Secretary’s report – JSL Meeting, 3/9/14

The meeting was called to order by President Richard Armstrong at 7:05 p.m. CCC was welcomed as the eighteenth team in the JSL.

Secretary’s Report: With a slight wording change (“deficit” replaced by “expenditures exceeded revenue”, City made a motion to approve the 2/9 minutes. GOST seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff North distributed the 2013 Year End report, which included the bank statements for the year. Jeff noted that with the exception of GHG, all team lightning policies are up to date. He asked the teams to continue sending their insurance forms to him. Jeff noted that since we have begun the process of becoming a 501(c)3 organization, we will need to show three years of expenditures and a budget. This will be good information as we look for ways to save money. GOST made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, second by FCC, The motion passed unanimously.

Consultants Reports:

Parliamentarian: The By-law changes that had their first reading last meeting were discussed. Since there will be no tri-meets this year, the provision for tri-meets was removed. BHSC made a motion that the proposed by-law changes be approved, with the exception of Article 4. Seconded by GHG, and the by-laws were approved unanimously.

FSBC rep announced plans to once again rent the big lights for home meets, which should alleviate concerns.

Regular season schedule: Since July 4 is a Friday this year, we discussed keeping the meets on Wednesday (July 2), rather than moving them all to Tuesday night. GOST made a motion that we accept the schedule as presented, with one three-way switch as presented. ACAC seconded the motion. The motion passed, 16 in favor and 1 abstention.

Voting by tier to use Gold/Silver scoring:

Division I, 1 in favor, 4 opposed – NO Gold/Silver

Division II, 1 in favor, 5 opposed – NO Gold/Silver

Division III, 2 in favor, 4 opposed – NO Gold/Silver

With the addition of CCC, we discussed ribboning to 36 places at Champs, and to 16 places in regular meets. This will result in approximately $220 more in ribbons. GOST made a motion for a one year trial to ribbon to 16 places for regular meets and 36 places for Champs. The motion passed, 16 in favor and 1 opposed.

DQ slips: GOST made a motion, seconded by FV, to use the USA Swimming DQ slips. Motion passed, 15 in favor and 2 opposed.

Champs: The frist meeting will occur soon – with the permanent members of the Champs committee, the four host teams, and Bob. They will prepare an RFP for the A/V services as well as t-shirts concessions.

Computer Software: Jessica discussed the merits of Meet Manager 3 vs. 5. BHSC made a motion that the league buy 10 copies of Meet Manager 5, at a total cost of $3,750.00. CCC seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Computer Hardware: Steven Miller is still missing the computers for CCC, ELKS, FV, GOST, GHG and HM. These need to be turned in to Steven in preparation for the start of the season so if your team is on the list, please make arrangements to get your computer to Steven asap.

Webmaster: Toby has made some general improvements to the website and is working on the meet entry upload.

Stopwatches: Bob is evaluating inexpensive watches, at around $5 each. With the exception of CCC (first watches supplied by the league), the teams will have to pay for these themselves.

CITY made a motion to adjourn, seconded by FV. Motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.