AUL). Both of these men are leading scholars [ CCL: sic ] of Constitutional law.
Right to Life of Montana has a Board of Directors and as the Executive Director of this Board of Directors, and also as the NRLC delegate for Montana, the Board looks to me for insight into legislation and anything political. It is my job to digest the information and get it to the Board with my recommendations. It was my input and recommendation that Right to Life of Montana not get endorse this Personhood Amendment. They did not have to go with my recommendation, but after serious consideration, they agreed that to endorse this amendment at this time would be a serious tactical mistake. I am listing the reasons below and then will make a short response to the letter from Cal Zastrow:
[ CCL Note: This six-point list below is one of the most comprehensive, yet succinct examples
that I [ Steve Lefemine ] can recall of faithless, pathetic, contemptible expression
of God-less unbelief regarding the legal effort to END (instead of just "regulate")
child-murder in America. It is through and through a pitiful illustration of
"reckoning without God". ]
1. Constitutional Initiatives in the Pro-Life movement have failed miserably including ones that we poll
high on, such as Parental Notification, Partial Birth Abortion and Taxpayer Funded abortions. The
pro-abortion side outspends us 3-1.
2. If the Montana Personhood Amendment people get enough signatures on the ballot they have
no money raised to combat the media campaign that will come from the other side. The Montana
Personhood Amendment will need a minimum of 6.8 million dollars just to match them. (This was
at our last estimate.)
3. The Personhood Amendment last year raised more money for Planned Parenthood here in Montana
and increased their database of names. Planned Parenthood spent over 1 million dollars last year
just to keep them from getting enough signatures. The Montana Personhood Amendment was over
20,000 signatures short. They have initiated a similar campaign in this election cycle, and have been
emboldened by the support they are getting from events in Washington, D.C.
4. If it gets on the ballot and it gets voted in, it will go the Montana Supreme Court.
5. If it gets through the Montana Supreme Court, it would then go to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
in San Francisco. This is historically a very liberal court, and supportive of abortion rights [CCL: sic].
6. It would then go the U.S. Supreme Court no matter who wins in the 9th, but the U.S. Supreme Court
does not have to hear the case. However, if it went there, the Court makeup is 4 liberals,
4 conservatives and Justice Kennedy. Kennedy wrote an opinion opposing Partial Birth Abortion
and said that he believes in Roe v. Wade with restrictions. In other words, he believes in the right
to abortion with restrictions. If the case gets to the 9th Circuit or U.S. Supreme Court, it will, in all
likelyhood [CCL: spelling error: likelihood], concrete [CCL: since when is "concrete" a verb ?]
Roe v Wade.
Cal Zastrow, a leader in promoting this amendment, has written some interesting comments, most
of which are erroneous. Does it not make all wonder why the three largest, most active, and most successful Pro-Life organizations in Montana are not endorsing this amendment? Montana Catholic Conference, the Montana Family Foundation [CCL: Focus on the Family affiliate in Montana]
and Right To Life of Montana are not supporting the Personhood Amendment. The three organizations met in Bozeman in June and all agreed that the Personhood Amendment was not a good
idea at this time. The Montana Pro-Life Coalition did ask us to support them and our recommendation
was for them not to go ahead. They were unwilling, or unable to postpone their action until a meeting
us could be arranged. Their response is obvious as they have chosen to push ahead despite all three
organizations strenuous objections. Although we did not meet with the Eagle Forum and Concerned Women of America, they also decided not to support the Personhood Amendment at this time.
[ CCL Note: More can be written about the de facto conspiracy of several of the "conservative"/ "Christian"/ Catholic/Ecumenical Establishment national mega-organizations, such as Focus on the Family, Eagle Forum, and Concerned Women of America, who are linked through the ecumenical spiritual whorehouse known as the Council for National Policy (CNP), which includes and has included some CNP members who were/are 33rd Degree Masons, or members of the New World Order's, Jesuit-ruled, Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR), in addition to numerous adherents of the false religion of Roman Catholicism. ]
Cal Zastrow, has maintained that also mentioned that Roe V Wade is not law, because it was never enacted by a legislative body. If it is not law, then why are abortions legal? [ CCL: THEY ARE NOT. ]
Why do the sitting members of the U.S. Supreme Court say that Roe is the "law of the land". [ CCL: BECAUSE THEY ARE OATH-BREAKERS. Read Article VI. of the U.S. Constitution - SCOTUS decisons/ opinions are NOT listed among the three items explicitly mentioned as "the supreme Law of
the Land." SCOTUS Justice Scalia has said "there is nothing, nothing in the Constitution that guarantees the right to an abortion." ] Reality is that Roe is law, maybe not in the strictest terms
that it was created by legislation, and, yes, it was just an opinion, but, "It is what it is".
The Montana Personhood Amendment people have an agenda. [ YES, A RIGHTEOUS AGENDA - TO END CHILD-MURDER-BY-"ABORTION" - UNLIKE THE VATICAN'S AGENTS SEEKING TO PERPETUATE "ABORTION" AND THE POWER ACCRUED TO ROME BY ALSO PERPETUATING THE ECUMENICAL "PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT" ] They have not shown a good faith intention to develop a true coalition involving reasonable dialogue with other well-established Pro-Life groups.