Instructions to distributors on e Connect (DOs):
We have compiled some DOs for the distributors. We request you to give this wide publicity by informing all the concerned persons including CAMs and distributors.
We seek your help to make it a success by ensuring smooth implementation.
These are some of the steps that the distributors should take care of while pushing data into Lotus Notes everyday.
These steps are mandatory for smooth functioning of stock replenishment to these distributors.
1) Connect to Tata Steel System daily from distributors E-connect system. Kindly execute the following programs (Agents) as mentioned below (Do not skip any of them). It is recommended to connect to Tata Steel system once even if no transaction has taken place at Distributor end (Shop was closed, holiday, No sales) this will ensure to capture positive confirmation from the distributor.
a) PushStockData
b) PushSalesData
c) PushRecieptData
2) Push the data to Tata Steel Lotus Notes only once a day preferably at the end of the day (latest by 9.00 p.m).This is to avoid overlapping of Sales, Stock and GR figure across the date.
3) In case of any issues/ problem, follow the process to get it rectified at the earliest.
Click the link <ITS helpline for Distributor e connect>.
4. Procedures for data correction – In case data correction for stock Sales or GR is needed after the data has been post into TOC system, Distributor should follow the following steps .
- They should contact their CAM with the request for data correction. The request should be through Email or hardcopy.
- The CAM should inform Chief of planning about the request for data correction through mail. Concerned ITS support person (refer to ITS helpline) should be informed about such correction to access the impact on the process.
- Chief of planning may approve or reject the request. If the request is accepted, the CAM will change the data at distributor econnect system, using authorize userid-password.
- The concerned business owner (Planning Engineer) will change the TOC data if required, in consultation with ITS. Subsequently mail should be sent to CAM about the status of data correction, who in turn will inform distributor.
- The above process should not take more than 3 working days.
Subject / Dos / Don’t do
Creation of customer / Enter all the information (General, address(compulsory), Custom (If required)).
Enter data as much as possible / Avoid dots (.) try to enter NA or the actual information.
Ignoring fields.
Entering Opening stock / Enter the actual stock / Avoid entering estimated quantity
Item creation / Enter name, description, no, purchase unit and account properly. / Enter same quantity in all items.
Purchase entry / Enter bill no(compulsory), data, and other information fully. / Try to fill all the fields.
Back-up / Take Backup of your database time to time by copy and paste the database or in CD. / Don’t Format machine before proper backup
Remote Peer no longer responding / Restart the machine and try to connect or wait for few minutes and try. / Don’t Try to connect repeatedly.
The server is no longer responding or may be down / Wait until the server is up. / Don’t send the data when the server is down
Pushing Stock data / Push stock data once in a day along with purchase and sales. / Don’t send the stock data more than once in a day.
1.Open Exnext Generation and enter username and password(don't chose any company) and click on OK.
2.Click on company and then click on backup.
3.Chose the company from the drop down menu and click on OK.
4.Click on OK if you like to take the backup on the Ex Next Generation Folder other wise
5.Chose the desired location / folder by selecting the drive from the drop drives down menu.
5.Click on ok. Then the Ex next generation will take the back up and will shows the massage that the backup successfully done.
To restore
1.Open Exnext Generation and enter username and password(don't chose any company) and click on OK.
2.Click on company and then click on restore.
3.Chose the company from the drop down menu and click on OK.
4.Click on OK if the path is on the Ex Next Generation Folder other wise
5.Chose the location / folder by selecting the drive from the drop drives down menu where the backup file exist.
5.Click on ok. Then the Ex next generation will take the restore and will shows the massage that the restore successfully done.
1.Open my computer.
2.Go to the drive where the EX NEXT GENERATION is installed. the folder exnextgeneration15, there is a folder Bin . the folder bin, in that folder one or more than folder will be shown .
5.Chose the current folder in which the user working, copy the folder and paste in the back up folder or CD.
Transaction help : At distributor's place# / Transaction Description / Transaction Type / Unit
1 / Despatch from Tata Steel Stockyard / Goods Receipt Entry / Meter
2 / Sales to Retail / Invoice/Sales / Meter
3 / Sales Return from Retail / Goods Receipt Entry / Meter
4 / Goods returned from Distributors to Tata Steel Stockyard / Invoice/Sales (dummy) / Meter
5 / Ground/physical stock found less than system stock / Invoice/Sales (dummy) / Meter
6 / Ground/physical stock found more than system stock / Goods Receipt Entry (dummy) / Meter
Note: The above 6 transaction types will mostly cover entire business transactions. Inventory upload to be done only once to start with. Thereafter, the above 6 transactions are good enough to arrive at the inventory. HENCE, INVENTORY IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE ENTERED ON REGULAR BASIS.
1. Arrange lifting of material from Tata Steel Stockyard as soon as DO is issued.
2. Post GRN in the EX-system as soon material arrives in your premises.
3. Raise invoice in the EX-system as soon as sales has happened to the retailer.
4. Always use meter as unit of measurement while posting transaction in the EX-system.
5. Ensure that all transaction of the day are entered in the EX-system by the end of the day and uploaded in the Notes the same day.
1. Do not delay transaction posting. This delays the despatches from Tata Steel stockyard.
2. Do not effect sales only in month end. Do daily sales as far as possible.
3. Do not enter stock figure on daily basis.
Instruction For Tubes Distributors