Telephone No.
Mobile No.
E-mail Address
Date of Function:
Start Time: (AM/PM)
Finish time: (AM/PM)
Number of people attending:
Description of Function:
Cost (complete as applicable, all prices shown exclude VAT)
DAY HIRE OF CLUB HOUSE: (£5.00/hour, 4hrs minimum) / :
DAY HIRE OF CLUB HOUSE & Car park: (£7.50/hour, 8hrs minimum) / :
Hire of all car park facilities: (£100/day) / :
Evening Hire of Club: (£50:00/evening) / :
Pitch hire: (Excludes 1st XV pitch, £50.00) / :
Deposit against damage: (£100.00 refundable) / :
Door Supervision: (as required, POA approx. £100.00/person) / :
Disco: (POA, typically £150.00) / :
Catering: (POA, typically £5.00 - £10.00/head) / :
Total / :
General terms and conditions:
1)Hire of the Club is ACCEPTED only when ALL MONIES have been paid; the Club willconfirm the hire.
2)Hire charge/s are due a minimum 14 days in advance of function.
3)The Club has the right to insist on the hiring of a professional door supervision to control entry of any personnel to any function, and ensure all non-members are signed in.
4)Club members receive a 20% discount on club house hire charges.
5)Maximum attendance for any function in the Clubhouse is 150 people.The Club bar will only be opened where over 75 adult guests are attending.
6)Any breakages or damage to furniture or fixtures belonging to the Club shall be paid for by the Hirer as deemed proper by the General Committee.
7)Cancellation of any function will automatically forfeit monies paid.(other than deposit against damages)
8)The use of aerosols will not be allowed during functions. Damage to furniture and guests clothing can arise and is of a permanent nature. “Silly String” and similar products are not allowed, and to save embarrassment Hirers are requested to inform their guests of this rule prior to the event.
9)The Clubs General Committee has the right to refuse any application for hire without reason.
Signature of hirer: / Date:Signature of club officer: / Date:
Terms and Conditions for 18th& 21stBirthday functions:
- All 18thor 21stfunctions must be presented to the committee for approval in advance.
- The applicant must be for a current paid up member of the club. (min 12mths)
- All guests who appear to be under 21 will be asked for ID at the bar when purchasing alcoholic drink.
- NO alcoholic drink will be allowed to be brought onto the premises, anyone bringing alcohol will be asked to leave.
- No drink will be allowed outside of the clubhouse.
- A meal is to be provided for the guest during the course of the event.
- The event will be by invitation and ticket only and this must be strictly policed by a responsible person.
- A responsible person must be on the door at ALL times and must keep all guests inside the building unless they are departing the premises.
- All guests leaving must be told to drive from the car park slowly with respect to neighbours. The responsible person must make a judgement on whether the driver is within the legal limit and should encourage anyone they suspect to be over the limit to leave their car until the following morning.
- For 18ths, the mix of family to friends must be at least 40:60
- The club reserves the right to employ professionaldoor supervision if it feels the need. The cost and necessity for this will be agreed no less than one month before the event.
- Club Officials / Committee Members must be in attendance in the ratio indicated below :
Attendees / Club officials
1 – 50 / 2
51 – 100 / 3
100 - 150 / 4
Signature of hirer: / Date:
Signature of club officer: / Date: