International Civil Aviation Organization
English only



Montréal, 10 to 18 May 2007

Agenda Item / 6: / Future work
6.2: / Organization of activities in ACP


(Presented by the Secretary)

Summary: this paper present proposals for tasks to be assigned to the various working groups of ACP, on the basis of proposals for reorganizing the working groups as presented in WP 5
Action by the ACP is in paragraph 10.


1.1Working paper 5 (WP/5) to ACP/1 contains a proposal to re-organize the work in four working groups (currently five working groups (WG-B, WG-C, WG-F, WG-M and WG-N), are functional. In principle, this re-organization is supported by the ACP secretariat. This paper provides proposals for the terms of reference of these working groups. In principle, all current working groups of ACP are dissolved and new terms of reference for each of these working groups are proposed. Reference is made to the work program of each working group, as agreed at the first meeting of the ACP Working Group of the Whole meeting (June 2005). This work program is reproduced, for the ease of reference, in Appendix A.


2.1Work on frequency assignment planning criteria for VDL Modes 3 and 4 is still ongoing in WG-B. This work is closely related to issues surrounding the on-board integration of these systems.

2.2No work has been progressed on the development of guidelines for introducing VDL in the VHF band and the need to re-organize the AM(R)S band. An assessment of when and in which ICAO Regions saturation of the VHF band is likely to occur has been undertaken by WG C and is reported in WP16.

2.3Work is ongoing on radio-frequency interference from non-aeronautical sources, including personal electronic devices used on board an aircraft by passengers (such as cellular phones).


3.1No specific actions were undertaken with regard to the maintenance of HF data link, VDL (Modes 2, 3 and 4) and voice switching and signaling as a result of ongoing validation and implementation. Therefore, currently no active consideration of ICAO material (SARPs and Manuals) is necessary. Also, no specific actions have been identified for the recording provisions for data communications and the OFDM system. End-to-end performance requirements (including integrity considerations) are completed with the development of required communication performance by OPLINKP/1. The AMS(R)S manual, a result from the re-organization of the AMS(R)S SARPs is nearing completion.


4.1No specific new operational requirements and/or new fixed or mobile subnetworks operating with ATN/OSI SARPs have been identified. Similarly, institutional implications of aeronautical internetworking have not been identified for ATN/OSI. No enhancements of the current technical provisions for the ATN/OSI have been identified. Ongoing work includes the introduction of protected modes for ADS-C and FIS. For the remainder of the detailed technical specifications for the ATN/OSI (Doc. 9705/Doc. 9880) the validation is completed and awaiting publication in Doc. 9880.


5.1The new terms of reference for the Working Group Maintenance will include (elements of the) the activities currently undertaken by Working Group M (Maintenance), Working Group B (frequency assignment planning for VDL) and Working Group N (issues relating to ATN/OSI). This group is expected to be of permanent nature.

5.2In line with the considerations in paragraphs 2-4 above, it is proposed that terms of reference for the new Working Group Maintenance will include:

a)Maintenance of the provisions of all ground-ground and air-ground communication systems in Annex 10, Volumes II and III and relevant ICAO Manuals. (ongoing);

b)Finalize frequency assignment planning criteria for VDL modes 3 and 4 (2007);

c)Study issues relating to interference from non-aeronautical sources, including personal electronic devices used by passengers on-board aircraft (e.g. mobile phones) (2008);

Note. — Note: this activity may need to move to WG F.

d)Complete part 3 of the manual on AMS(R)S (2007). (Part 1 and 2 have been completed by ACP/1), (including RF compatibility issues between Inmarsat and Iridium systems; and

e)Assist in completing the publication of Doc. 9880 (2007) and revisions to Doc. 9739.

6.working group frequency

6.1The work programme for Working Group F concentrated heavily on the necessary preparation for the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07). These activities have essentially been completed.

6.2Outstanding items are:

a)GRAS and VDL Mode 4 compatibility with FM broadcasting stations operating in the band below 108 MHz; and

b)Consider a simplified method for assessing compatibility between FM broadcasting and aeronautical systems operating around 108 MHz.

These program items may be considered to be removed from the work program of WG F because no input material has been made available since AMCP/8 on these issues.

6.3The new terms of reference for the Working Group Frequency will need to concentrate on the preparatory activities for the ITU world Radiocommunication Conference in 2011 as well as for relevant meetings of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (in particular ITU-R Study Group 8 and Working Parties 8B and 8D) and those of the Regional Telecommunication Organizations..

6.4Considering that the agenda for the WRC-11 has not yet been finalized no detailed work program items on which the Working Group Frequency should concentrate in the framework of preparation for the ITU-WRC- 11 can be established. The agenda for WRC-11 will be established at WRC-07 and will only be available later this year. However, the following (generic) items have been identified:

a)Assist in developing the draft ICAO position for WRC-11;

b)Prepare necessary amendments to the Handbook on Radio Frequency Spectrum Requirements for Civil Aviation, including Statement of approved ICAO policies;

c)Review aspects related to the coordination with Regional Telecommunication Organizations; and

d)Develop material in direct response to ITU and Regional Telecommunication Organizations activities which may impact the safe operation of aeronautical radionavigation and Radiocommunication systems used for international civil aviation.

6.5This group is expected to be of permanent nature and is, in principle, a continuation of the current Working Group F.

7.working group Ips (internet communication services)

7.1This working group is proposed to combine the activities of sub-working Group N1 (Internet Services) and N4 (Security services). It is expected that at ACP/1 the requisites on introducing IPS in Annex 10 will be completed. The work in the working group IPS therefore now needs to concentrate on completing the manual on detailed technical specifications for the ATN and the implementation manual. Much preparatory work for these manuals has already been undertaken and needs to be completed by the end of 2008 (when the SARPs for ATN/IPS are expected to become applicable). Should the ANC decide to task ACP to develop SARPs and guidance material for VoIP, this work needs to be also undertaken by the Working Group IPS. Finally, this working group needs to consider the best way forward for implementing the necessary applications over the ATN/IPS.

7.2In summary, task for this working group include (but is not limited to):

a)Select the appropriate mobility solution for air-ground links, considering the need for global mobility and interoperability;

b)Guidance material for IPS (Manuals on detailed technical specifications and implementation);

1)plan for numbering Autonomous Systems;

2)addressing plan for VoIP;

c)Material for implementing current OSI applications (such as CPdLC, ATSMHS and AIDC) over ATN/IPS; and

d)Methodology for implementing security in the ATN/IPS.

8.Working group technology

8.1The terms of reference for this working group will incorporate the activities of the current working group C and finishes its activities by the end of 2007.

a)general investigation of future technical concepts and architectures for aeronautical safety communications, taking into account operational requirements and addressing institutional and strategic aspects;

b)evaluation of potential alternative technologies (where possible based on existing ICAO material) and measures to ensure that the required ATM capacity will not be constrained by a lack of communication capacity in the VHF band, including; and

—investigation of the feasibility to introduce new aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMSS) technologies such as those supported by the next-generation satellite system;

—consideration of the possible introduction of wireless systems in airport.

c)initial assessment of spectrum requirements for future terrestrial and satellite communication systems.

8.2The Working Group technology will complete its work by the end of 2007. An ACP Working Group of the Whole meeting in early 2008 is foreseen to review the final outcome of the studies, with, as necessary, recommendations for future action by the ANC.

9.New work items

9.1Any new work item proposed to the Commission for incorporation in the work programme of ACP needs to be proposed by the panel, providing in particular the information requested in the page “requested ICAO involvement” of the ANIP Issue Reporting Form, as reproduced in Appendix B. This also applies to work items to be re-inserted in the ACP work program.


10.1The ACP is invited to consider the working arrangements and terms of reference for the new working groups.

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A-1 / ACP/1-WP/30
Appendix A
Appendix A



(Extracted from the Working Group of the Whole meeting, June 2005)

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7.2Activities for the working groups

7.2.1In its consideration of Agenda Item 7, the meeting reviewed the activities of the working groups and agreed on the following:

7.2.2Working group B:

a)develop frequency assignment planning criteria for VDL Mode 3;

b)develop frequency assignment planning criteria for VDL Mode 4;

c)study technical issues relating to the on-board integration of VDL, including potential interference to navigation systems and communication systems on board an aircraft;

Note 1.—This activity includes interference to DME and GNSS systems

Note 2.—This activity requires close coordination with WG M

d)develop guidelines for the introduction of VDL in the VHF band;

e)address the need to re-organize the AM(R)S bands;

f)assessment of when and in which regions saturation in the VHF band is likely to occur; and

g)investigate the need and develop, if necessary, additional guidance material on radio frequency interference (RFI), in particular from non-aeronautical sources, including the use of personal electronic devices used on board an aircraft by passengers (such as cellular phones, wireless lan), interference from devices using ultra wideband technology and interference from cable systems.

