Dear Shark Families,
The focus of this letter is to inform you of the wonderful extracurricular opportunities at Gulf Coast High School and to request your financial support and participation in our GCHS Athletic and Activity programs.
Our Athletic and Activity programs are an integral part of the overall high school experience at Gulf Coast High School. We believe, through positive influential coaching and teaching, our student-athletes will develop key character traits such as determination, sportsmanship, perseverance, responsibility and balance. Participating in extracurricular activities fosters a healthy mind and body, a well-rounded student athlete, school spirit, and overall pride and support of the GCHS community.
At Gulf Coast High School, there are currently 22 athletic teams and over 35additional extra-curricular programs and clubs through the activities department. Each year the activities department and individual teams/programs attempt to fundraise to help provide the best possible experience for our Sharks in all programs and sports. (School system funding for athletics in Collier County is limited to coaching supplements and school bus transportation to away games). Each school must pay for all other costs such as officials, uniforms, equipment, additional travel, medical supplies, security, etc. Currently, our only sources of additional revenue are gate admissions,fees,and fundraising. That is why YOUR support is vital to our future growth and success.
You ask how can I get involved and support Gulf Coast High School? You can start by making a monetary donation to the activity & athletic department, you can volunteer your time with our many programs and/or get involved directly with the program your child is participating.
Please stop by the activity & athletic office to shop our selection of GCHS spirit wear. In addition, you can take out a sign sponsorship to appear on the stadium fence or you can purchase a sign for the gym. For more information on how you can purchase signage contact the activity and athletic office.
Your child does not need to participate on an athletic team or in an activity in order for you to support Gulf Coast High School. Your support will better our programs, which will in turn, better the experience for both participants, fans and the community as a whole!
Our students deserve, need and value support from our GCH families and community!
Thank you and GO SHARKS!
Matt Kuk
Activities Director
Gulf Coast High School