Fall 2017 Ag Science Grant Application

Fall 2017 Ag Science Grant

for McLean County Educators

McLean County Farm Bureau offers special funding to support educational programs that provide hands-on learning opportunities and instruction related to agricultural science to McLean County youth. Organizations or educators may apply to support programs that fit the following criteria:

  1. Grant funds must be used for educational purposes (equipment, supplies, books, etc.) Funds may not be used for food, parties, awards or fundraising activities.
  1. Grant projects must be directly related to agricultural science. Agricultural science is defined as the application of soil, plant or animal sciences; computer science, mechanics or technology; and chemistry, physics or environmental sciences to the production of food, feed, fuel & fiber.

Areas of focus:

  • Purple Plow Challenge – visit for details
  • Biotechnology, DNA & genetics
  • Soil fertility, plant nutrients & nutrientmanagement
  • Precision technology & equipment –GIS, mapping, drones, etc
  • Animal Science – livestock genetics, nutrition
  1. Eligible school districts include: Bloomington, Blue Ridge, Calvary Christian Academy, Central Catholic High School, Cornerstone Christian Academy, Corpus Christi, El Paso-Gridley, Heyworth, ISU Lab Schools, LeRoy, Lexington, McLean County Unit #5, Olympia, Prairie Central, Ridgeview, Trinity Lutheran, Tri-Valley
  1. The Grant Requestsubmission deadline is November 15, 2017.
  1. Presentations:
  2. Grant recipientsmay be asked to give a brief presentation to the selection committee after completing their project or submit a video
  3. Educators will be asked to give a brief presentation to their school board
  1. The selection committee has full discretion to determine grant eligibility and award amounts.Funds will be distributed to successful applications after Dec. 1, 2017.
  1. Upon completion of the grant project, please send a thank you with any pictures or news clippings to the McLean County Farm Bureau Board of Directors at the address below.

Please complete the form and return to:

McLean CountyFarm Bureau

2242 Westgate Drive

Bloomington, IL 61705or, submit via email to:

Applicant Information:

  1. Submitted by:

  1. School Name:

  1. Address:

  1. City, Sate, Zip:

  1. Phone:

  1. E-mail:

Grant Project Information:

Project Title:______

Project Overview: (2-3 sentences)
Project Description:
Project Goals & Outcomes: List at least 3 goals and describe how you will measure success.
How will the project incorporate agriculture (food and farming) into your science lessons?

Amount Requested:______

Project budget:

I hereby certify that the information in this grant application is correct and complete.

Applicantsignature:______Date ______

Submit completed form to or

McLean County Farm Bureau, 2242 Westgate Drive, Bloomington, IL 61705.