7.2.3Working group C:

a)general investigation of future technical concepts and architectures for aeronautical safety communications, taking into account operational requirements and addressing institutional and strategic aspects;

Expected Delivery date: 3rd Quarter 2007 (Closure WG-C)

b)evaluation of potential alternative technologies (where possible based on existing ICAO material) and measures to ensure that the required ATM capacity will not be constrained by a lack of communication capacity in the VHF band, including;

  • investigation of the feasibility to introduce new aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMSS) technologies such as those supported by the next-generation satellite system;
  • consideration of the possible introduction of wireless systems in airport
    Expected Delivery date: 1 Quarter 2007

c)initial assessment of spectrum requirements for future terrestrial and satellite communication systems.

Expected Delivery date: 1 Quarter 2007

7.2.4Working group F:

a)future use of the 5 GHz band (including MLS)[*;]

b)compatibility of GBAS, GRAS and VDL Mode 4 with FM broadcasting stations operating in the band 100 108 MHz*;

c)availability of spectrum for AMS(R)S in the 1.5/1.6 GHz bands;

d)compatibility of radio altimeters with earth exploration satellite service;

e)RNSS in frequency bands used by GNSS*;

f)RNSS in other frequency bands;

g)assist in developing the draft ICAO position for the WRC2007;

h)assist in developing material for submission to ITU and ITUR;

i)prepare necessary amendments to the Handbook on Radio Frequency Spectrum Requirements for Civil Aviation including Statement of Approved ICAO Policies;

j)review aspects related to the coordination with regional telecommunication organizations; and

k)consider a simplified method for assessing compatibility between FM broadcasting and aeronautical systems in the band 108 137 MHz*.

7.2.5Working group M:

a)continue the maintenance of SARPs and Manuals for high frequency data link (HFDL), VDL Mode2, VDL Mode3, VDL Mode4, VHF DSBAM voice, voice switching signalling and UAT on the basis of experience gained during actual implementation and identified new technical requirements, including reported deficiencies in the current provisions;

b)develop manuals on detailed technical specifications for next generation satellite systems, taking into consideration the draft AMS(R)S SARPs as recommended in Recommendation 3/1 of this meeting report;

c)review and update recording provisions contained in Annex 10 for data communications;

d)consider progress of work an OFDM system for interactive digital voice transmission in the HF band; and

e)review integrity considerations in endtoend communication performance requirements and develop generic endtoend performance requirements relating to aeronautical communications for inclusion in Annex 10 and refine the existing integrity related provisions in Annex 10.

7.2.6Working group N: develop appropriate ICAO technical material for air-ground and ground-ground aeronautical internetworking and applications for the completion of the following functions and enhancements to existing SARPs or technical provisions:

a)develop SARPs and technical provisions for the use of the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) in CNS/ATM ground-ground communications;

b)study and resolve the technical issues, including mobility, security and impact on applications, to enable the use of the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) in CNS/ATM air-ground communications;

c)depending on the outcome of task c above, undertake the development of appropriate ICAO material for the introduction of the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) in support of future air-ground applications;

d)assess requirements for incorporation of new features like multicast and encryption and develop and validate appropriate technical provisions as necessary in the IPS context;

e)monitor the development of new operational requirements and of new fixed or mobile sub-networks and report;

f)monitor the evolution of ground-ground and air-ground voice communications (Voice over IP / VoIP) and study its applicability for the aeronautical community and develop SARPs and guidance material, as necessary;

g)enhance current applications, including the development of technical provisions for PM-ADS and PM-FIS, and the update of CPDLC and AIDC in accordance with the conclusions of the OPLINKP/1 meeting;

h)develop technical provision for system management with IPS enhance directory and security services;

i)participate, in co-ordination with WGM and through the activities of AMSG (a joint subgroup of WGM and WGN), to the maintenance of existing ATN SARPs, technical provisions and guidance material; and

j)identify the institutional implication of aeronautical internetworking in the performance of the tasks above, consider the use of existing and mature standards.

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[*;]*These activities will be primarily reviewed in NSP and, prior to submission of documentation to ITU, be considered by ACP.